February 17, 2016 Community Happenings

Category: News
Created on Wednesday, 17 February 2016 11:07
Hits: 13865

Science Center

Recruits Docents

The Sitka Sound Science Center is recruiting for docents. 

Those wanting to share their enthusiasm for science and the science center with the community can contact the science center to find out how to apply at 747-8878.

Docents will receive in-depth training by Ashley, aquarium manager, 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays from Feb. 23 to May 3.


Republicans Get

Call to Convention

District 35 Republicans will hold A  convention 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 10, in Room 108 of the Sitka Business Center on Alice Island.

Business to be conducted includes election of officers, proposed resolutions or platform changes, and election of delegates to the state Republican convention in Fairbanks.

District 35 residents outside of Sitka may call 747-8495. Arrangements will need to be made for submission of fees to the district.

A delegate fee of $20 to participate in the District 35 convention is payable at the door. Participants need to have been registered Republicans for at least 90 days prior to the district convention. Those elected to attend the state Republican convention on April 28-30 will need to be prepared to pay the state convention fee of $285 during the district convention. 

For questions, or more information, call Sheila at 738-3098.


Bike Meeting

 Set March 24

The Sitka Bicycle Friendly Community Coalition will meet noon-1 p.m.  Wednesday, March 24, at the Larkspur Café.

‘‘The monthly meeting is open to everyone interested in making Sitka an even better town for cyclists of all ages,’’ organizers said.

For more information call Doug Osborne at 747-0373.


Arti-Gras Schedule

Of Events Announced

The Greater Sitka Arts Council has released a schedule for upcoming Arti-Gras activities.

Friday, March 18

5:30 p.m. Family-friendly comedy show featuring the Pow Wow Comedy Jam,  Sheet’ka Kwaan Naa  Kahidi. Tickets $10/advance at 456 Katlian Street, $15/door.

9:30 p.m. Adult comedy show featuring the Pow Wow Comedy Jam at the  Pub. Tickets $20 at the Pub/door. Only 120 seats are available. 

Saturday, March 19

1 p.m. At Saxan (Love of All Things), free, family-friendly hands-on arts activity at the Sheldon Jackson Museum. 747-8981

Monday, March 21

7 p.m. Jam session at The Loft, 747-5482. $10 suggested donation.

Wednesday, March 23

6:30-8 p.m. ‘‘Starting your own vegetable seedlings,’’ Sitka Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 408 Marine Street. Space is limited, $10 fee, registration required. Call 747-0520.

Friday, March 25

6 p.m. 48-Hour Film Festival filmmaker signups, 713 A Sawmill Creek Road.  Contact Van, 738-1074.

7-10 p.m. Island Institute annual silent auction and dinner, Odess Theater, SJ Campus. Event features dinner, live

 music, a bar, and the auction.

Saturday, March 26

2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Alaska Airlines Wearable Arts Runway Show and Extravaganza presented by the Greater Sitka Arts Council, at the Sitka Performing Arts Center. Tickets at Old Harbor Books (two weeks in advance of the show) and the door. Matinee admission is $15 for age 12 and older, $10 under 12, and free for under 5. Evening show admission is $25 for 12 and older, $10 for under 12, and free for under 5. All ticketed attendees at the evening show

have a chance to win two roundtrip  Alaska Airlines tickets.

4-6 p.m. Theatrical Design Workshop at Odess Theater upstairs, SJ Campus. Ages 12 and up. Call Sitka Fine Arts Camp at 747-3085 for information or to register. Admission is $20.  

Sunday, March 27

7 p.m. Open Mic Larkspur Café.  Sign-up at 6:30 p.m. Call 747-5482 with questions.

Monday, March 28

7 p.m. Jam session at The Loft. Call  747-5482 for information. $10 suggested donation.

Thursday, March 31

6 p.m. 48-Hour Film Festival: Community Screening, Downtown Coliseum.  

Friday, April 1

5-8 p.m. Spring Art Walk. Local galleries and businesses open late. Visit ThinkArtThinkSitka for a complete list.

