March 13, 2015 Community Happenings

Category: News
Created on Friday, 13 March 2015 10:41
Hits: 6961

‘Safe Keet Kids’

Program Started

Sitka Community Hospital Injury Prevention Program, in collaboration with Keet Gooshi Heen Elementary School, has started a new program – Safe Keet Kid of the Month. 

The first Safe Keet Kid is Loren Peterson, who is being recognized for practicing safety while bike riding to school.

“Peterson is a great example for other Keet kids, practicing important safety techniques that could save a life,” said Chris Voron, Keet Gooshi Heen student success coordinator, who implemented the new program. ‘‘Way to go, Loren Peterson.’’

Peterson is in Tyler Orbison’s fifth-grade class.

For more information about Sitka Community Hospital Injury Prevention program contact Patrick Williams at 747-0349. 



Tribal Council Meets

The Sitka Tribe of Alaska Tribal Council will meet 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, at the Sheet’ka Kwaan Naa Kahidi. 

The meeting is open to the public, and includes an invitation for public comment on issues of concern under “Tribal Citizens to be Heard.”

For information, contact Kathy Hope Erickson, 747-7352.



Story Time Set

The next Preschool Story time program at Kettleson Memorial Library will be 10:30 a.m. Thursday, March 19. The book ‘‘Spring is Here,’’ by Will Hillenbrand, will be one of the readings.

Songs, games around literacy activities and a craft project will also be part of the program. Everybody is welcome. For more information call the library at 747-8708.



To Meet Tonight

Sitka Kaagwaantaan will gather 5 p.m. Friday, March 13, for a fundraising planning meeting.


Child Find

Screening Set

Sitka School District will provide a Child Find preschool screening for children ages 3-5 on Friday, April 3, at the Rasmuson Building on the SJ Campus.

An appointment is required. For more information, or to schedule a screening appointment, parents should call the Baranof Elementary office at 966-1334 or Mandy Evans, special education director, at 966-1253.

The program is provided without charge to families who live within Sitka Borough School District boundaries.

The purpose of the program is to identify children who are having difficulty in their development; and provide special education services to them, when it is appropriate.

Parents may have concerns about their child’s development in the areas of hearing, vision, speech/language skills, motor skills, thinking skills and emotional or social skills.

The screening is a series of short tests and professional observations in various developmental areas. Children who are unable to pass one or more areas of the screening may have a developmental delay. The screening, however, is not enough to determine that a child is delayed; it is only designed  to indicate whether further investigation into a child’s developmental progress is necessary.

Screenings for children ages 3-5 will be held at the Rasmuson Building, at least once per quarter, and those dates will be announced. Additional appointments at other times or locations may be scheduled as needed.


Cancer Support

Given March 22

Sitka Cancer Support Group will meet on the fourth Sunday this month – March 22 – at 1 p.m. at the Pioneers Home Manager’s House.

The meeting was originally scheduled for March 15.

Those in cancer treatment and cancer survivors are invited to spend some time with others who understand what they are going through. The support group is sponsored by Sitka Cancer Survivors Society. Call or email Mary Beth with questions or if a ride is needed to attend, at 623-0842, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Town Hall Meet

On Marijuana

The health effects of marijuana will be the topic of a town hall meeting 6:30-8 p.m. Monday, March 30, in the Maksoutoff Room at Centennial Hall. 

Opening statements will be made by each of the four guest panelists, followed by a time for audience members to ask questions, give information or make comments. The goal of the meeting is to provide information on the pros and cons of smoking, ingesting or using cannabis. 

The meeting is sponsored by the Sitka Community Hospital and the City and Borough of Sitka. For more information call meeting moderator Doug Osborne at 747-0373. 


Clam Chowder

Lunch March 18

A clam chowder luncheon will be held Wednesday, March 18, at the Sheet’ka Kwaan Naa Kahidi.

The luncheon is a fundraiser for the Gathering of the Canoes event to be held in Sitka in the spring.



