CIVIC DUTY – Steven Eisenbeisz affixes his “I voted today” sticker after casting a ballot at Harrigan Centennial Hall today. A slow but steady stream of voters have dropped in at Sitka’s two precincts. More than 800 cast early votes. Polls are open to 8 p.m. (Sentinel Photo by James Poulson)

Voting Steady Today for Municipal Election
01 Oct 2024 15:32

Sentinel Staff Writer
    Election workers reported a “steady” turnout of v [ ... ]

C.G. Kodiak Plane Spots Russian, Chinese Vessels
01 Oct 2024 15:28

By Sentinel Staff
The U.S. Coast Guard on a routine patrol Saturday located two Russian Border Guard  [ ... ]

Wolves Lead Regional Cross Country Races
01 Oct 2024 13:28

Sentinel Sports Editor
    With runners from across Southeast on the course Satu [ ... ]

Judge Finds Fault With Permit for Gold Mine
01 Oct 2024 13:25

Alaska Beacon
    Opponents of the planned Donlin Gold mine in Western Alaska won a [ ... ]

October 1, 2024, Police Blotter
01 Oct 2024 13:12

Police Blotter
Sitka police received the following calls by 8 a.m. today:
September 30
At 2:29 a.m. an  [ ... ]

October 1, 2024, Community Happenings
01 Oct 2024 13:11

Rosemary Manning
Passes Away at 82 Rosemary Manning, 82, died Sept. 27 at Mt. Edgecumbe Medical Cent [ ... ]

Here Are Your Candidates in City Election
30 Sep 2024 15:59

Sentinel Staff Writer
    Polls will be open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Harrig [ ... ]

Wolves Take Cross Country Title
30 Sep 2024 15:42

By Sentinel Staff
    Racing in the Region V cross country meet in Ketchikan on Saturday, runners  [ ... ]

Court: Business Insurance Doesn’t Cover COVID
30 Sep 2024 15:40

Alaska Beacon
    In a first-of-its-kind ruling, the Alaska Supreme Court said Frid [ ... ]

2 Kenai Conservatives Vie in State House Race
30 Sep 2024 15:38

Alaska Beacon
    On the Kenai Peninsula, Republicans Bill Elam and John Hillyer [ ... ]

September 30, 2024, Police Blotter
30 Sep 2024 15:22

Sitka police received the following calls by 8 a.m. today:
September 27
An erratic driver was reported [ ... ]

September 30, 2024, Community Happenings
30 Sep 2024 15:19

Scientists To Cast Light On
Dark Side of Plants, Insects Carnivorous plants, bats, spiders and zombi [ ... ]

Month Puts Suicide Rate in Spotlight
27 Sep 2024 14:48

Sentinel Staff Writer
    As National Suicide Prevention Month draws to a close [ ... ]

Association Honors New Sitka Parks and Rec
27 Sep 2024 14:15

Sentinel Sports Editor
    Only two years after its formation, the city’s Park [ ... ]

Sitka High Swimmers Compete in Ketchikan
27 Sep 2024 14:14

By Sentinel Staff
    Swimmers from Sitka High School competed with teams from across Southeast at [ ... ]

Tribal Groups Sue For Trawler Restrictions
27 Sep 2024 14:03

Alaska Beacon
    U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Gleason heard oral arguments Thu [ ... ]

Alaska Tribes Awarded $14M to Address DV
27 Sep 2024 14:02

Alaska Beacon
    The U.S. Justice Department has announced more than $86 millio [ ... ]

September 27, 2024, Police Blotter
27 Sep 2024 14:00

Sitka police received the following calls by 8 a.m. today:
September 26
A welfare check was made for t [ ... ]

September 27, 2024, Community Happenings
27 Sep 2024 13:16

Health Care
Access Topic
Of Session
A data and dialogue session on community perceptions of health care [ ... ]

Missing Youth Found in Downstream Water
26 Sep 2024 16:17

Sentinel Staff Writer
    A four-day search for a Sitka teenager missing after  [ ... ]

Mt. Edgecumbe Runners Prep for Regions
26 Sep 2024 14:41

Sentinel Sports Editor
    Hitting their stride near the conclusion of the cross [ ... ]

