Hoonah Seeks NMFS’ OK In Dock Project

   National Marine Fisheries Service has received a request from the City of Hoonah for authorization to incidentally take marine mammals during construction of the Hoonah Cargo Dock.
    The project involves pile driving and removal activities, which may impact marine mammals in the area, including humpback whales, killer whales, and harbor seals.
    An Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) is proposed under the Marine Mammal Protection Act to allow for the incidental, but not intentional, taking of marine mammals.
    The proposed IHA would cover activities from September 1, 2025, through August 31, 2026, with construction expected to last five months starting in September 2025.
   NMFS is seeking public comments on the proposed authorization and a possible one-time, 1-year renewal.
    Mitigation measures include establishing shutdown zones to prevent marine mammals from entering areas where they could be harmed by construction noise.
    The project isn’t expected to result in serious injury or mortality of marine mammals, and the impact is considered negligible.
   NMFS will consider public comments before making a final decision on the issuance of the IHA.

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January 2005

The Assembly agreed Tuesday to extend Quest Imports International’s bulk water purchase contract for another year. The company has been paying the city for its water rights, with the payments to be applied against the purchase price of water when exports finally start.


January 1975

From On the Go: Steve and Stephanie Vieira had a good time with relatives in California over the California. They’re back at their teaching jobs here now, no doubt happy to be out of all that sunshine.


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