November 13, 2015 Community Happenings

Category: News
Created on Friday, 13 November 2015 10:32
Hits: 9716

Speaker to Talk on Evangelism

to the Muslim World


Joshua Lingel will speak at Sitka Christian Center, 502 Hirst Street, Sunday, Nov. 15, the 10:30 a.m. service.

He is the founder and president of i2 Ministries, a global organization training Christians to target and evangelize the Muslim world. 

At age 18, Lingel said, he received his life-calling when the Holy Spirit spoke to him to train the global church to evangelize the Muslim world in one generation.

He has been involved in leading large groups in inner city evangelism amongst the local mosques in Seattle, Los Angeles and London in addition to evangelistic outreaches into the 10-40 Window. He also served on the pastoral and teaching staff of Mill Creek Four Square Church while in Seattle. Lingel is well known as a global missions strategist, conference speaker, trainer, and apologist, a press release said. 

Lingel has pursued Muslim evangelism and Islamic studies at six universities in the United States and Europe over the past 19 years. He has earned degrees and pursued post-graduate studies at the University of Washington, Harvard University, (SOAS) University of London, Knox Seminary, Biola University, and the Talbot School of Theology. 

Endorsements for his ministry include: Ravi Zacharias president, RZIM Ministries; and Josh McDowell, founder, Josh McDowell Ministry.

The public is invited to attend and a nursery will be provided. For more information call Pastor Bob Benton at 747-3680.


Babies and Books

Program Nov. 21

Sitka Babies and Books November’s program at Kettleson Memorial Library 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 21, will be the theme “Happy Thanks Reading.” 

The program includes readings, songs and an easy craft project for toddlers. Babies and preschoolers are also welcome and no registration is required. For more information call the library at 747 8708


Help Offered

Signing Up For

Health Insurance

Open enrollment through the Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Marketplace is from Nov. 1 through Jan. 31.

To help community members navigate the process, SEARHC Outreach and Enrollment Manager Andrea Thomas is offering a presentation noon  Friday, Nov. 20, at  Kettleson Memorial Library. The presentation will include information about affordable health care coverage available through the Health Insurance Marketplace and explain who is eligible, who qualifies for lower-cost health coverage, pitfalls to avoid and how to enroll. Thomas will also discuss Medicaid eligibility requirements and how to apply.

“Please come to the presentation if you have questions about applying for insurance on the Health Insurance Marketplace website or about Medicaid,” Thomas said. “We are trained to help you navigate the process of getting yourself covered and avoid common Marketplace problems.” 

SEARHC is a Certified Application Counselor agency offering free assistance to all Southeast residents. Those who have questions or would like additional information are encouraged to call 966-8883 or 966-8662 for more information.


Unitarians Meet

Kathy Kyle will lead an exploration of the questions ‘‘What is sin?  Is every human being since Adam and Eve born in a state of original sin?’’ at Sunday’s Unitarian Fellowship meeting.

Fellowship begins at 10:30 a.m., with the program beginning at 10:45.  Soup and bread follow at noon. The Fellowship Hall is located at 408 Marine Street, with parking behind off Spruce Street.


Kyle David Doherty and Sasha Driscoll Stortz. (Photo provided to the Sentinel)


Wedding Bells for Sasha Stortz, Kyle Doherty

Sasha Driscoll Stortz and Kyle David Doherty were married Sept. 20 at the Flagstaff, Arizona, Arboretum. Jeff Propster, friend of the couple who introduced them, performed the ceremony.

The bride, the daughter of William and Libby Stortz of Sitka, is employed as a senior research specialist with Northern Arizona Landscape Conservation Initiative. She is a 2003 Sitka High graduate. She earned her bachelor of arts in biology degree from Lewis and Clark College in 2007 and a master of science degree in environmental sciences and policy from Arizona University in 2014.