Hoonah Ex-School Supt. Seeks Damages in Court
26 Sep 2024 14:37

Alaska Beacon
    The former Hoonah City School District superintendent has file [ ... ]

AFN Ditches Forum For U.S. House Candidates
26 Sep 2024 14:36

Alaska Beacon
    The Alaska Federation of Natives will not include a U.S. House fo [ ... ]

Mental Health Care For Alaska Children Urged
26 Sep 2024 13:21

Alaska Beacon
    Expanded access to mental health care was a primary concern fo [ ... ]

Other Articles

Daily Sitka Sentinel

City Figures Impact Of Governor Vetoes

Sentinel Staff Writer

The city finance staff was reviewing the governor’s line item budget vetoes today for possible impacts to the city’s fiscal year 2021 budget.

Some of the cuts did not come as a surprise, including hits to Community Assistance and school bond debt reimbursement, said City Controller Melissa Haley.

“There are other things that impact the budget, but those are the direct hits,” she said.

On top of those impacts, local officials are concerned about the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on city finances.

“Because of COVID, it’s not just that we’re incurring new expenses, the big impact is projected reduction in revenues,” Haley said.

Rep. Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins’ office sent out a list of the vetoes to municipal, school, tribal and community leaders in his legislative district, showing cuts to the Alaska Marine Highway System, K-12 and pre-K education, and Medicaid, among other programs.

“The governor justified many of these cuts by saying that the $1.25 billion the state will receive from the federal CARES Act will be used to supplement the programs,” said the email Kreiss-Tomkins aide Kevin McGowan sent to scores of local officials in District 35.

“For many of the cut items this is unlikely,” McGowan said in the email. “Section 5001(d) of the CARES Act requires that these federal funds are used for expenditures incurred during the COVID-19 disaster. Obviously, items like school bond debt reimbursement are recurring and not exclusive to the COVID-19 disaster.” 

Haley noted that the situation regarding the disaster relief money is changing by the day, and it’s not known at this point what will and will not be eligible for COVID-related federal funds under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, also known as CARES.

City Administrator John Leach said he’s attending an Alaska Municipal League teleconference today to discuss concerns and strategies for accessing CARES Act funding.

Haley said the finance staff anticipated the cut in Community Assistance funding in its current draft of the FY21 budget, and used a conservative figure of $376,000.

The city had also anticipated a 50 percent cut in the city’s entitlement in the school bond debt reimbursement program, and put that figure ($839,000) in the 2021 budget now being drafted. The Legislature passed a budget with full funding, but the governor vetoed the whole amount.

Haley said one way the city can cover the shortfall is to delay the sunset of the 1 percent seasonal sales tax. (Voters more than 20 years ago approved the 1 percent seasonal sales tax to fund bonds for school construction. The special tax will sunset when the bonds are paid off.) 

“We can carry it a year, and still be OK,” Haley said.

“We planned for the worst case scenario, the most conservative budget, when we put the figures together,” City Administrator John Leach said.

(See related story on the vetoes’ impact on the school budget.)

From Kreiss-Tomkins’ office, McGowan noted that most legislators returned to their home communities after the legislative session was recessed over a week ago, and that it’s unclear how the Legislature will proceed over the coming weeks.

After Dunleavy made massive cuts in the budget passed by the Legislature last year, they simply sent him a new budget, with many of his cuts restored, which he signed.







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October 2004

Photo caption: Kiksadi clan members stand on the site of the Tlingit fort attacked by the Russians in the Battle of 1804. Saturday’s grief ceremony mourned the loss of ancestors killed in the conflict 200 years ago. From left are Al Duncan, Ray Wilson and Tom Farquhar. In the foreground are the helmet and hammer used in the battle by Kiksadi leader Katlian, and a bronze double-headed eagle plaque presented by Baranof to the Kiksadi clan.


October 1974

Advertisement: Attention All Delegates to the Sitka Central Labor Council also members of the COPE Committee of the S.C.L.C. There will be a special endorsement meeting of candidates for the upcoming election to the State House of Representatives from the Sitka District. Sunday at Carpenter’s Hall. Don Barnhard, President.


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