Saturday, April 2

10 a.m.-noon ‘‘Tin Foil Embossing: A Workshop.’’ Yaw Room 101, materials provided. Cost $25. Call 747-2787 for more information.

12:30-5 p.m. ‘‘Vintage Cake Decorating class,’’ Sitka Kitch. Must  pre-register. Cost is $85 and materials are provided. Call Sarah, 738-5234. 

2 p.m. ‘‘Abundant Landscaping,’’  Sitka Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 408 Marine Street. A hands-on approach to the “9-layer forest garden” methodology, no preregistration required.

6:30 p.m. Sitka Cirque Silks performance at Sitka Cirque Studio, 311 Price Street. Mingling and drinks 6:30-7 p.m. Student showcase 7 p.m. Call 747-2700 with questions. The cost is  $10.  

7 p.m. Monthly Grind, Performing Arts Center. Tickets at Old Harbor Books. 

Email Sarah at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 747-2787 or visit ThinkArtThinkSitka.com with any questions.


Outfitter, Guide

Meetings on Tap

The Tongass National Forest is hosting public meetings to present the proposed new outfitter and guide allocations on the Tongass marine shoreline zone.

In Sitka, the meeting will be 5-8 p.m. March 1 at the Sitka Ranger District, 204 Siginaka Way. The presentation will be at 6 p.m.

The Shoreline II Outfitter/Guide project Draft Environmental Impact Statement proposes to allocate 80,305 service days to non-motorized outfitter/guide activities that originate from the marine shoreline zone on the Sitka, Hoonah, Juneau Ranger Districts and Admiralty Island National Monument. 

The DEIS was released for public comment on Jan. 30, for a 45-day public comment period. The Forest Service will incorporate comments into a Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision projected to be release in the spring.

More information may be found at http://go.usa.gov/Pzi or from Monument Ranger Chad VanOrmer at 907-789-6202, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; or Team Leader Carey Case at 907-772-5906, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Comments may be emailed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or made through the project website by clicking on “Comment on Project” to submit comments electronically and attach documents.


Writing Class

Taught by Hayes

Tlingit writer Ernestine Hayes, author of ‘‘Blonde Indian: An Alaska Native Memoir,’’ will offer a writing workshop 1-3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 28,  at the Sitka Public Library.

The workshop is free and open to adult and high school writers. 

Hayes’ powerful memoir tells the story of her childhood growing up in Juneau during territorial days, leaving Alaska with her mother when she was 15, struggling in her early adult years with poverty and homelessness, and eventually finding her way back to her home, her culture, and a successful career as a writer and teacher. 

‘‘Blonde Indian’’ received the American Book Award and was nominated for the PEN Nonfiction Award and the Kiriyama Prize. Her second memoir, ‘‘The Tao of Raven,’’ is to be published in September 2016. Hayes currently teaches writing classes at the University of Alaska Southeast.

Hayes is visiting Sitka on her tour with the Alaska Reads project, which selected her book for 2016. Alaska Reads was initiated by Alaska’s Writer Laureate Frank Soos of Fairbanks and is sponsored by the Alaska Center for the Book.

Those interested in the workshop are encouraged to sign up in advance by calling 747-7671.


‘We Eat Fish’

Film to Show

The Southeast Alaska Conservation Council announces the premier of its new film “We Eat Fish!” 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25, at the Larkspur Cafe.

Shot partly in Sitka, the film celebrates the clean waters and healthy fisheries of Southeast Alaska and highlights the work being done to protect them. A raffle is planned.

The film is free to the public.

In honor of the event, the Larkspur will feature a fish special.


Wileman Music

Sets Piano Recital

Wileman Music Studio will hold its annual piano recital 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, at the Performing Arts Center.

The public is invited. 


Science Cafe

Set Thursday

The Sitka Sound Science Center will host a Science Cafe 5:30-6:30 p.m.   Thursday, Feb. 18.

Scientist in residency fellow Allen Pope will lead a mini workshop on polar remote sensing. He will provide examples of how satellite and airborne data are used in polar regions, and demo some free tools that can be used by educators and scientists to explore changes in ice and snow cover. 


All are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be provided.