AFTER-SCHOOL PRACTICE – Keet Gooshi Heen fifth-graders, from left, Caitlin Erler, Malia DeGuzman and Virginia Nettles play flute in the school band room Thursday during an after-school rehearsal. The Fifth Grade band “Almost Spring” Concert will be held 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Performing Arts Center. The concert is free and open to the public. (Sentinel Photo by James Poulson)
Sentinel Staff Writer
Poor weather has again delayed the start date for emergency m [ ... ]
Sentinel Staff Writer
In a cost saving move, the Sitka School Board voted Wednesday [ ... ]
Sentinel Staff Writer
Fifth-grade band members remember their first steps in learni [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon British Columbia Premier David Eby said Thursday that he intends to i [ ... ]
By Sentinel Staff In another round of City League volleyball action Thursday, the Diggity Dogs beat [ ... ]
By Sentinel Staff Competing in the first day of gameplay in the Eastern Conference regional basketb [ ... ]
Police received the following calls as of 8 a.m. today. March 6 Police talked to a man who had com [ ... ]
Climate Connection: Smothering Truth Tellers The crusade to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in th [ ... ]
Sentinel Staff Writer
SEARHC Mt. Edgecumbe Medical Center Administrator Bill Spivey [ ... ]
Sentinel Staff Writer
Mt. Edgecumbe High School took nine students to compete at th [ ... ]
By Sentinel Staff Continuing their undefeated win stream, Ludvig’s Lancers defeated the Beak 2- [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon Alaska’s public schools could receive a major permanent funding inc [ ... ]
By YERETH ROSEN Alaska Beacon Increased state investment in marketing will help the batte [ ... ]
By YERETH ROSEN Alaska Beacon Unusually warm conditions, connected to long-term climate change, [ ... ]
By James Brooks Alaskan Beacon As Alaskans again seek the Nenana Ice Classic’s iconic red ticket [ ... ]
Police received the following calls as of 8 a.m. today. March 5 Harbors said a truck was again par [ ... ]
Subsistence Regional Advisory Council Meets in Sitka Southeast Alaska Subsistence Regional Adviso [ ... ]
Sentinel Staff Writer
The Sitka High drama, debate and forensics team won multiple [ ... ]
In another round of City League volleyball gameplay Tuesday evening, Deez Netz defeated CBS 2-1 in t [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon In a new review of Alaska’s state finances, a New York-based credit [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon In a new review of Alaska’s state finances, a New York-based credit [ ... ]
Police Blotter Police received the following calls as of 8 a.m. today. March 4 A forgery case at [ ... ]
Methodists Set Services Tonight An Ash Wednesday service will be 5:30 p.m. tonight at the United [ ... ]
Sentinel Staff Writer
Strong headwinds are slowing down the Cable Innovator repair [ ... ]
Daily Sitka Sentinel
March 20, 2020, Community Happenings
Climate Connection: Shellfish Take Care
By Callie Simmons
Freshly out of college, full of excitement and unbridled energy to tackle the world’s problems, I found myself in a windowless room shucking and blending shellfish for the Sitka Tribe of Alaska’s Resource Protection Department. Other days I would don a headlamp and collect shellfish samples during nightly low-tide excursions or drive the work truck out to the dock to collect plankton samples for the lab. For a budding scientist and newly transplanted Alaskan, this was the dream.
Shellfish have been an important resource for Native Alaskans for millennia and continue to be a delicacy for many Southeast Alaskans today. But there is some risk associated with this harvest. Shellfish are filter feeders, which means they filter water for their food (microscopic plants, aka plankton). This can be dangerous for human consumers when shellfish accumulate high levels of naturally occurring toxins (produced by plankton) in their tissues. Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning or PSP is an illness that harvesters can get from eating contaminated shellfish, caused by a group of plankton known as Alexandrium (they look like mini hamburgers). Traditional ecological knowledge and protocols show that during summer months, with increased water temperatures and sunlight, plankton blooms (or growth) occur more often and at higher rates, therefore increasing the risk of contracting PSP. Based on these observations’ community members were encouraged to harvest shellfish only in winter months or when there was not active plankton bloom. But we know, as Southeast Alaskans, that the ocean is changing rapidly. Tools and observations we once used to avoid risks might not hold true today.
The Sitka Tribe of Alaska (STA) works collaboratively across the region to protect and improve access to traditional foods – including shellfish. STA combines traditional knowledge with cutting edge science to measure toxicity levels of shellfish and encourage safe shellfish harvesting. This includes taking weekly water samples to monitor plankton and watch for harmful species, like Alexandrium.
