HARBOR JIGGING – Sawyer Bastian, 13, jigs for herring on the Crescent Harbor visitor dock this afternoon. About a dozen Sitkans were pulling up herring as fast as they could pull up their lines. Seiners have harvested roughly 4,607 tons of herring to date. (Sentinel Photo by James Poulson)

Assembly Approves Parks & Rec Rates
28 Mar 2025 15:33

Sentinel Staff Writer A new fee schedule for city recreatio [ ... ]

Man Found Dead On Japonski Island Beach
28 Mar 2025 15:31

ANNA LAFFREY Sentinel Staff Writer Sitka Police Department confirmed today that a 62-year-old white [ ... ]

Sitka Sound Sac Roe Fishery Enters 7th Day
28 Mar 2025 13:27

ANNA LAFFREY Sentinel Staff Writer Commercial seine fishermen entered the sev [ ... ]

Lady Braves Close Out Season at State Tourney
28 Mar 2025 13:26

Sentinel Staff Writer Despite a challenging start in the Divis [ ... ]

Barracudas Compete in Boise
28 Mar 2025 13:19

Sentinel Staff Writer Two Baranof Barracudas swimmers took a n [ ... ]

F&G Gets OK for More Predator Killing in West
28 Mar 2025 13:17

By YERETH ROSEN Alaska Beacon The Alaska Board of Game on Thursday approved s [ ... ]

March 28, 2025, Police Blotter
28 Mar 2025 13:07

Police Blotter Police received the following calls as of 8 a.m. today. March 27 At 12:22 p.m. a c [ ... ]

March 28, 2025, Community Happenings
28 Mar 2025 13:04

Climate Connection: Climate Citizenship Physics doesn’t take a vacation for electoral [ ... ]

Assembly Approves Petition Vote Date
27 Mar 2025 15:05

Sentinel Staff Writer The Assembly gave final approval Tuesda [ ... ]

Active Spawn Grows As Sac Roe Fishery Continues
27 Mar 2025 12:38

ANNA LAFFREY Sentinel Staff Writer Sitkans woke to warm sea air today as the  [ ... ]

STA Endorses Herring as 'Forage Fish'
27 Mar 2025 12:37

By ANNA LAFFREY Sentinel Staff Writer Sitka Tribe of Alaska Tribal Council is [ ... ]

Sitka Cast Ready to Rock in ’80s-Set Musical
27 Mar 2025 12:36

Sentinel Staff Writer A jukebox musical that tells a comedic s [ ... ]

Planning Panel Approves Permit to Build Six-Plex
27 Mar 2025 12:34

By CATHY LI Special to the Sentinel A variance reducing a side setback on Ind [ ... ]

House Passes Measure In Aid of Foster Youths
27 Mar 2025 11:42

By CORINNE SMITH Alaska Beacon Alaska foster youth are admitted to acute psyc [ ... ]

Legislators Eye Savings To Fix Budget Deficit
27 Mar 2025 11:40

By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon Members of the Alaska Legislature said this wee [ ... ]

March 27, 2025, Police Blotter
27 Mar 2025 11:30

Police received the following calls as of 8 a.m. today. March 26 At 11:10 a.m. a woman at the ferr [ ... ]

March 27, 2025, Community Happenings
27 Mar 2025 11:29

Wayne Taranoff Dies at Age 75 Wayne Taranoff, 75,  passed away peacefully at home on Wednesday, M [ ... ]

Assembly Hears Comments, Selects Highmark
26 Mar 2025 15:47

Sentinel Staff Writer At a more than three-hour meeting Tuesd [ ... ]

ADF&G Releases Sac Roe Numbers
26 Mar 2025 15:20

ANNA LAFFREY Sentinel Staff Writer After indicating last week that all commer [ ... ]

Wolves Take 2nd at State, Best Finish in Decades
26 Mar 2025 15:18

Sentinel Staff Writer In competition with the best basketball  [ ... ]

Slammers Take Diggity Dogs
26 Mar 2025 15:13

Sentinel Staff Writer In another round of City League volleyba [ ... ]

