February 2, 2016 Community Happenings

Category: News
Created on Tuesday, 02 February 2016 09:53
Hits: 10390

On Dean’s List

Zephyr Feryok has been named to the Tufts University dean’s list for undergraduate students enrolled for the fall 2015 semester.

Dean’s list honors at Tufts University require a semester grade point average of 3.4 or greater.

The Sitka High graduate is the son of Annemarie LaPalme and John Feryok of Sitka.


Crab Feed Benefit

For Jazz Band

A Valentine’s Day crab feed and dessert auction will be 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 14, at Sweetland Hall on the SJ Campus. Blatchley Jazz Band will perform.

Tickets will be sold at the door at $25 for adults, and $15 for children 12 and under. Proceeds will benefit Blatchley Middle School Jazz Band.


Family Fun Day

Set for Sunday

A free family fun day is scheduled 3-5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 7, at the Hames Center.

It will include the climbing wall, bouncy castle and toys. All ages are invited to the free event.

It is sponsored by Sitka Health Summit and the Hames Wellness Fund. For more information check out www.hamescenter.org.


Pioneers Home

Auxiliary to Meet

The Pioneers Home Auxiliary will meet 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 5, at the Pioneers Home Chapel. All are welcome.


Permanent Fund

Testimony Taken

The Senate State Affairs Committee will take public testimony statewide on Permanent Fund deposits, dividends and earnings 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 4. 

To listen or testify, stop by the Sitka Legislative Information Office by 5:15 p.m. that day.

Those wanting to fax comments to the committee may take them to the LIO before the meeting. Public testimony may be submitted in writingt by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

For more information call Marie Murray, Sitka LIO, 201 Katlian Street, Suite 103, int he Totem Square Inn, 747-6276, or fax 747-5806.


BIHA Board Meets

Baranof Island Housing Authority Board of Commissioners will meet 5 p.m. Feb. 9, at 245 Katlian Street. The public is invited.


Marine Safety

Training on Tap

The Alaska Marine Safety Education Association will conduct a six-day Marine Safety Instructor Training at AVTEC in Seward from April 12 to April 17.

It is free to qualifying commercial fishermen. The course prepares participants to teach the U.S. Coast Guard approved Fishing Vessel Drill Conductor trainings.

For more information or to register call AMSEA at 747-3287 or go to the website www.amsea.org.


Aviation Group

To Meet Feb. 3

The  S.E. Alaska Aviation Association will meet 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 3, at the Baranof Island Brewery.

Main topic of discussion is the city’s condemning of the Sitka floatplane dock. Other agenda items may be submitted at the time of the meeting. For more information call Kevin at 738-4664.


Chamber to Meet

Gary White, Sitka Economic Development Association’s executive director, will present at the noon Wednesday Chamber luncheon at Westmark Sitka.

The presentation will include an update on the 2016 priorities for SEDA.

White also is the board president for Southeast Conference, a membership organization with the goal of developing strong economies, healthy communities, and a quality environment in Southeast Alaska, the Chamber said.


Emblem Club Meets

Sitka Emblem Club will meet 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11, at the Elks Lodge.

Nominations will be open for financial secretary at this business meeting.



STA Health Panel

To Meet Feb. 12

The STA Health Committee will meet noon Feb. 12 at 110 American Street.

Lunch will be provided. Call 747-7293 with questions.





Lenten Quiet

Day Retreat Set

St. Peter’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church invites the community to a Lenten Quiet Day Retreat 10 a.m.-1 p.m. on Feb. 6 at the church, 611 Lincoln Street.


The group will reflect on scriptures, visual prayers and poems as it prepares for the season of Lent. To pre-register by Feb. 4 email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) or call 747-3977.