In addition, the lab tests the tissues of shellfish for high levels of toxins that would make them unsafe for people to eat. This allows community members to make informed decisions about harvesting shellfish, rather than avoiding it altogether. It’s about increasing food security. In a time where we find ourselves nervously scanning grocery store shelves, it’s comforting to know that there is an indigenous-led science movement to increase the accessibility and therefore safety of the food found locally. The Sitka Tribe of Alaska Environmental Research Lab issues shellfish advisories and publishes all their plankton finds on their website at Happy (safe) harvesting!
Callie Simmons is a member of Drawdown Learning Circle.
Unitarians Cancel
Sunday Meetings
The Sitka Unitarian Fellowship has canceled all Sunday meetings until the outdoor Easter celebration on April 12.
Call 747-3702 for information.
Lutherans Gather,
Worship Online
Sitka Lutheran Church will gather together for worship via Facebook 10:30 a.m. Sunday.
‘‘If you have ever been hesitant to come visit a worship service, here is your chance,’’ Pastor Sandra Rudd said. “Like our Facebook page and come to worship.’’
New Arrivals
Clark Roger Hames
Clark Roger Hames was born at SEARHC Mt. Edgecumbe Medical Center 9:43 a.m. Sunday, March 15. At birth, the infant weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 22 inches long.
Parents are Jessica Hames, a homemaker, and Brian Hames, who is employed with Hames Corporation.
Clark joins a brother, Henry Hames.
Grandparents are Roger and Mary Hames of Sitka and Daniel (late) and Cathery LeBouef of Sitka.
He is named for Jack and Pamela Clark of Fort Myers Beach, Florida.
LIO Testimony
Given by Phone
Because of the Legislative Information Office closure to foot traffic, constituents who would like to give public testimony via phone should call the Sitka LIO at 907-747-6276 or Juneau at 907-465-4648 for instructions.
The week of March 23, the Legislature will take public testimony on:
–March 23: 3:30 p.m. State Land Sales/Plats/Rivers; and
–March 25: 3:30 p.m. Forest Land Use Plans/Timber Sales.
For a full list of topics, visit and click on “Public Testimony Opportunities.” Bills can be tracked by text. Call the Sitka Legislative Office at 747-6276 or visit for more information.
‘Recall Dunleavy’
Petitions Can Be
Signed at Home
Effective immediately, Recall Dunleavy has launched “Sign At Home,” a remote method of signature collection that will replace all suspended, in-person signature gathering events during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“This movement has always prioritized our state’s safety, health, and economic well being,” said Claire Pywell, campaign manager of Recall Dunleavy. “We’re going above and beyond to ensure that all Alaskans have hygienic and convenient opportunities to sign the recall petition; under CDC and state guidance, we are offering Alaskans the option to sign again from the comfort of home.”
Registered Alaskan voters may now request a personal household recall petition booklet, which will be mailed directly to their mailbox for family members to sign. The personal booklet will have one sheet, allowing up to 15 signatures, versus the standard booklet with 10 sheets (150 signatures). Recall Dunleavy has now collected over 30,000 of the requisite 71,252 signatures it must collect during the petition phase to move to the final election phase.
Alaskans who have not yet signed the phase two recall petition this winter may request a booklet via mail using a simple form on Recall Dunleavy’s site:
Catholic Church
Suspends Masses
St. Gregory’s Catholic Church has suspended all daily and Sunday Masses March 14-27 as well as all church gatherings.
The church is open daily, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. for private prayer. Go to the parish website for all updates and information about what is happening in the parish, and updates from the Bishop of the Diocese of Juneau.
The parish is working to go on-line to possibly livestream Masses in the upcoming weeks.
Any further cancellations will be coming forth on March 27. Call the church at 747-8371 with questions or if an emergency arises.
BIHA Panel
Meets Weds.
Baranof Island Housing Authority Board of Commissioners will meet 5 p.m. March 25 at 245 Katlian Street.
The meeting is closed to the public.
Login Form
March 2005
Jonathan Krebs, Sitka Economic Development Association director, said today he’s resigning to take a job in Ottumwa, Iowa. Krebs, who also is manager of the Sawmill Cove Industrial Park, has held the SEDA post for five years.
March 1975
Gerry Helland of Sitka has been selected by the coaches to referee at the Alaska State High School Basketball Championships in Anchorage this weekend. Sitka and Wrangell are representing Southeast at the tourney.