CLOSER LOOK – Lou Logan (Inupiaq) this afternoon gets a close look at the SJ Museum’s Seward Peninsula Kayak, which was collected by Sheldon Jackson himself and has been on display since 1895. Logan, a quyaq (kayak) builder, is in town from Juneau on a Museums Alaska grant to take measurements and photographs, consult object records at the museum, and find inspiration for his own work. He gave a talk titled “Building the Inupiaq Qayak” this afternoon to a standing room only audience at the museum. (Sentinel Photo by James Poulson)
Sentinel Staff Writer
It took the Assembly about an hour to wrap up business at Tue [ ... ]
By Sentinel Staff An outage of the GCI network now will start early Thursday, the company [ ... ]
By Sentinel Staff U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski will visit Sitka next Wednesday to hold a round table wi [ ... ]
Sentinel Staff Writer
Sitka High’s Lady Wolves claimed victory in the Eastern Conf [ ... ]
By YERETH ROSEN Alaska Beacon Alaska regulators have ordered an inactive oil company to pay more th [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon Jeremy Cubas, a former policy adviser to Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy, h [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon An Anchorage Superior Court judge has dismissed a lawsuit challenging [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon A federal judge in Juneau has sentenced a Southeast Alaska fisher [ ... ]
By Sentinel Staff The Wildflour Cookie Monsters maintained their undefeated record in recreational [ ... ]
EDITOR’S NOTE: In recent weeks the Sentinel has published reports by Mark Gorman about the work he [ ... ]
Police received the following calls as of 8 a.m. today. March 11 At 9:26 a.m. a caller said a dog [ ... ]
Pioneers Postpone Tonight’s MeetingDue to illness, the Pioneers of Alaska meeting scheduled to [ ... ]
By Shannon Haugland Sentinel Staff Writer Monday night's community meeting on city animal control [ ... ]
Sentinel Staff Writer
In a repeat performance that echoed prior regular season games [ ... ]
In competitive division City League volleyball matches Monday evening, Ludwig’s Lancers scored ano [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon A bill intended to fix potholes in a popular road within Chugach Stat [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon A Big Lake Republican has reintroduced a bill that would require the [ ... ]
By YERETH ROSEN Alaska Beacon Companies will soon be able to bid on opportunities to tap a volcanic [ ... ]
Police received the following calls as of 8 a.m. today. March 10 At 8:34 a.m. a woman talked to an [ ... ]
Managing Blood Sugar Event Set In observance of Nutrition Month, Paula Veshti will offer a class t [ ... ]
Sentinel Staff Writer
Rules on spaying and neutering, maximum length of stay for an [ ... ]
By Sentinel Staff In another night of City League volleyball gameplay Sunday, Subway overcame the B [ ... ]
Sentinel Staff Writer
All four local basketball teams will compete in the upcoming A [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon The Alaska House of Representatives today began debating bill that [ ... ]
Daily Sitka Sentinel
April 12, 2019, Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor: This is an open letter to our Congressional Delegation.
I am a Christian conservationist and a constituent, and I’m in love with God’s creative handiwork found everywhere in our great state of Alaska. I also spend some of my precious time volunteering with the Citizens Climate Lobby.
As Christians, we have fallen asleep at the helm and now need to arise and draw deeply on our spiritual waters and disciplines to address the rising threat of climate change.
We have less than 12 years to turn the climate change ship around or we will face severe consequences of inaction. I believe that as a best first strategy, we need to adopt H.R. 763 - the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. It’s a concrete strategy recommended by economists and health care practitioners as well as environmental activists that can move us in the correct direction. This revenue neutral policy will reduce carbon emissions by 40% in the first 12 years. It will improve health and invigorate the economy, and it’s bipartisan.
We can no longer afford to turn a blind eye or bury our head in the sand. The Divine’s beloved creation is groaning from our collective abuse and begging us silently to assist. We need to wean ourselves off fossil fuels, now, and create innovative responses to draw down carbon from the atmosphere as Paul Hawken so eloquently gathered in his book, ‘‘Drawdown.’’ We need to see every river, estuary, old-growth forest, wolf and bear den, bird’s nest, and the sacred Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as the blessed land, water and beings they are and give them the same rights we grant corporations that have lead us away from our garden of Eden and down the crooked path.