The groom is an ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. He is the son of Wendy and Tim Doherty of California. He earned a bachelor of science degree in ecology and evolution from University of California Davis in 2008 and a master of science in biology in 2014 from Arizona University. He is currently a doctoral candidate.

The maid of honor was former Sitkan Megan Coffland. The best man was Ryan Seumptewa.

The two honeymooned  in the Azores.


Disaster Readiness

Topic of Program

Donna Callistini, Community Disaster Education Specialist, has been invited to make a presentation on “Building and Strengthening Disaster Readiness” to be in the Fellowship Hall of Sitka Lutheran Church, 224 Lincoln St., 7-8 p.m. Nov. 19.

All  are invited to hear the presentation. For more information call Kathleen Brandt 747-6447.


Congregation Meets

At Lutheran Church

Members and friends of Sitka Lutheran Church will gather 10:30 a.m. on Sunday at 224 Lincoln Street for worship with Holy Communion followed by a potluck luncheon and fellowship. Visitors are always welcome.

The annual congregational meeting begins at noon with discussion of a mission spending plan for the coming year, and election of members to the local church council. Ministry updates will be offered.

Call 747-3338 for more information, or contact President Ben Downing or Pastor Sandra Rudd.


Alaska Day Panel

Meets on Tuesday 

Alaska Day Festival planners will meet 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17, to review the recent mid-October activities. 

Suggestions will be heard for planning the 2016 commemoration of the 1867 purchase transfer of Russian claims in Alaska to the United States at Sitka.  Regular meetings resume in January on the third Tuesday of the month to propose a theme and elect festival leadership.

Persons having comments about festival activities or new volunteers are invited to attend the meetings or contact Chairman Ted Allio at 747-5124, Vice Chair Steve Dalquist 752-0750, Treasurer Ann Wilkinson 747-2707, or Secretary Elaine Strelow 747-3469.  The Festival’s mailing address is P.O. Box 1355, Sitka.


Room Design

Topic of Class

Sitka Summer Music Festival will host a ‘‘Revamp Your Room’’ class 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17, at Stevenson Hall on the SJ Campus. More times and days will be added.

Taught by Ellen Lueders, students will learn how to revamp furniture from ‘‘drab to fab’’ and all the tricks of cozying up a space with little touches.

Students will practice with their own rooms at Stevenson Hall in this hands-on class. One-on-one help and feedback will be given from Lauder.

Cost of the class is $10 and proceeds will be put back into the rooms and benefit the Sitka Summer Music Festival.

For more information or to register call Cyndy Gibson at 738-0655.




STA Elects Three

To Tribal Council

Sitka Tribe of Alaska Tuesday elected three to the Tribal Council.

Unofficial results show the three Tribal Council candidates listed on the ballot as elected; the remaining seat will be decided by the council.

Returning council members Benjamen Miyasato and Lawrence “Woody” Widmark each received 64 votes, and candidate Lillian Feldpausch, 54. Top write-ins were Harvey Kitka, Nels Lawson, and Austin Inman.

The Tribal Council will certify the election results at the regular council meeting 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18 at the Sheet’ka Kwáan Naa Kahídi. The elected officials will be sworn in and begin their two-year terms at the council’s noon Dec. 2 meeting, also at the community house.


Christmas Bazaar

Set for Nov. 28

The doors will be open for the 35th annual Sitka Counseling Christmas Bazaar at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 28, at Sweetland Hall on the SJ Campus.

Event hours are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Photos with Santa will be 11 a.m.-2 p.m.  A variety of vendors will sell handmade paintings; glasswork; beadwork; photography by Dan Evans, Harriet McClain and Roberta White; and Native crafts. Some vendors will be raising funds for different non-profits and school groups.

Admission is $1 and children 12 and under are free.


Card of Thanks

We would like to thank the people who donated their Alaska Airlines mileage – Jean Frank, Willis Osbakken, Deanna Fitzgerald and family of Fairbanks, Caroline Ramsey, and other people to help get our family up here for my brother Barry B. Brown’s services.

