Nativity Display
Friday, Saturday
The United Methodist Church will host its annual Silent Night nativity sets display 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday and 4-6 p.m. Saturday.
More than 100 nativities will be on display. Many were donated by people in Sitka, and also by others who live elsewhere and heard about the event. The exhibit includes handmade sets carved, ceramic and hand-painted.
A table of child-proof nativities will be available for children to touch.
Those having sets they would like displayed can call the church at 747-8775, or drop them off on Wednesday or Thursday. Set up will be 5:30 p.m. Thursday.
Tribal Council
Has 2 Vacancies
Sitka Tribe of Alaska is seeking Tribal citizens to fill two vacancies on the STA Tribal Council.
The appointments will serve until Nov. 30, 2017. Those interested in serving must send a letter of interest to Chairman Michael Baines, Tribal Council vacancy, 456 Katlian Street, Sitka AK 99835. Letters must be received at the STA offices by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 14.
Storytelling Night
Listed for Dec. 15
The Island Institute and Artchange will host a night of live storytelling 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 15, at the Sheet’ka Kwan Naa Kahidi.
Alexander Allison, Skylar Wright, Blossom Twitchell, Tom Crane and others will share personal stories. The theme is “Kicking the Beehive: Stories of Stirring Up Trouble and Bursting Bubbles.” Local musicians will play between the acts. The suggested donation is $5. For more information, call 737-3794 or visit
Relay for Life
Meeting on Tap
The Sitka Relay for Life organizational meeting will be held 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, at the Hames Center.
Relay for Life is scheduled June 10-11 at Moller Field to raise funds for Sitka and Southeast residents who are fighting cancer.
Businesses, organizations and individuals are invited to form teams, help with advertising or help organize the event.
New ‘Kon-Tiki’
Film to Show
The 2013 feature film, ‘‘Kon-Tiki,’’ will be shown 4:30 p.m. Dec. 13 at the downtown Coliseum. It tells about legendary Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl’s epic 1947 adventure across the South Pacific.
The adventure movie was released in English in 2013 and is based on Heyerdahl’s true story. Featuring a cast of modern Norwegian actors, the film was nominated for an Academy Award in the Best Foreign Film category.
Sunday’s showing is a fund-raiser for Paths Across the Pacific IX. Admission is $7 for adults and $5 for students. The movie lasts 96 minutes.
The next Paths international conference will be held in Sitka Aug. 17-21. A communitywide Beachcombers Fair will be held on Sunday, Aug. 21.
Anyone interested in volunteering to help with the conference can sign up at the movie.
ANB/ANS Christmas
Dinner Meeting Set
The Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Sisterhood Holiday Dinner Committee will meet 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 14, at the ANB Founders Hall to make plans for the annual community Christmas dinner.
All are welcome, especially those aspiring to be Mr. or Mrs. Claus. For information contact Kerry at 752-0654 or Joy at 752-0845.
Kaagwaantaan Meet
Sitka Kaagwaantaan will meet 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13, at Blatchley Middle School in Room 114, downstairs. Call Roby Littlefield, 738-4004, with questions.
The group will meet for story-telling, business and song practice.
Rep. Kreiss-Tomkins
Sets Office Hours
Rep. Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins will hold public office hours Friday, Dec. 11, at 8-9 a.m. at the Backdoor Cafe and 11 a.m.-noon at Highliner Coffee.
No appointment is necessary. Those you have questions or who can’t make it to office hours, can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the representative’s Sitka office at 747-4665.
Youth Orchestra
Registration On
Registration for the Sitka Youth Orchestra is available online through the Sitka Fine Arts Camp at
Interested parties may also register over the phone at 747-3085 or at the Fine Arts Camp office.
The orchestra is beginning its 15th season, and is under the direction of Jan Lovett. Rehearsals will be 10 a.m.-noon Saturdays in the Sitka High School music room, starting Jan. 9.
The goal of the organization is to provide a fun and educational introduction to playing in an orchestra. The group is open to musicians who meet the following requirements: string players must be in at least the fifth grade and reading music; and wind, brass and percussionists must have completed at least two years of music study.
The cost of this class is $50 and scholarships are available upon request. Rehearsals will run through March 6, with a final performance scheduled in the Performing Arts Center on March 7. Call Jan Lovett at 747-3653 for more information.
Christmas Dinner
Volunteers Sought
The Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 1 and the Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 4 will host the free community dinner at 2 p.m. on Christmas Day at the ANB Founders Hall.
‘‘You are invited to not only join the fun at the annual community Christmas dinner but to take the opportunity to be of service as well,’’ organizers said.
Community members, church and youth groups, and family members are asked to volunteer an hour or more to pitch in. Volunteers can simply show up and organizers will match them with one the many tasks. Others can volunteer to bake a pie or roast one of the 20 turkeys that will be provided.
Tasks include staffing the beverage and dessert tables, serving meals, helping Santa with the many presents he’ll be giving kids in attendance and cleaning up. Volunteers can eat before the doors open at 1 p.m. Call ANB coordinator Kerry MacLane at 752-0654 or ANS coordinator Joy Wood at 752-0845 for more information.