Wearable Art
Get Request
Those with wearable arts pieces are invited to wear them again for the 6th annual Sitka Seafood Festival parade 11:45 a.m. Aug. 8. Lineup is 11-11:30 a.m.
The parade will follow the tote race at Crescent Harbor, which starts at 11 a.m.
Prizes include $100 for the best float and $50 for the best child costume. No entry fee is required.
The parade route will be Crescent Harbor to the SJ Campus.
Call Linda at 747-6985 with questions or to register ahead of time.
Woman’s Club
Meets Saturday
Sitka Woman’s Club will meet noon March 7 at Westmark Sitka.
The club, dedicated to community service, was founded under the name of the Friendly Club in 1917. In 1939 it affiliated with the Woman’s Clubs of America and was incorporated as a non-profit in 1951 when W.P. Mills Co. offered to donate the Rangehild building to the club in return for the club’s caring for the gravesites of William Richie and Mary C. Mills. The house, built in 1897, is at 300 Harbor Drive, and is now occupied by the Knitting With Class shop.
Affiliated with the Woman’s Club is the Sitka Young Woman’s Club, also dedicated to community service and in helping girls gain the confidence to become leaders.
Sitka Woman’s Club president Robin Shull can be reached at 747-0559 or 738-1934.
This Week in Girls on the Run
By Sitkans Against Family Violence
Girls on the Run is an empowerment-based program for girls in third-fifth grades, currently in its sixth season at Keet Gooshi Heen Elementary School. GOTR is more than an after-school activity; it is a program designed to bring girls together with strength and resilience and prepare them for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living.
Recently in GOTR participants have been learning about emotional health. Girls learn there are no “bad” emotions, just ones that make us comfortable or uncomfortable. Teams practiced skills to identify their own emotions and express them in a positive and constructive way. Here’s what girls said about being emotionally healthy:
“It’s important to figure out what you’re feeling, because if you don’t then you kind of overreact on everything, even things that don’t make sense. And you might put [that feeling] out on other people instead of calming down.”
“If you’re having a bad day and someone’s trying to help you and you just yell at them, you make them feel bad.”
“If you’re feeling really stressed and alone and someone asks you to take deep breaths, you should because it can help you keep calm.”
“The healthiest thing I do when I’m angry is go out to a beach with one of my chickens. I hang out there for a while and calm down.”
Throughout this season, GOTR will keep providing the Sitka community with updates from the program. We also hope to give mentors and parents an opportunity to pass on skills from GOTR to the youths in your life. Here are some conversation starters for talking with kids about emotional health.
–Have you ever had a feeling inside, but you didn’t know what emotion it was?
–What happens if we feel like we can’t express some of our emotions?
–Why is it important to let our friends and family feel all of their emotions, even if it makes us uncomfortable?
–How can pausing and taking a deep breath help you figure out what you’re feeling?
Save the date for the final GOTR community 5K Fun Run on May 2. Stay tuned for more details. Girls on the Run is sponsored in Sitka by Sitkans Against Family Violence. Call 747-3370 for more information.
YAS to Meet
Youth Advocates of Sitka’s board of directors will meet 5:15-7 p.m. Monday, March 9, at YAS, 805 Lincoln Street. The meeting is open to the public.
School Board Meets
The Sitka School Board will hold a budget work session 6 p.m. March 12 in the district office board room. The meeting is open to all.
Canoe Gathering
Planning on Tap
A planning meeting for the Gathering of the Canoes this spring will be 7 p.m. Thursday, March 5, at the ANB Founders Hall.
Anyone interested in more information is invited to attend.
Meet on Sunday
Sitka Kaagwaantaan will meet 3 p.m. Sunday, March 8, in Room 114 at Blatchley Middle School.
State Budget
The House Finance Committee statewide budget meeting for Sitka constituents will be 4:30-6 p.m. Thursday, March 5, via teleconference at the Sitka Legislative Information Office, 201 Katlian Street, Suite 200A.
