Lynnda Diane Strong, who had made her home in Sitka for the past 13 years, passed away Sept. 23, 2015, at Wildflower Court in Juneau from an aggressive brain tumor. She had fought cancer four previous times.
She was 58.
She was born April 14, 1957, in Baltimore, Maryland.
She graduated in 1975 from Villa Park High School in Villa Park, Calif., and earned her bachelor of arts degree in recreation and leisure studies with a certificate in outdoor studies in 1979 from California State University Long Beach.
She had come to Sitka to attend Sheldon Jackson College in hopes of getting a teaching degree, but the college closed in 2007.
Since then she has become well known as a volunteer with many different community groups and also at Baranof Elementary School and Kettleson Memorial Library.
She was happiest when she was able to help others.
She enjoyed the outdoors and spent many years working for both the Girl Scouts and many Outdoor Education schools around the country. She also spent a lot of time doing day hikes on the trails outside of Sitka.
She is predeceased by her mother, Shirley Strong, and her father, William Strong.
She is survived by her sister, Carolyn; her brother-in-law, Andrew; and her two nieces, Alana and Kathryn, all of Auburn, Wash.
She was buried at Sitka Memorial Park.
The family requests memorial donations go to:
Zeteo Missions Foundation, Inc
331 Caoayan Kiling
San Carlos City, Pangasinan 2420
The Philippines
Lynnda’s name should be added to the memo line so that the foundation understands it is a memorial donation. For security measures, donors also should write “MUST SHOW ID.”