Injured Sitka Teen Making Progress

Category: News
Created on Thursday, 29 January 2015 13:52
Hits: 6550

By Sentinel Staff

A Sitka bike rider injured Friday in a collision with a pickup truck is improving every day in a Seattle Hospital, his mother said today.

On Wednesday, 15-year-old Cody Bergman was moved out of intensive care and into the acute care unit of Harborview Medical Center, said Sharon Bergman. Her son suffered a head injury, fractured neck and a broken leg in the accident.

“We’re waiting to figure out when he can start rehabilitation,” Sharon Bergman said. She said Cody is responding to commands, and can move his limbs on his own.

 Cody’s mom, his dad, Bert Bergman, and his sister are with him in Seattle, along with his grandparents and an aunt and uncle.

Sharon said they expect Cody will be moved within the next several weeks to Seattle Children’s Hospital for pediatric rehabilitation. “They just have to see how he does,” she said.


Friends of the family have set up an account to help with expenses. The website for donations is, then search for “Cody Bergman.” Donations may also be made to a separate Wells Fargo Bank account: 2416385207, under the name Cody Bergman Medical Fund.