Individuals must arrive by 4 p.m. and sign in to be heard.
Those wishing to fax comments to the committee may drop them by the LIO prior to the meeting.
The House Finance Committee statewide operating and mental health budget hearings will be heard March 3-5. To testify or listen in, call Marie Murray at 747-6276. The fax number is 747-5806.
Discovery Days
At Science Center
Growing plants is the subject of the Discovery Days event 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 7, at the Sitka Sound Science Center.
Participants will take home a plant. Discovery Days are SSSC current member events. Memberships can be purchased at the door. Family memberships start at $90 and individual memberships start at $30 for the year. For more information contact Ashley at 747.8878 extension 3, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Fifth-Grade Band
Concert Featured
The fifth grade band “Almost Spring Concert” will be held 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, at the Performing Arts Center.
The concert will feature full band pieces as well as solos and small ensembles. Admission is free and open to the public.
Monthly Grind Set
The Sitka Monthly Grind will host its annual singer-songwriter showcase 7 p.m. Saturday, March 14, at the Sitka Performing Arts Center.
Local performers will take to the stage for a night of original music from a variety of genres. Tickets are available at Old Harbor Books at $5 general, and $1 children under 12.
Attendees who purchase a ticket and bring baked goods to share the night of the concert will be refunded the price of their ticket.
The Sitka Monthly Grind is sponsored by the Greater Sitka Arts Council and is a family-friendly, non-political event.
Alaska Author
To Read March 9
Alaskan author and journalist Dave Atcheson will read from his new book on commercial fishing 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 9, at Old Harbor Books.
The event is free and open to the public.
‘Chuitna’ Film
Premieres Here
Sitkans are invited to join the Alaskans First Campaign and the Sitka Conservation Society for the local premiere of “Chuitna” 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, at the Larkspur.
The documentary film chronicles the journey of conservation-minded fly fishermen on a trip to fish and protect Alaska’s salmon-rich Chuitna Watershed from the devastating impacts of the proposed Chuitna Coal mine, the Sitka Conservation Society said.
Pastries, coffee and tea will be provided. The family-friendly event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the Sitka Conservation Society at 747-7509 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
T’ai Chi Chih
Practice Listed
T’ai Chi Chih Practice by the Sea will be 10 a.m. Saturday, March 7, at Knitting With Class. All are invited to participate. It is not a class.
Tickets on Sale
For Wearable Arts
Tickets are still available for the seventh annual Sitka Wearable Art Show and Runway Extravaganza on March 7 at Centennial Hall. Two shows are planned – 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Tickets are on sale at Old Harbor Books. Doors open a half hour before each show. Those with questions may call 747-4821. The show is sponsored by the Greater Sitka Arts Council.
Kappa Gamma
Chapter to Meet
Kappa Gamma Iota Chapter will meet for a tea party 10 a.m. Saturday, March 7, at Judy Kearns-Steffen’s home.
Discussion items will be scholarships and support for the early-years guidance program at Baranof and Keet Gooshi Heen elementary schools.
Raffle Tickets
Now on Sale
The Sitka Soccer Club will sell raffle tickets noon-4 p.m. Sunday, March 7, at Sea Mart. Tickets are $10 each.
Prizes are: $1,000 Sea Mart gift certificate; iPhone 6, 16 GB gray, valued at $750; $300 Orion Sporting Goods gift certificate; and $100 seal fur ear muffs made by Robert Miller.
For further information contact Kris Fulton at 738-3103.
Yin Yoga, Music
Concert March 6
Mike Snider will teach a yin yoga class accompanied by the voice of Ellen Sevigny 5:15-6:30 p.m. Friday, March 6, at the Yoga Union studio on the SJ Campus.
It is open to all ages and levels. Call (907)623-7022 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions.
Flea Market Set
For March 14
The Sea Mountain Golf Association Clubhouse will host a flea market 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on March 14. Various items will be available.
Those wanting to sell items may rent a table – $50 for two eight-foot tables – by calling Tom at 738-3135.