DARK DANCE - Esme Ainslie, Eir Christianson and Jasmine Nellis dance to “Black Hole Sun,” with choreography by Laura Turcott, during the Fireweed Dance Theatre show Saturday at the Performing Arts Center. The show included a special visit from former Sitkan Julie Castillo, whose stage name is Julie Blackfeather, performing a sword dance and a fan dance. (Sentinel Photo by James Poulson)
y SHANNON HAUGLAND Sentinel Staff Writer Sitkans with internet service through GCI Commu [ ... ]
By Sentinel Staff In the final games of the regular basketball season, the Mt. Edgecumbe Braves tra [ ... ]
By Sentinel Staff Competing in City League volleyball competition Sunday, the YAPPERS defeated Subw [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon The Alaska House of Representatives is planning to vote this week on [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon The Alaska House of Representatives voted 36-0 on Friday to reject a [ ... ]
Quilt Auction March 3 Ocean Wave Quilters Guild will hold its annual scholarship auction 7 p.m. Mar [ ... ]
Police Blotter Sitka Police Department received the following calls during the period ending at 8 a [ ... ]
By SHANNON HAUGLAND Sentinel Staff Writer Members of Small Town SOUL turned in their petitio [ ... ]
By SHANNON HAUGLAND Sentinel Staff Writer The Gary Paxton Industrial Park board has set a wo [ ... ]
By Shannon Haugland Sentinel Staff Writer A resolution supporting a state increase in funding for [ ... ]
By SHANNON HAUGLAND Sentinel Staff Writer One of the pieces set for Fireweed Dance Theatre’s Gal [ ... ]
By Sentinel Staff In another evening of City League volleyball gameplay, the SEARHC Slammers defeat [ ... ]
By YARETH ROSEN ALASKA BEACON Amid pending tariffs, verbal attacks and insults lobbed against Cana [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon A budget resolution passed late Tuesday by the U.S. House of Represe [ ... ]
By YERETH ROSEN Alaska Beacon The condition of Alaska’s public infrastructure has improved over [ ... ]
Police Blotter Sitka Police Department received the following calls during the period ending at 8 a [ ... ]
Martina Dundas Dies at Age 48 Martina Nellie Maria Dundas died Wednesday in Sitka, at the age of 4 [ ... ]
By GARLAND KENNEDY Sentinel Staff Writer With outdoor recreation projects around Sitka at risk fol [ ... ]
By Sentinel Staff The Beak scored their first victory of the volleyball season Wednesday evening ag [ ... ]
By CORINNE SMITH Alaska Beacon The University of Alaska Board of Regents voted to comply with rece [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon For the second time in two years, the Alaska Legislature has approve [ ... ]
By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon The families of three Alaska Department of Natural Resources employe [ ... ]
Sitka Police Department received the following calls during the period ending at 8 a.m. today: Febr [ ... ]
Animal Code Discussion Set The public is invited to an informal meeting with Assembly members Thor [ ... ]
Daily Sitka Sentinel
May 6, 2020, Community Happenings
UAS-Sitka to Help Support
Community-Virus Battle
The staff and faculty of UAS-Sitka Campus have taken steps to support community needs as Sitka adjusts to life under Alaska’s shelter-in-place mandate by taking stock of campus resources.
Operations Supervisor Greg George began canvasing employees to create an inventory of relevant materials that could help in case of a COVID outbreak – personal protective equipment, cleaning supplies, and even a canopy event tent.
“We now have supplies ready and waiting for the city to request if ever they have the need,” said interim Director Math Trafton. “Already Health Information Management and Certified Nursing Aide Professor Darcie Ziel has donated 10 N95 masks and 20 isolation gowns to the Pioneers Home.”
The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services is coordinating the response to the novel coronavirus, and while the materials would most likely be used by SEARHC, Trafton also noted that UAS-Sitka Campus would ship materials if DHSS deemed it necessary.
‘‘UAS Sitka recognizes we are all in this together, and that by working together Sitka will get through this difficult time,’’ Trafton said.
MEHS Graduation
Thursday at 1 p.m.
On the Website
Mt. Edgecumbe High School will hold a virtual graduation 1 p.m. May. 7. The annual ceremony is being held online due to the ongoing threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.
To see the graduation ceremony, go to the MEHS website, mehs.us.
A full listing of graduates, photographs and the afternoon’s program will be published in Thursday’s Sentinel.
Rerouting of
Gavan Hill
Trail Proposed
The Sitka Ranger District is proposing to reroute the Gavan Hill segment of the Harbor Mountain/Gavan Hill Trail beginning with a survey and design this year followed by construction in 2021, or when funds become available.
A project description can be found at https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=57790 on the internet along with a project area map.
Email comments to comments-alaska-tongass-sitka@usda.gov with “Gavan Reconstruction” in the subject line. Comments also can be faxed to 747-4253 or mailed to Perry Edwards, District Ranger, 2108 Halibut Point Road, Sitka, AK 99835. Comments must be submitted by June 1.
Contact project manager Mike Mullin at 747-4274 or michael.mullin@usda.gov for more information.
Registration Open
Online kindergarten registration is still available on the Sitka School District website on the Baranof Elementary School page, sitkaschools.org/page/3326.
Parents are asked to register as soon as possible so the district will know how many students to plan for next year and to be able to create balanced classrooms, a news release said.
Children who are 5 years old on or before Sept. 1 are eligible to attend kindergarten.
Donuts & Diplomas
For Eighth-Graders
The annual Rites of Passage Ceremony for Blatchley Middle School eighth-graders may look a little different this year, but staff members plan to honor the class just the same.
On Friday, May 22, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. BMS staff will be in front of the school holding Rites of Passage certificates and an individually wrapped donut for each member of the class.
‘‘We ask that eighth-graders and their families pull up to the front of the school where they will be greeted and cheered by staff and receive their certificate,’’ the school said in a press release today. ‘‘We know this is very different froml proceedings but wanted to do something to honor our eighth-grade students.’’
Safe Stores
Initiative Set
The Sitka Health Summit Coalition, in partnership with the Sitka Chamber of Commerce, the State of Alaska Division of Public Health Nursing, and financial support from Sitka Legacy Foundation, is collecting information on the needs of local businesses as part of the Safe Stores, Shoppers and Workers initiative.
The goal of the project is to support businesses in reopening and operating safely during the pandemic by providing information and some free supplies customized to the needs of each enterprise.
Business participation is completely voluntary – the Health Summit will provide assistance, not directives.
To make this project as helpful as possible, organizers are asking store owners, managers and employees to complete a brief online survey at sitkasafestores.com. Survey responses will be accepted until 5 p.m. May 11. For information, contact Doug Osborne at 738-8734, douglaso@searhc.org.
Login Form
February 2005
Photo caption: Sitka Rotary club President Sharon Bergman and Sitka Mayor Marko Dapcevich break ground at the site of a gazebo to be built at the old floatplane turnaround at Halibut Point Road and Katlian Street. The gazebo is a Rotary Club Centennial project. Rotary Clubs worldwide are marking the 100th anniversary of the organization.
February 1975
Photo caption: Sitka High Wolves Paul Haavig and Roger Hames wait their chance while Wrangell’s Randy Buness and Thorne Ferguson bid for the ball in the Southeast Alaska High School basketball tourney. Wrangell outdid Sitka in the final seconds to win the crown. But both team will represent Southeast in the state tournament this coming weekend.