Alaska Wins Suit Over Oil Drilling in ANWR
26 Mar 2025 15:11

By JAMES BROOKS Alaska Beacon A federal judge in Anchorage has ruled in favor of Alaska’s state-o [ ... ]

March 26, 2025, Police Blotter
26 Mar 2025 12:46

Police Blotter Police received the following calls as of 8 a.m. today. March 25 Police received t [ ... ]

Spawning Increasing; Sac Roe Fishing Goes On
25 Mar 2025 15:43

Sentinel Staff Writers Shorelines around town [ ... ]

Other Articles

Daily Sitka Sentinel

July 31, 2020, Community Happenings

Service Set For

Shirley Bayne

A celebration of the life of Shirley Bayne will be held at noon Aug. 8 at Halibut Point Recreation Area. Those attending are welcome to take a dish.


Shirley died July 4 of cancer at Mt. Edgecumbe Medical Center at age 68. She and her husband, Larry, have lived in Sitka since 1978.


40 Day Party for

William Howard

A 40 day party for William Eli ‘‘Buddy’’ Howard, 78, will be 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2, at the Sitka Moose Lodge, downstairs.


Mr. Howard died June 4.


Climate Connection: “The Future We Choose: Solving the Climate Crisis”

By Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac

The climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009 was a complete failure in many ways, with little evidence that the nations of the world could come to any effective agreement on addressing climate change.

In 2010, Christian Figueres, a Costa Rican diplomat, was appointed executive secretary of the United Nations framework convention on climate change, the organization responsible for guiding the response of the nations to the climate crisis, and she refused to accept that global agreement wasn’t possible. She hired Tom Rivett-Carnac, then president and CEO of Carbon Disclosure, USA and a former Buddhist monk, to be her senior political strategist.  His qualifications? “…humility to foster collective wisdom and the courage to work within a complexity that is beyond any mapping.”

Harnessing their impressive capabilities with sheer determination and unshakeable belief in a successful outcome, they led the negotiations that resulted in the 2015 Paris Agreement, the most far-reaching climate agreement to date.

Now, they have collaborated on a book: “The Future We Choose, Solving the Climate Crisis.” They describe the dire and critical state of the global crisis confronting us, and paint a picture, based on current predictions, of what the world will be like if we don’t take action. After describing the future we can look forward to if we do take appropriate action, the authors conclude: “Who we understand ourselves to be determines the choice we will make. That choice determines what will become of us. The choice is both simple and complex, but above all it’s urgent.”

The decade we are now entering is the most critical and our goal is clear: cut GHG emissions in half by 2030, then in half again by 2040 and achieve net zero by 2050. The authors present 3 mindsets they believe essential to the work that needs to be done to achieve that goal. 1. Stubborn Optimism — the unwavering belief that we will prevail; 2. Endless Abundance — nurturing the belief that there’s enough to go around and eliminating the competitiveness most of us feel in meeting our needs in life. Collaboration is offered as “the necessary engine for regenerating the biosphere and creating abundance”; 3. Radical Regeneration — beginning with replenishing and regenerating our own inner resources, and then focusing our efforts outward to support and create active regeneration of the natural world. This will require redesigning our human presence here, specifically by eliminating the “extractive” nature of our current human behavior.

We’re also presented with 10 actions, or areas to focus on, that we can all adopt to regenerate our lives and our planet. They are: 1. Let go of the old world  2. Face your grief, but hold a vision of the future  3. Defend the truth. 4. See yourself as a citizen – not a consumer  5. Move beyond fossil fuels  6. Reforest the Earth  7. Invest in a clean economy  8. Use technology responsibly  9. Build gender equality  10. Engage in politics

“The Future We Choose” is clear, concise and inspiring. It presents our stark current reality, but also emphasizes the significant amount of progress we’re making, and offers an encouraging and motivating roadmap for our future. In speaking of how we are to overcome the challenges and achieve the goal of a thriving livable planet, the authors assure us that “This is not a distant dream. It is already happening. Together with renowned author Arundhati Roy, we can say, “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. Maybe many of us won’t be here to greet her, but on a quiet day, if I listen very carefully, I can hear her breathing.”


