City Outlines Reason for Police Chief Ad

Sentinel Staff Writer
    The city human resources department clarified today that the recent posting on an internet job site for a Sitka police chief is in line with the city’s goals to “recruit and retain employees into permanent budgeted positions,” and that there has been no change in the employment status of current Chief Robert Baty.
    Human Resources Director Joshua Branthoover read a prepared statement to the Sentinel, responding to questions about the job posting on the city website.
    “Robert Baty is employed with the City of Borough of Sitka as the interim police chief, and there has been no change in his employment status,” Branthoover said.
    “One of my primary goals as the HR director is to recruit and retain employees into permanent budgeted positions, as per Assembly and administrator budgets and priorities. Posting the police chief job vacancy notice is the first step in an effort to identify qualified candidates available to fill our permanent budgeted police chief position.”  
    Baty, who’s worked in law enforcement for nearly 40 years, was hired as police chief in 2019, but his official title is interim chief.
    City Administrator John Leach said the police chief position and other positions have been posted on the city’s new job advertising site (, and that Baty is serving as interim chief under a temporary agreement, set to expire June 30, 2025. (The interim chief contract has been renewed annually, the Sentinel was told.)
    “As with any interim position, we continue to advertise for a full-time, regular replacement,” Leach said in a letter responding to a KCAW inquiry, with the Sentinel included in his response.
    “The City recently completed a comprehensive review of all its job descriptions, and we are gradually posting open positions with the new descriptions on our site,” Leach said.
    “Coincidentally, the police chief position was posted last Friday after the job description was finalized. For instance, we have an Interim Public Works Director in place but are actively seeking a full-time, regular candidate for that position as well.”
    Leach also was asked to address questions about how animals were euthanized. He said he has initiated an investigation into the allegations at the animal control and shelter facility, and once it is completed he will share the findings with the Assembly as appropriate.
    “I hope to finish the investigation by the end of this month, barring any disruptions,” Leach said.

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January 2005

The Assembly agreed Tuesday to extend Quest Imports International’s bulk water purchase contract for another year. The company has been paying the city for its water rights, with the payments to be applied against the purchase price of water when exports finally start.


January 1975

From On the Go: Steve and Stephanie Vieira had a good time with relatives in California over the California. They’re back at their teaching jobs here now, no doubt happy to be out of all that sunshine.


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