Daily Sitka Sentinel

State: Voters Can Apply For Absentee Ballots Online

By Sentinel Staff

A new online absentee ballot application system has been implemented by the state Division of Elections.

As of today, those who choose to vote by mail can apply on the website: https://absenteeballotapplication.alaska.gov/ instead of mailing, emailing or faxing their application to DOE.

Alaska voters in the past have had the choice to vote absentee by mail. The new application process will be ‘‘easier and faster for those who wish to apply,’’ the state said in a press release today.

Once an online application is submitted, following review by DOE, the voter will be scheduled to receive a ballot.

To use the new system, voters must have a valid and current Alaska driver’s license or state ID card.

The new system will also allow voters to register to vote or update their voter registration while simultaneously requesting a by-mail ballot.

Voters may apply for all elections in a calendar year on a single application. Applications for a by-mail ballot must be received no later than 10 days before Election Day.

If a voter is unsure if they have already applied, they can check the status of their application and ballot at https://myvoterinformation.alaska.gov/.

Contact the Absentee and Petition Office at (907)270-2700 or akabsentee@alaska.gov if help is needed.