Our local, state and national health, prosperity and future depend on our collective actions now. I urge you to return to your Catholic and Episcopal roots and lead us in a repentance, a dedicated turn-around, that will change history, embolden our nation and bring us back into harmony with creation.
Thank you for the work you do on behalf of those who elected you to office.
Lisa Sadleir-Hart, Sitka
Dear Editor: The Board of the Sitka Sound Science Center would like the community to know that work has begun to disassemble the Sitka Sawmill Building adjacent to Sage Beach. The 1941-structure will be carefully taken apart with the intent of reconstructing the building with its historic character. The foundation will be a slab on fill, and the building will be reconstructed with the salvageable parts including trusses, floor boards and parts of the siding. We will be replacing the roofing and much of the siding. Again, saving all that can be reused.
The building is a contributing structure to the Sheldon Jackson Training School National Historic Landmark. We have consulted with historic building experts to ensure that the disassembling process is an acceptable method of preserving the character of this special place. We are grateful for significant donations from the Murdock Trust, the Rasmuson Foundation, The Alaska Historic Preservation Fund, the Alaska Historical Commission, the Karsh foundation, and individual donors and businesses from around the community. Welsh and Whitely Architects did the design and CBC Construction will do the deconstruction and reconstruction.
We are proud of the Mill Building’s contribution to Sitka’s history. Especially the role it played in educating students in the wood working and boat building traditions, and in starting Alaska’s first permitted salmon aquaculture facility, our very own Sheldon Jackson Salmon Hatchery.
Our plan is to re-assemble the structure and make modern improvements to the inside of the building that will make it a better support structure for our growing science research and education needs. The Sitka Sound Science Center gift shop and Ludwig’s chowder cart will be in operation inside the main aquarium building this summer. Our tours and summer camps will be occurring as normal. We know the construction will add to congestion this summer and we’d like to encourage the public to walk or bike as a way to alleviate parking issues. Our organization is excited about celebrating the building’s history and use into the future.
Thank you in advance for your patience and support.
Sitka Sound Science Center
Board of Directors:
Rob Allen, Steve Clayton,
Kitty LaBounty, Madison Kosma,
Justin Penny, Alana Peterson,
Linda Waller, Trish White
Community Town Hall
Dear Editor: Last night UAS hosted a town hall-style meeting called Sitka Connected: Our Interwoven Community.
I would like to thank our panelists for their heartfelt and thoughtful words about just how interconnected we are as organizations serving the community of Sitka.
Thank you to Eric Jordan, Linda Behnken, Heather Bauscher, Becky Meiers, Rosemary Carlton, Charlie Woodcock, Cheri Hample, Steven Hartford, Amy Zanuzoski, Rick Peterson, Brian O’Callaghan, Mary Wagner, Joel Lueders, Bernie Gurule, Kari Sagel, Lisa Busch and Rachel Henderson.
I’d like to thank the members of the community who attended and helped guide the discussions going forward. The ideas coming out of the town hall will help all organizations in Sitka continue to talk and support each other. I’d like to thank the committee members who worked to put this event together: Math Trafton, Liz Zacher, Emy Roles, Angie Bowers, Cheryl Stromme, Michael Mausbach, Amelia Budd, Greg George and Eric Elsensohn.
Finally, this event would not have been possible without the expertise of Doug Osborne in organization and moderation of the event. This is a great community, I’m proud to be a part of it.
Leslie Gordon,
Sitka UAS Campus Director
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March 2005
Western Illinois’ Travis Watson was named Swimming and Diving Athlete of the Week by the Mid-Continent Conference after a successful campaign in recent individual and relay team events. Watson, a 2000 Sitka High graduate, is a senior in engineering technology. He is the son of Cathy Watson and the late Craig H. Watson.
March 1975
Marilyn Knapp, president of the Greater Sitka Arts Council, announced today the council will solicit local businesses and individuals for scholarships to be awarded to Sitka students planning to attend the Regional Fine Arts Camp on the Sheldon Jackson College campus in July.