April 22, 2015 Community News

Category: News
Created on Wednesday, 22 April 2015 10:14
Hits: 6438

Volunteers Sought

On SJ Campus

The Sitka Fine Arts Camp will host a volunteer work day Saturday on the historic Sheldon Jackson Campus 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, April 25, meeting in front of Whitmore Hall.

Lunch will be provided at noon in the Rasmuson building. Anyone is welcome to join at any time, and no experience is necessary. A variety of projects is available for all skill levels.

Call the Sitka Fine Arts Camp office at 747-3085, or write to Jacob Peterson, SFAC Volunteer Coordinator, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.


Umpire Clinic

Set Thursday

Sitka Little League will host an umpire clinic with Sam Griffith 5:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 23, in the Blatchley Middle School library and 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday, April 24, at Vilandre Field.

The umpire clinic will emphasize field and plate mechanics and ways to better understand the baseball and softball rules of Little League.

It is free and open to all umpires, aspiring umpires, managers, coaches and parents. Rule books and refreshments will be provided.


Babies, Books

Story Time Set

The monthly Sitka Babies and Books program will be held 10:30 a.m. Saturday, April 25, at Kettleson Memorial Library.

The month’s theme will be nursery rhymes for babies and toddlers and it will include dance and music. The nursery rhyme dance program will be hosted by Keturah Kinsman and Mary Beth Palof.

Children from birth to age three, along with their parents, caretakers, family and friends, are welcome to this lively 20-minute program.

For more information, call Kettleson at 747-8708.


Big Rig Rally on Saturday

The 3 to 5 Preschool third annual Big Rig Rally fundraiser is 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, April 25, at the Mt. Edgecumbe High School parking area.

Many vehicles – big and small, old and new, will be on hand to see,  touch, and climb in and on. A few rigs will be available so children can get on them with the drivers.

The cost is $10 per adult, $5 for ages 2 and older and $20 per family. Food and drinks, and pink and yellow plastic construction hats, will be for sale. Everyone who attends may put their name in a drawing for a ride for five on the Sitka Fire Department’s red ladder truck. 

The sponsors of the event are Absolute Tree Care, Arrowhead Transfer, AC Lakeside, Coastal Excavation, Prewitt Enterprises, S.E. Earthmovers, Sea Mart, Sitka Dental and Tisher Construction.

Those who would like to volunteer to help or have a vehicle they would like to put in to the event may contact Marcia at 747-3071. 


Accessories Sought

For Photo Exhibit

The Sitka Historical Society is seeking simple accessories – hats, scarves, vests, glasses – that may have been worn during the 1920s through the 1970s.

Accessories will be used for photo shoots during the Photo Shop exhibit opening on May 1. Call Sheila at 738-3098 for more information.


Kayaking Taught

A community kayaking class is being offered through Sitka Community Schools.

The class is taught by Allison Dunlap in the BMS pool. Registration is open at Community Schools. The class runs 3-7 p.m. beginning May 16. The cost is $100.


UAS Sitka Campus to Hold

Commencement on May 1

 The University of Alaska Southeast, Sitka Campus, will hold its commencement exercises 7 p.m. Friday, May 1. This year, it will be held at the Odess Theater in Allen Hall on the SJ Campus.

Graduating students, their families and friends, and the general public are invited to attend. The university faculty and staff will join the celebration along with Sitka Campus Advisory Council members, UA President Pat Gamble, UAS Chancellor John Pugh and Provost Richard Caulfield, and several University of Alaska regents.

Commencement speaker Teri Rofkar, an internationally known Tlingit artist from Sitka, will be presented with an honorary doctor of fine arts degree. 

A cultural dance will incorporate a dozen of the Raven’s-tail robes that Rofkar has woven. Each robe is a significant, valuable work of art that took Rofkar over a year to create.

“There are only eleven ancient Raven’s-tail robes that we know of in the world at this time,’’ Rofkar said. ‘‘What makes this event historic is that at least twelve of my robes will be dancing together on one stage. Everyone who is there will get wrapped up in this unprecedented cultural event!” 

The faculty speaker this year will be Dr. Paul Bahna. Rachel Prochnow, a graduating HIM student, will offer her reflections.

The Sitka Campus is unusual in that 85 percent of its students study from cities and rural villages throughout Alaska and in locations around the world. This year an average of 902 students have been enrolled in Sitka Campus academic and professional development coursework each semester, receiving a total of almost 9,200 credit hours of instruction this academic year. Another 541 students took on-campus or online “non-credit” or continuing education classes from the university during the two semesters. 

Approximately three dozen local students are receiving diplomas, certificates, and occupational endorsements. An ad in the Sentinel on Friday, April 24, will list their names.

 Graduating students are asked to participate in one of two rehearsals if possible – either at noon or at 5 p.m. Friday. For the ceremony, they should arrive at the Odess Theater in Allen Hall between 6 and 6:30 p.m. so they can be robed and ready for lineup beginning at 6:30 p.m. sharp. Caps and gowns for students will be pressed and ready for them at Allen Hall. 

A reception will follow, with music provided by Joshua Houston and Kammie Daniels. Refreshments will be served.

Complimentary photography of students and their families by Owen Kindig will follow the ceremony.


Children’s Book

Day Set at Library

Kettleson Memorial Library will celebrate the Dia, Children’s Day/Book Day with a bilingual story time in English and Spanish on Thursday, April 30.

The preschool program includes two piñatas made by the SEER school students and parents and readings, songs and an easy craft. This event is for pre- school ages and their caregivers, but everybody is welcome. For more information call the library at 747-8708.

El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Children’s Day/Book Day), known as Día, is a celebration every day of children, families and reading that culminates every year on April 30. The celebration emphasizes the importance of advocating literacy for children of all linguistic and cultural backgrounds