Volunteers Sought
The Sitka Fine Arts Camp will host a Volunteer Day on the Sheldon Jackson Campus 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, meeting at Whitmore Hall.
A hot lunch will be provided at noon. All are welcome to join at any time. Call the Sitka Fine Arts Camp office at 747-3085 for more information.
4-H Club Open
House Tonight
Sitka Spruce Tips 4-H Club will host an open house 5:30-7:30 p.m. tonight at UAS-Sitka Campus, Room 106.
Attendees can enroll for the new 4-H year, help decorate the banner, and learn which project opportunities are available in the community.
New families are encouraged to attend to learn about 4-H in Sitka. All are invited to wear green in celebration of National 4-H week.
For more information contact 4-H Program Assistant Mary Wood at
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or 747-7509.
Native Heritage
Meetings Slated
Sitka Tribe of Alaska will host two planning meetings for Native Heritage Awareness Month at the Sheet’ka Kwáan Naa Kahídi Community House, noon Oct. 16 and Oct. 30.
Sitkans and Sitka agencies and organizations are invited to attend the planning sessions, to contribute ideas and schedule activities for the monthlong commemoration. A light lunch will be provided.
For information, contact Sitka Tribe of Alaska, 747-3207.
STA Tribal
Council Meets
The Sitka Tribe of Alaska Tribal Council will meet 6:30 p.m. Oct. 15 at the Sheet’ka Kwáan Naa Kahídi.
The regular meeting features a Tribal citizens-to-be-heard segment early on the agenda.
For information, contact Kathy Hope Erickson, 747-7352.
Potato Harvest
Tips Offered
The Sitka Local Foods Network education committee encourages people to get their hands dirty as they learn how to harvest potatoes. Participants will also learn how to keep potatoes fresh and ready to eat from now until May.
Michelle Putz will present a free, short, hands-on potato harvesting and storage workshop 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 11, at 131 Shelikof Way. The class is open to everyone.
The Sitka Local Foods Network education committee has been hosting a series of “It’s time to …” workshops this year on various aspects of vegetable gardening and fruit growing. Many of the classes are informal get-togethers at various gardens around town.
More information is available at the website, Facebook page, Facebook group, and local news media for information about upcoming classes.
Those wanting to present an “It’s time to …” workshop, contact Michelle Putz at 747-2708.
YAS Board Sets
Oct. 13 Meeting
Youth Advocates of Sitka’s board of directors will meet 5:15-7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 13, at YAS’s 805 Lincoln Street office. The meeting is open to the public.
Sitka Hunters
Get Reminder
Of Deer Project
A small number of radio-collared deer are in the Sitka area and Starrigavan watershed area, and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game asks hunters to avoid shooting them.
Collars are capturing location and movement data as part of a habitat utilization management project between the department, the Sitka Ranger District, and the Sitka Conservation Society.
The data collected will be used to assess how deer utilize different young growth forest patches that have been thinned or treated for habitat restoration in the Starrigavan watershed. A second smaller group of collared deer, captured in “urban” areas around Sitka, will be used for comparison with the Starrigavan data.
For more information, contact Phil Mooney, ADF&G, at 747-5449; Scott Harris, Sitka Conservation Society, 738-4091; or Chris Leeseberg, Sitka Ranger District, 747-4343.