For more information about the book, the authors and links to their weekly podcasts, visit globaloptimism.com. Barb Bingham is a stubborn (lifelong) optimist, and a member of Sitka Citizens’ Climate Lobby



Sport King Salmon

Allocation Raised

The Department of Fish and Game announces an increased opportunity to harvest king salmon.

Effective through Sept. 30, the resident bag and possession limit is three king salmon, 28 inches or greater in length, with no annual limit.

Nonresidents are allowed three king salmon, 28 inches or longer, and the annual limit is nine.

The department said due to continued reduced nonresident harvest in the sport fishery related to COVID-19 travel restrictions, the sport harvest of king salmon will continue to be significantly below the Southeast Alaska sport fishery king salmon allocation unless harvest opportunity is increased.

The action further liberalizes king salmon daily bag limits and the nonresident annual limit while keeping the marine sport fishery within its allocation.


For information, visit: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/sf/EONR/index.cfm?ADFG=area.R1&Year=2020.


National Park

Lists Rules for

Trail Users

Sitka National Historical Park trails remain open during the COVID pandemic and visitors are being encouraged to walk the trails.

‘‘While enjoying the park trails, we ask that you be mindful of the park rules put in place to preserve and protect the park and park users,’’ the park said.

The following reminders are from the Sitka National Historical Park:

–Keep pets on a leash, clean up all pet waste: Leashes must be six feet long or shorter, and not retractable. Pet waste bags and trash bins are provided at path entrance/exit points.

–Walk bikes on the trail: Bikes must be walked not ridden. We have had several reported and witnessed incidents of unsafe behavior concerning people on bikes. Elderly walkers, and walkers with strollers or pets are potentially at a higher risk of having an accidental collision with someone on a swift bike.

–Foot traffic only: No motorized vehicles, or e-bikes/bicycles may be ridden. Motorized wheelchairs are the only exception to this rule.

–No camping: Camping is prohibited within the park.

–No open alcoholic beverages, no drug use: Although marijuana is legal in the State of Alaska, it is illegal to possess or use marijuana or other controlled substances in the park.

‘‘If you see someone violating one of these rules, please report the violation to law enforcement rangers (907) 747-0127, or in the case of an emergency call 911,’’ the park said. ‘‘Thank you, Sitka community, for helping us keep the park safe and clean for everyone to enjoy.’’

For additional information visit the park’s webpage at https://www.nps.gov/sitk/learn/management/lawsandpolicies.htm or call the visitor center at 747- 0110.


Sitka Resident

Earns Degree

Jenna Peterson of Sitka has earned a bachelor of science, nursing degree from Western Governors University. The online, nonprofit university has graduated more than 190,000 students from across the country since its inception in 1997. 

WGU has recognized 7,734 undergraduate and 5,254 graduate degree recipients who have completed their degrees since April 1. 


Marine Safety


Get Training

The Alaska Marine Safety Education Association is conducting a marine safety instructor training class in Sitka at the Public Safety Training Academy Sept. 21-26.

The intensive train-the-trainer course prepares individuals to effectively teach cold-water survival procedures, the use of marine safety equipment, and vessel safety drills.

Topics covered include: Methods of Marine Safety Instruction; Emergency Procedures; Risk Assessment; How to Conduct Effective Drills; Cold-Water Survival Skills; Man-Overboard Recovery; Firefighting; Life Rafts; Abandon-Ship Procedures; Helicopter-Rescue; Flares, MAYDAYs, and Other Emergency Signals; Personal Flotation Devices; Flooding Control; Conducting Safety Orientations; and Cross-Cultural Communication.

AMSEA recommends the workshop for anyone who wants to provide cold-water survival, shore-side survival, or marine safety instruction. The MSIT provides practical, hands-on experience in survival equipment use and procedures.