Also Prewitt’s Funeral Home and Pastor Ryan Gluth, Sitka Assembly of God.

We thank Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Sisterhood for the use of the ANB Founders Hall – cook Mike Roberts and the crew, cleanup crew, Margaret Carlson for decorations, people who made the ANB Founders Hall look so beautiful, Bev’s Flowers and Gifts, Sitka Sound Seafoods, AC Lakeside Grocery, Big Sea Mart, Roger and Mary Hames, and the people who donated food, and McDonald’s Restaurant.

Thank you to the people who called and gave condolences to our family. A special thanks to Roberta Martin, Dorine Roberts (pamphlets) and family, and the Bradleys.

Sorry if we forgot to name other people. Thank you guys of Sitka who have helped out in the loss of our brother.

Thank you from the Brown family: sisters Glenda L. Childs of Trout Lake, Washington, Frances M. Morgan of Sitka and Betsy R. Haworth of Anchorage; nieces Crystal E. Brown, Anchorage, Gladys L. Brown, Anchorage, and Julissia M. King, Anchorage; and nephew Leonard J. Brown, Anchorage 


Garage Sale Set

For Fundraiser

Sitka Christian Center, 502 Hirst Street, will hold its annual fundraiser garage sale for the Salvation Army 8 a.m.-noon Saturday, Nov. 14.

For more information call Denise at 747-5012.


Post-High School

Plans Discussed

Sitka High School counselors will discuss post high school plans, including further training and education, at a presentation 6-7:30 p.m. Nov. 18 in the school library.

The application process, paying for school and special opportunities for Alaskan students will be discussed.


Christmas Sale

At White E Shop

The Christmas sale will continue at noon Saturday at the White Elephant Shop. New items will be added along with ugly sweaters.  


White E Shop

To Give Grants

The Sitka White Elephant Shop will be accepting grant applications from non-profits until Nov. 30.

The grant application must be used in order to qualify for consideration.  The application may be picked up at the White E Shop, or go to the Sitka White Elephant Shop on facebook.


Holiday Dinners

Meeting Nov. 16

All are invited to the final holiday dinners meeting 6 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16, at the ANB Founders Hall

The annual community Thanksgiving and Christmas meals are hosted by the Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 1 and Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 4. 

Those interested in helping out, volunteering or donating to the dinners are welcome to attend. Cooking logistics, the menu, and assigning volunteer jobs is on the agenda. Those interested in helping out with set up, decorating, food prep, or other duties can stop by the Hall, which will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 24, and 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 25, with set up and decorating beginning at 2 p.m.

People are needed to roast a turkey at home, whether stuffed or unstuffed, and take it back to the hall either the evening of Nov. 25, or on Thanksgiving morning. The ANS kitchen will be open at 7 a.m. to receive the cooked turkeys, and any dessert, salad or Native foods donations.

Those who can roast a 20-pound turkey, or for any other inquiries about the ANB/ANS community Thanksgiving dinner, can call Karen at 747-7803.

Donations for both dinners are still being accepted, and all fundraising efforts will be concluded prior to Thanksgiving. Gift cards for Sea Mart or AC Lakeside are also appreciated. 

Anyone wishing to contribute can send a check made out to ‘‘Community Holiday Dinners/ANB,’’ mailed to Alaska Native Sisterhood, c/o K. Lucas, 224 Katlian, Sitka, AK 99835, and a tax deductible receipt will be returned to donors by mail.

‘‘It is really so heartwarming to see such generosity from people, and I think our upcoming Thanksgiving dinner will be a very beautiful community gathering,’’ an organizer said. ‘‘We have much to be thankful for.’’

The annual dinners have been a Sitka tradition for more than 40 years, bringing together the community, to gather in thanks and celebration, where all are welcome. To volunteer at the Christmas dinner call Kerry at 752-0654.