Women Offered
The Sitka Woman’s Club is offering two $1,000 scholarships to single mothers engaged in an academic or vocational pursuit to become self-sufficient in supporting and providing for her family. The deadline to apply for the 2015 Waldo Mills Scholarship is Dec. 14.
Awards can be applied towards tuition for Alaskan college courses, vocational training or correspondence courses. Applicants must reside in Sitka, and may be part-time or full-time students.
To apply for a scholarship, applicants are asked to write a one-page letter describing their present situation, and stating their educational goals and objectives. Letters should be sent to the Sitka Woman’s Club, 300 Harbor Drive, Sitka AK 99835. Applications must be postmarked by Dec. 14. Scholarships will be announced and awarded on Dec. 21. For more information, call Karen at 747-7803.
The Sitka Woman’s Club is dedicated to serving the community of Sitka by being an organized center of thought and action that champions humanitarian causes, fosters closer personal acquaintance, and provides mutual assistance through social venues that promote the general well-being and prosperity of all with a focus on women and children. And has the distinct honor of being the oldest social organization for women in Sitka, and continues to serve the community to this day, the club said.
BIHA to Meet
Baranof Island Housing Authority’s board of commissioners will meet 5 p.m. Nov. 17 at 245 Katlian Street.
The public is welcome to attend.
Turkey Shoot
Nov. 21 to Honor
William Stortz
The Sitka Sportsman’s Association announces its annual turkey shoot will be held 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 21.
No experience is necessary. Anyone hitting a colored clay target during a normal round of trap or skeet will win a turkey, or a coupon for a free round of trap or skeet. There is a limit of one turkey or coupon per shooter. The cost is $15 per round and includes ammunition. Club shotguns are available for use at no charge.
‘‘This year, we will pause shooting at noon to provide a free barbecue lunch and to unveil the new William Stortz memorial ‘Perfect 25’ plaque,’’ the association said. ‘‘Stortz was tragically killed in Sitka’s August landslide. He was a longtime member of the Sitka Sportsman’s Association who was our friend, an active volunteer and a mentor to many of our trap and skeet shooters.’’
For more information contact Steve at 738-7267.
Celebration Set
To Honor Elders
Sitka Tribe of Alaska invites all to help celebrate elders at a community gathering and dinner 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 20 in the Sheet’ka Kwáan Naa Kahídi Community House. Admission is free.
All elders present will be recognized, and special guests at the event will be Tribal Citizens of the Year Charles Daniels, Herman Davis Sr., Herbert Didrickson, Alfred Gordon, Maria Guthrie, Pauline Hammock, Frederick Hope, Percy Hope, Glen Howard Sr., Elizabeth Howard, Evelyn Johnson, Harold Kitka, Ethel Makinen, Mary I. Miller, Edith Mork, Loretta Ness, James Nielsen Sr., Willis F. Osbakken, Josephine Patterson, Marta Ryman, Louie Simpson, Gilbert Truitt, Lawrence Widmark Sr., Nicholas Williams and Ethel Willis.
For information, contact Sitka Tribe of Alaska at 747-3207.
BBBS Lunch
To be Friday
The Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Big lunch will be held noon-12:45 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13, at the Loft Sitka. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m.
The event is an opportunity to learn more about the program and its positive impact on youths in the community, organizers said.
The event is free to the public, but an RSVP is appreciated by calling 747-3500 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Applique Class
Listed Saturday
Ocean Wave Quilt Guild will offer a class taught by Lisa Moore 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 14, at the Church of Christ.
The class, “Fusible Applique, Start to Finish and Everything in Between,” will teach tips and tricks for fusible applique, as well as how to finish the project.
Students can choose from starting with a pattern and cutting their own applique, or start with a laser cut kita and end up with a finished project.
Free motion quilting or even-feed quilting are included as part of the class. The class is open to guild members for $20 and non-members for $25. Call Margie at 747-6874 or Lisa at 747-5534 with questions.
