Raffle to Benefit
ANB Camp 1
Raffle tickets are now on sale for $5 each to benefit Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 1.
Items and those who donated them include: child’s cedar hat, Natalie Brown; sea otter headband, Robert Miller; bentwood box, John Garcia; silver bracelet, Doug Chilton; framed photo of Sitka, Thierry Borcy; Pendleton blanket, Brenner’s Fine Clothing and Gifts; pinata and scarf, Fran Hartman; raven’s tail woven pouch, Alfreda Lang; baleen, Boyd Didrickson; pillow set made by Margaret Gross Hope, Harriet Beleal; handmade deer call, Helen Mercado; and beaded necklace, Helen Mercado.
For more information call Harriet Beleal, 738-3470.
Computer Classes
Set for Beginners
Kettleson Memorial Library will offer a free computer basics class for adults who have very limited or no previous experience with computers 9 a.m. March 11, 18, 25 and April 1. Classes will last approximately 45 minutes.
Register either in-person at the library, or by calling 747-8708. Registration is required and must happen before the start of the first session. Space is limited.
This Week in Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is a national empowerment-based program for girls in third-fifth grades, currently in its seventh season at Keet Gooshi Heen Elementary School.
GOTR is more than an after-school activity; it is a program designed to bring girls together with strength and resilience and prepare them for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living. Through dynamic, interactive lessons and running games, GOTR prepares girls for a final celebratory 5K fun run while teaching life-skills and unleashing confidence.
During the first few weeks of the program, participants have been focusing on “Choosing to be a GOTR.” Teams talk about how each of us has the ability, every day, to choose to respect ourselves and others with our words and actions. Some days we might need support from others to make that choice, and it is okay to ask for help.
Here’s what participants have to say about what a GOTR chooses to do:
–“Think good about yourself and others”;
–“Be positive not negative”;
–“Never give up, and encourage other people to try something new.”
Throughout this season, GOTR will keep providing the Sitka community with updates from the program. We also hope to give mentors and parents an opportunity to pass on skills from GOTR to the youths in your life.
Here are some conversation starters for talking with kids about positive self-talk (adapted from the GOTR Grown-up Guide.)
–Do we sometimes do things without thinking about them? What is something that you do every day without thinking about it?
–Why is it important for us to think about why we do the things we do instead of just doing them?
–We all have positive thoughts sometimes and negative thoughts sometimes. How do you feel when there are negative thoughts in your head? Positive thoughts?
–Is it our choice to plug into positive or negative thoughts? (Yes!)
Girls on the Run is sponsored by Sitkans Against Family Violence. Call 747-3370 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
Singers Sought
For Easter Service
Practice for the Easter sunrise service at Centennial Hall will be 3 p.m. Sunday, March 1, at the United Methodist Church, 303 Kimsham.
All singers are invited. Those with questions can call Gloria, 747-3656.
Dementia Topic
Of BHV Program
Brave Heart Volunteers and Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska will host a discussion on the effects of dementia diseases on language areas of the brain 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, at the Sitka Pioneers Home Manager’s House.
‘‘The need to communicate and stay connected with others is not diminished by dementia; only made more challenging,’’ Brave Heart Volunteers said.
Call Taylor at BHV at 747-4600 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
Dementia Care
Topic of Workshop
‘‘Savvy Professional in Dementia Care’’ is the topic of an interactive workshop sponsored by Brave Heart Volunteers and Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska for the interactive workshop 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday, March 12, at Centennial Hall.
The workshop explores the real challenges faced by organizations and facilities working to put into practice the principles of person-centered dementia care.
Call Taylor at BHV at 747-4600 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
STA Office Closed
Sitka Tribe of Alaska’s Social Services will be closed to the public the afternoon of March 5, and all day March 6 for its annual retreat.
All business matters should be directed to the administration building at 456 Katlian on the two days. Any additional questions can be directed to 747-7293.
Film ‘Whip It’
To be Screened
Sitka Sound Slayers, Sitka’s women of roller derby, will host a screening of the film “Whip It” 8:30 p.m. Feb. 27 at The Pub.
A dance party with Meathead MC will follow.
The $10 suggested donation benefits the Slayers
Dementia Care
Virtual Tour Set
‘‘Savvy Professional in Dementia Care: The Virtual Dementia Tour’’ will be offered by Brave Heart Volunteers and Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska Friday, March 13, by appointment at the Pioneers Home Manager’s House.
The experience of dementia is simulated to help others understand what dementia may be like.
Call Taylor at BHV at 747-4600 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to sign up.
Herring Camp
Takes Signups
The Knowledge of Herring camp has expanded registration for the March 16-20 camp to all middle school aged students.
Applications are at Blatchley Middle School’s front desk, Sitka National Historical Park’s visitor center or online at www.nps.gov/sitk. Applicants who turn in their registration by March 6 will receive priority consideration.
Herring Camp is sponsored by the Sitka School District and the Outdoor Foundation, in partnership with the Sitka Tribe of Alaska and Sitka National Historical Park.
The camp is a free, weeklong marine science and culture camp to provide students the chance to explore the cultural and ecological importance of herring in a hands-on environment. Participants will use cutting-edge technology while working with renowned marine ecologist Michelle Ridgway to study Pacific herring in the field and in the lab.
Organizers said that students who take on the challenge of herring camp will be rewarded with valuable experience conducting scientific and traditional knowledge-driven research and will gain a deeper understanding of the critical role herring play in Southeast Alaska’s marine ecosystem as well as the significant cultural importance of this keystone species.
Daily camp activities will include observing herring and other marine wildlife during field trips, conducting research throughout Sitka Sound and in the lab, learning about herring’s cultural significance from Native elders and culture bearers, exploring Sitka’s coastline to learn about critical herring habitat and using advanced scientific technology. Each daily session, held from 12:30-5:30 p.m., will conclude with a presentation or field activity lead by scientists, Native elders or local herring experts.
Completed applications should be returned to staff at Sitka National Historical Park’s visitor center 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. For additional information please contact Ryan Carpenter at 747-0110.
New Arrivals
Baby Girl Loomis
Joyelle Kai Loomis was born 12:43 p.m. Jan. 28 at Sitka Community Hospital.
At birth, the infant weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 21.5 inches long.
Parents are Marlie and Cody Loomis of Sitka. The mother is employed at the Sitka School District and the father is self-employed.
Joyelle joins a brother, Grayson Loomis.
Health Panel Meets
The STA Health Committee will meet noon-1 p.m. Friday, March 13, at the STA Social Services building, 110 American Street.
Community members interested in joining the committee are to call 747-7293.
Job Center Hours
Limited March 6-9
The Sitka Job Center will have limited services available March 5-9. Self-services will be available to reset passwords or update resumes.
For assistance call the Juneau Job Center, 465-2952. Those who need assistance with ALEXsys can call 877-724-2539, choose option 2. For unemployment assistance call 1-907-465-5552.