Garden Prep for
Winter Discussed
Late harvests and preparing the vegetable garden for winter is the subject of the fifth class in the upcoming Sitka Local Foods Network education committee’s garden mentoring program.
The public is invited to join other garden-mentoring families to learn about harvesting and storing potatoes, harvesting lettuce and kale into fall and winter, and preparing vegetable gardens for winter (and spring).
The free class will be held 4:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 6, at Tammy O’Neill’s house, 2309 Merganser Drive. The class is open to all first-time gardeners.
Families who might be interested in participating in the garden mentor program are being encouraged to learn about the opportunities.
For more information, contact Michelle Putz at 747-2708
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Pie Sale Set
At Sea Mart
Eighth-graders will be selling pies 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 4, at Sea Mart to raise funds for the upcoming Washington, D.C., trip in June.
Winter Trolling
Starts Oct. 11
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced the Southeast Alaska/Yakutat commercial winter troll fishery will open 12:01 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 11. It will continue through April 30, or until a total of 45,000 non-Alaska hatchery-produced Chinook salmon plus the number of Alaska hatchery-produced chinook salmon are harvested.
The coordinates for the fishery remain unchanged. Coordinates can be found in the 2014–2015 Winter Troll Fishery Management Plan.
The Hidden Falls and Port Armstrong THAs will be open to trolling through Oct. 10, while the Neets Bay, Anita Bay, and Nakat Inlet THAs will be open to trolling through Nov. 10.
Chinook salmon retention will be allowed in the Terminal Harvest Areas and Special Harvest Areas as part of the winter troll fishery once those areas close.
The Management Plan is currently available in all ADF&G area offices and on the troll fishery website. The Emergency Order corresponding with this announcement is EO 1S741
Ocean Wave
Quilters Meet
The Ocean Wave Quilters Guild will meet Tuesday, Oct. 7, at Grace Harbor Church. Doors open at 6 p.m. with a potluck dinner for all members and anyone interested in quilting and joining the guild.
Dues are $25 and may be paid at the meeting. The business meeting starts at 7 p.m. This month’s meeting will include a presentation by Janine Holzman on how to identify whether or not fabric is 100 percent cotton.
Guild meetings are followed by refreshments and a show and tell. Ocean Wave Quilters meets the first Tuesday of the month. Contact Margie Esquiro at 747-6874 for more information.
Easter Group Meets
Easter Group will hold a work session 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 10, at St. Gregory’s Catholic Church, Bishop Kenny Center.
Easter Group members are being asked to attend to hear Homeless Summit details. The group will be making assignments of tasks still to be completed. For information, contact 747-4109 or
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T’ai Chi Chih
Practice Saturday
T’ai Chi Chih Practice by the Sea will be 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 4, at Crescent Harbor shelter. All are invited to participate. This is not a class.
Work Party Set
On SJ Campus
A volunteer work party will meet 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday at Sweetland Hall on the Sheldon Jackson Campus.
A hot lunch is provided at noon. All are welcome to join at any time. Call the Sitka Fine Arts Camp office at 747-3085 for more information.
Yoga Classes Set
Visiting yoga instructor Ryan Laine will lead a modified Ashtanga primary sequence yoga class 10:15-11:45 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 4, at Yoga Union Studio in the Kellogg Building of the SJ Campus.
The class will be tailored to each practitioner’s ability, and some basic yoga experience is desirable. No signups are required. A donation is suggested. Email
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for more information.
Another workshop, by Lisa Sadlier-Hart, will teach relax and renew restorative yoga 3-5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 4. Space is limited. Sign up either at Yoga Union studio or by emailing Lisa at
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Food Security
Webinar Listed
The public is invited to a free webinar titled “Making Progress on Food Security in the North American North: Building on 15 Years of Research” 10 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7, in Room 202 of the UAS-Sitka Campus.
For more information call the Cooperative Extension Service at 747-9440.
Hames Center
Floor Ready
The Hames Center’s newly refinished gym floor will again be ready for action on Monday, Oct. 6.
Basketball, soccer, hockey, climbing wall, pickleball, roller derby, classes, kid-time and other activities will be back in full force, on their regular schedule.
‘‘Thanks for your patience during this upgrade,’’ the center said. ‘‘And check our new website, hamescenter.ORG, for full schedules and info on how to get involved.’’
Quilt Raffle Raises
Funds for Society
Quilt for a Cure raffle tickets will be on sale at Abby’s Reflection Apparel and Quilt Works during First Friday shopping, 5-8 p.m. Oct. 3.
Tickets will also be on sale at the Elks Lodge during the dinner hour on Saturday.
The quilt is being raffled off by the Sitka Cancer Survivor’s Society. The fund-raiser supports mini grants for local individuals affected by cancer. All funds help to support Sitka residents’ needs in dealing with the disease. Each year for 11 years a quilt has been made and donated by the Ocean Wave Quilt Guild members.
The mission of the Sitka Cancer Survivor’s Society is to honor, education, comfort and inspire individuals and families affected by cancer.
For further information contact Bonnie Richards, board member of the society, at 738-0692.
FASD Group
To Meet Tonight
The FASD Community Support Group will meet 6 p.m. tonight at the Sitka Pioneers Home Manager’s House.
Anyone interested in supporting children or adults living with a fetal alcohol condition is welcome to attend.
Call for more informaiton to 747-7978.