December 8, 2015 Community Happenings

Category: News
Created on Tuesday, 08 December 2015 11:04
Hits: 8738

School Closure

Sitka School District schools and offices will close at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 11, so district staff can attend Ryan Kauffman’s celebration of life.

The school district apologized for  any inconvenience the closure may cause.


Pioneers to Sell

Handmade Gifts

The Pioneers Home gift shop is open 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Items include handmade gifts and ceramics. The public is invited.


Whale Talk 

Set at UAS

“Insights into the Ecology of Southeast Alaska’s Humpback Whales” will be presented by Dr. Andy Szabo, director of the Alaska Whale Foundation, 7:30-9 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 10, at the UAS-Sitka Campus in Room 229.

Szabo will present his research findings as part of the Natural History Seminar series. 

‘‘One major source of the ‘charisma’ of Southeast Alaska is its whales,’’ UAS said. ‘‘Their size inspires awe; and their impact on the ecosystem looms ever larger as we learn more about them.’’

Szabo has been studying humpbacks, sperm whales, orcas and other whales since his days as a graduate student in 2001. In 2007, he took over as the director of AWF and is now overseeing the development of a new research facility in Warm Springs Bay – the Center for Coastal Conservation. On Thursday, he will talk about some of his latest whale research and his plans for the center.

The illustrated lecture is free, and the public, including middle school and high school students, are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served. 

The Natural History Seminar Series is sponsored by the Sitka Sound Science Center, the Sitka Alaska Permanent Charitable Trust, and the UAS Sitka Campus.

For more information, contact Kitty LaBounty at UAS. 747-7700.


Chamber to Meet

Doug Osborne will address Chamber members noon Wednesday at the Westmark Sitka.

His topic will be ‘‘7 Health Initiatives in Sitka.’’ Osborne, Sitka Community Hospital’s director of health promotion, will discuss the four Health Summit goals, the two-pronged 2015 safe streets project and a new  leadership development opportunity in Sitka.

Door prizes will be provided and lunch will be available. The public is invited.


Nominations Taken

For Holiday Lights

The Chamber of Commerce is looking for the best holiday decorations in town.

Nomination forms for both residences and businesses are available at the Chamber office, 329 Harbor Drive Suite 212, and online at They must be received by Wednesday, Dec. 16.

The holiday lights judging will take

place Dec. 16 and results announced on  Dec. 17 during the Business After Hours hosted at Baranof Realty.

The Most Spirited Residence will win $1,000 cash sponsored by Baranof Realty.

For more information email the Chamber at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 747-8604.


Better Breathers

Club Meets Dec. 11

The Better Breathers Club will meet 1-2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 11, at Swan Lake Senior Center.

Dorothy Orbison will give a talk on the effect of oxygen on memory. 

The Better Breathers Club is a group for people using oxygen or those with chronic lung disease, especially COPD, but also asthma, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer, sarcoidosis and other chronic lung diseases.

The meeting is also open to caregivers, family, friends and support persons. Call Rose Manning, 747-5167, for more information. 


BIHA Board Meets

Baranof Island Housing Authority Board of Commissioners will meet 5 p.m. Dec. 15 at 245 Katlian Street. The public is welcome to attend.


Holiday Brass

Concert Dec. 19

Tickets for the Holiday Brass concert on Dec. 19 at the Sitka Performing Arts Center are available now at Old Harbor Books.

World-class musicians will perform. Tickets are $25 for adults, and $20 for students and seniors. For more information, call 747-3085.




Letters to Santa

Letters posted here will be forwarded to Santa Claus at the North Pole. Letters may be dropped off at the Sentinel office or at Sitka True Value to be printed in the newspaper and placed here.


Dear Santa: I am so happy your real. I want a Rubix cube and puzzle and books and rollerskates and scooter and I’ll give you cookies and milk. Your kid Aubrey Spivey


Dear Santa: I have been a good boy. I have been nice to Bay. I woud like please for all of these: Lazer toy things, Snowman, 4/wheeler helmet, army guys, small transformers, whopecushion, candy, Star Wars Clone Wars toys, X-Box/games for it. Love, Levi


Dear Santa: I have been a good boy this year. been nice to Levi. I woud like a BB gun, basket ball and hoop, minecraft legos, a dice, whoopi cushon, Wii games, orme gise, nrf gun. Love Bay


Dear Santa: This is Kostaki and I really want a drum that would be great. Thank you. P.S with drum sticks. P.P.S Im 9 and Im in therd grade. Kostaki.