Elder Connection
Meeting Nov. 20
Seniors, caregivers and community members who are interested in improving Sitka’s senior services and strengthening the senior community are invited to join in on the conversation with the Sitka Health Summit’s Elder Connection Committee 1 p.m. Friday, Nov. 20, at the Hames Center.
Contact Lily at 738-0560 for more information.
Chamber to Meet
Katherine Pruissian and Jacki Foss will present a program on Sitka’s Geo Task Force at the Chamber luncheon noon Wednesday at Westmark Sitka.
Chamber luncheons are open to the public.
November Chamber activities include the board of directors election and chamber update at the Nov. 25 luncheon; and the tax-free holiday Nov. 27-28.
Sitka Playground
Planning Slated
The Sitka Playground Planning Committee will meet 6 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16, at Sitka Community Hospital in the classroom.
All are invited to attend to help plan the design, location and details of the new community playground. Work has already begun. For more information contact Meggan Turner at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on Facebook under Sitka Community Playground.
Artisans Market
Slated Dec. 11-13
The Greater Sitka Arts Council will present the Sitka Artisans Market 4:30-7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 11, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, and 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13, at Allen Hall on the SJ Campus.
‘‘Shop local for the finest in locally made gifts for the holidays,’’ the arts council said.
For more information visit www.ThinkArtThinkSitka.com or call 747-2787.
Fall Art Walk
Listed Nov. 27
The Greater Sitka Arts Council announces the Fall Art Walk to be 5-9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 27.
New work presented by local artists. This year the event will feature a chance to win a $100 gift card – simply by visiting all the participating venues.
For more information visit ThinkArtThinkSitka.com or call 738-5234.
Holiday Craft
Party Dec. 12
The Greater Sitka Arts Council will host its annual Holiday Craft Party noon-2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, at the Yaw Building on SJ Campus.
The party is open to kids of all ages and offers a selection of free holiday activities. It will feature dance demonstrations by Sitka Studio of Dance. Call 747-2787 or visit ThinkArtThinkSitka.com for more information.
Cancer Support
Group to Meet
Sitka Cancer Support Group will meet 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 15, at the Brave Heart Volunteer/Manager’s Building of the Pioneer Home located behind the Mt. Edgecumbe Preschool on Seward Street.
Those in cancer treatment, cancer survivors, and those in their families are invited to spend time with others who understand what they are going through. The support group is sponsored by Sitka Cancer Survivors Society. Call or e-mail Mary Beth with questions or if you need a ride to attend, at 623-0842, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Softball Association
Elections Nov. 14
The Sitka Softball Association will be voting in a new board of directors 4 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Elks Lodge.
All team representatives are requested to attend, along with any interested SSA members.
Story Time Set
‘‘Bear Says Thanks,’’ by Karma Wilson will be one of the readings during a preschool story time 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 19, at Kettleson Memorial Library.
Readings, rhymes, songs and a craft project are included. All are welcome. For more information call 747-8708.
Services Friday for
Mary ‘Amy’ James
A memorial service for Mary ‘‘Amy’’ James, 98, will be noon-3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13, at the ANB Founders Hall.
Mary was born in Tee Harbor (Juneau) and moved to Sitka in 1981.
A full obituary will printed in the Sentinel.
Discovery Days
Event Nov. 14
Participants in Sitka Sound Science Center’s Discovery Days will learn about the water cycle and watersheds 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, Nov. 14.
All are invited to stop by to observe the different stages of the water cycle and create your own model of a watershed.
Discovery Days are SSSC current member events, but memberships can be purchased at the door (family memberships start at $90 or individual memberships start at $30 for the year). For more information contact Kristina at 747.8878 extension 1.
Gymnastics Team
Selling Raffle Tickets
The Hames Center gymnastics program is selling raffle tickets on a chance to win an American Girl doll with accessories.
Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased at the Hames Center or Abby’s Reflection Apparel and Quiltworks.
The drawing will be held 6 p.m. on Dec. 18.