Haida Basketry,


Class March 21

The Sheldon Jackson Museum will host a free, family friendly At Saxan Third Saturday Program 1 p.m. Saturday, March 21.

Participants will make their own plaited Haida baskets. The program is best for children ages 6-10. 

This is the last At Saxan Third Saturday Program until September. The program will stop for the summer months due to other activities. 

Call 747-8981 to register a child to make their basket.

To register or for more information, call 747-8981 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  



Officials to Test

Tsunami Warning

System in Alaska

NOAA’s National Weather Service, the Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and the Alaska Broadcasters Association plan to conduct a test of the tsunami warning communications system on Wednesday, March 25, at approximately 10:15 a.m. Alaska Daylight Time. 

 The emergency test will be broadcast on NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards, local television and radio stations, and residents in some communities may hear warning sirens. To avoid any confusion with an actual alert, the test will be canceled if there is excessive seismic activity within 24 hours prior to the test.

Many television systems are programmed to scroll a standard emergency alert text message and in some cases, the message may not contain the word “TEST.”  An audio message will say that the message is only a test, but if the volume is turned down or otherwise unheard, viewers may not realize the message is a test.  In addition, siren audio may not contain the word “TEST.”

Officials are asking coastal Alaskans to provide feedback online at

The test is part of Tsunami Preparedness Week, March 22-28. NOAA’s National Tsunami Warning Center Web site offers complete information, including the current status of tsunami warnings, advisories and watches. A list of frequently asked tsunami questions and answers as well as tsunami safety rules can be found on the Center’s site under “Education.”


STA Panel to Meet

The Sitka Tribe of Alaska’s Cultural, Customary, and Traditional Committee will meet noon Monday, March 16, at  the STA Resource Protection Department Office at 429 Katlian Street.

A light lunch will be provided. The public is invited to attend.  

STA is encouraging tribal citizens to serve on the committee. Those with questions may contact Resource Protection Director Jeff Feldpausch at 747-7469.


Art Exhibit, Silent

Auction Tonight

The Greater Sitka Arts Council and the Sitka Health Summit are hosting “The Art of Health,” a collaborative exhibit and silent auction fundraiser.

The opening party is 5-8 p.m. tonight at the Homeport Eatery.  The auction will run through Friday, March 20. 

On display and available for bid are 20 pieces of local art that explore themes of personal and community health and wellness. Pieces represent various media. Artists include Norm Campbell, Steve Lawrie, Vivian Faith Prescott, Cara Jane Murray, Laura Kaltenstein, Katie Mulligan, Ashia Lane, Kija Elstad, Tracy Sylvester, Janet Berlin, Amy Sweeney, Chad Vickery and Sarah Joan Lawrie.  

The exhibit intends to promote creative conversations around health and wellness. All proceeds benefit the Greater Sitka Arts Council and the Sitka Health Summit. For more information, contact Sarah Lawrie at 738-5234 or Melissa Marconi Wentzel at 738-0462.


Women’s Night

At Hames Center

The Hames Center will host its second Women’s Night 4-6 p.m. Saturday, March 21, at the Hames Center.

Women are invited to learn about fermented foods with Dr. Julien Naylor, get a high-intensity interval workout with Jessica Fransen, and a core activation workshop with physical therapist Jessica Pyatt.

The event is free to all women due to support from the Sitka Alaska Permanent Charitable Trust and Hames Wellness Fund. Sign up at or call 747-5080 for more information.


Doc Talk Series

Talk March 18

The Doc Talk series continues at the Hames Center 7 p.m. March 18 with Dr. Loren Laybourn, who will speak on ‘‘Musculoskeletal Ultrasound as a Supplement to MRI Imaging.’

Talks are free, open to the community, and healthy snacks and refreshments are provided. It is sponsored by SEARHC-Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital and the Hames Center.

Call 747-5080 or go to the website,, for further information.