Upon completion, participants will be prepared to teach AMSEA’s U.S. Coast Guard-approved Fishing Vessel Drill Conductor training, pending authorization from the Coast Guard. Students must comply with classroom safety procedures for preventing the transmission of COVID-19 infections, including wearing face masks and maintaining six feet of physical distance from others.


The cost for the class is $995. Partial scholarships are available for qualifying commercial fishermen, with support from the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health and the U.S. Coast Guard. Mariners can register online at www.asmsea.org or call 747-3287.


Carver Joseph

At National Park

Tlingit carver Tommy Joseph has returned to Sitka National Historical Park to carve a new reproduction of the “Waasgo Pole.”

The first reproduction of the pole is displayed inside Totem Hall and can be seen during weekly open hours, noon-4 p.m. Friday through Sunday.

Joseph will work in the totem carving shed behind the visitor center, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday.

‘‘He welcomes questions and discussion,’’ the park said.

NPS reminds visitors to maintain a six-foot physical distance from Joseph to prevent potential spread of COVID-19. His work area is roped off, and the park requests that visitors remain outside of the barrier.

The park will be documenting the progress of the pole and uploading to the park website and social media (the park can be found on Facebook and Instagram). More information about Joseph’s work and the pole being carved will be given throughout the summer.

For additional information visit the park’s webpage at www.nps.gov/sitk or call 747-0110. 


Volunteers Sought

For Trail Event

Volunteers are needed to pull alders along Sawmill Creek Road at the Sitka Trail Works’ trail maintenance event 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2.

With water and gloves in hand, individuals will meet at the gravel parking lot about a quarter mile after Whale Park on the left side of the road.

Tools and a limited number of gloves will be provided. A mandatory COVID-19 pre-screening questionnaire and a liability waiver must be completed prior to participation, the organization said.

Social distancing between different household groups and face coverings are being encouraged. Teens wanting to help must attend with an adult. For information call 747-7244 or visit www.sitkatrailworks.org 



Walking Group

To Start Aug. 5 

All are invited to join SEARHC staff for weekly fitness walks starting Aug. 5.

Participants will meet at lower Moller Field at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays in August. 

Everyone is asked to take a clean face covering and follow public health guidelines about social distancing.  Walkers will go around the track as many times as they like to increase their step counts for  the Start Stepping Southeast 29-day walking challenge that runs Aug. 3-31.


For information contact Doug Osborne at 966-8674/douglaso@searhc.org or go to searhc.org/startstepping.


Car-A-Van Event

Slated Saturday

A Car-A-Van for those with older cars, 1970s and older, will gather at the Sea Mart parking lot 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1, to take a group ride out to Starrigavan and back through town and end at Harrigan Centennial Hall.

All are invited to join. For information call Jeff, 747 4821.




‘Start Stepping’

Walk Event Set 

SEARHC is sponsoring a free walking event for Southeast residents. The Start Stepping Southeast 29-day walking challenge runs Aug. 3-31.

Participants who turn in a weekly steps log, by 3 p.m. every Monday, will be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift certificate to a local business.

The fitness program is open to all ages and walkers will be challenged to reach step count goals while following public health guidelines about social distancing and safety.


To register and log steps, go to searhc.org/startstepping.   For more information contact Heleena VanVeen at helennav@searhc.org or 966-8914.


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March 2005

Within the next few years two of Sitka’s small boat harbors, Old Thomsen and ANB, will have to be replaced, and Harbor Master Ray Majeski says the millions of dollars needed for the projects still must be found. ... Sitka Port and Harbors Commission has recommended raising moorage rates by 55 cents per foot per month, but the Assembly in an ordinance introduced at its last meeting called for 45 cents, which would make the new rate $1.75.



March 1975

Photo caption: Mrs. Leola Calkins, Women of the Moose Sitka Chapter, presents a blood pressure tester to Mrs. Joyce Haavig, Sitka Heart Fund Drive chairman. The tester was given to the Sitka Heart Association to be used in community hypertension evaluation clinics.


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