Legislators On Guard As COVID Cases Confirmed


Alaska Beacon

The COVID-19 pandemic emergency may have officially ended, but the coronavirus is still having an effect on the Alaska Capitol.

On Friday, the leaders of the Alaska Senate Finance Committee announced they will institute “voluntary” COVID testing for legislators and staff who work on the committee.

The announcement came after several legislators and staff tested positive for COVID.

Sen. Bert Stedman, R-Sitka, said that with all three committee co-chairs (including himself) calling for voluntary testing, it’s voluntary in the same sense that an Army sergeant asking for volunteers is voluntary.

“We’ve had too many hot cases of COVID in the building, and we’re worried about having the Senate Finance Committee slowed down or even stopped,” he said.

Elsewhere in the building, the chairs of the House and Senate rules committees issued a joint memo calling on legislators and staff to stay home if they are ill or test positive for COVID-19.

“It’s running through the building,” said Sen. Bill Wielechowski, D-Anchorage and the Senate Rules chair.

Sen. Elvi Gray-Jackson, D-Anchorage and chair of the Legislative Council, said there have been no changes in the Capitol’s COVID policy so far.

Last year, legislators dropped an anti-COVID testing and masking policy in February and declined to reinstate it even after cases rose and lawmakers canceled some work. 

Masking and testing remains voluntary for staff and legislators.

At least one member of the state House has been ill with COVID and away from the Capitol this week. A bill from Rep. Stanley Wright, R-Anchorage, was scheduled for a vote on the House floor this week, but that vote was postponed because of his illness.

A scheduled House floor session on Friday turned into a technical session, but that wasn’t just because of COVID absences, said Speaker of the House Cathy Tilton, R-Wasilla.

Many legislators had already gone to their home districts for the weekend.




Lisa: State’s Problem Is Population Decline


Alaska Beacon

In her annual address to the Alaska Legislature, U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski urged state lawmakers to avoid spending too much time on the amount of this year’s Permanent Fund dividend and to focus on problems causing people to move out of the state.

For a decade, the number of people moving out of the state has exceeded the number of people moving into the state. Only the addition of new births has caused the state’s population to plateau, rather than continue to fall.

“They’re counting on us to have a vision and to push that vision, whether for resources, housing, child care, workforce development, transportation or another big idea that can shape the state for future generations, a generation that stays instead of leaving,” said Murkowski, a Republican.

Afterward, Murkowski worried that she might have overstepped her bounds by intruding as a U.S. senator onto issues controlled by state lawmakers, but she said she feels a variety of problems — child care, transportation, housing, workforce shortages and economic development — need state attention and can’t be solved through federal aid alone.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Photo by James Brooks/Alaska Beacon)

The lack of child care options, for example, is having a detrimental effect on federal efforts to bring more military infrastructure to the state, Murkowski said.

“We hear from the Coast Guard as well: Without child care options, the Coast Guard is not going to look to Alaska for new vessels,” Murkowski said.

“I would urge you: Do what you can here by putting this issue firmly on the agenda for the 33rd Legislature,” she said.

Since 2016, the amount of the Permanent Fund dividend has been the Legislature’s largest annual struggle. 

The state’s single largest expense, the dividend overshadows all other discussions. With many legislators saying that tax increases are off the table and with no large available savings, budget discussions have become an annual tug-of-war between the dividend and other priorities, like funding for K-12 schools or construction.

“I’ll just say it: If this Legislature spends the whole 33rd legislative agenda focusing on how much Alaskans are going to be getting for a Permanent Fund dividend — we miss everything,” Murkowski said.




UA President Cites Fiscal, Student Gains


Alaska Beacon

After nearly a decade of budget-slashing, turmoil, uncertainty and declines, the state’s university system is now steadied and growing, University of Alaska President Pat Pitney said on Tuesday.

“I am thrilled to share: the University of Alaska has turned the corner,” Pitney said in her State of the University address, delivered to the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce. “We have fiscal stability for the first time in nine years, and this spring, a growing student body.”

Enrollment as of mid-February totaled 17,734, slightly more than 2% above the enrollment at the same point of the spring 2022 semester, according to university figures. That compares to annual declines of 8% from the fall of 2018 to the fall of 2021.

More than half of the currently enrolled students are at the University of Alaska Anchorage or its affiliated community colleges. A little over a third are at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and its affiliated colleges, and about 10% are at the University of Alaska Southeast and its community branches, according to the statistics.

State funding for the university fell by $55 million from 2019 to 2022. But that decrease was partially offset this year, as it rose by nearly $47 million.

In her speech, Pitney shared other “very exciting news” about increasing funding for university research.

Last year, the university system reached its highest level of externally funded research, “and we are about to eclipse that again this year,” she said.

Pitney promoted the university system as critical to addressing the state’s economic challenges, starting with its lack of workers.

“Today, we have 25,000 fewer working-age adults in Alaska than we did 10 years ago. We are facing acute shortages in key sectors of our communities – teaching, health care, CPAs and construction workers, just to name a few. Our universities are a big part of the solution to meet those workforce needs.”

Between its three universities and their associated community branches, located from Ketchikan in Southeast to Kotzebue in the Arctic, there are programs that range from “short-term workforce development to Ph.D. programs recognized as the best in class globally,” Pitney said.

Getting Alaskans to attend those universities and enroll in those programs is a key first step to meeting workforce challenges, Pitney said.

National statistics show that 80% of graduates settle and establish their careers within 100 miles of the colleges where they received their degrees, Pitney said. That pattern goes for Alaska as well, she said. Of the 44,000 degrees and certificates awarded in the last 10 years, 80% were working in Alaska within a year after graduation, she said. In contrast, she pointed to a state Department of Labor and Workforce analysis that showed that among Alaska’s 2005 high school graduates, only a quarter of those receiving college degrees outside of the state wound up back in Alaska in 2021.

Pitney said financial support for students is instrumental in drawing them to the state’s university system, she said. But too few Alaska students complete the federal financial-aid application that gives access to Pell grants, making that “one of the largest untapped sources” of aid, she said.

Also keeping students at home is the Alaska Performance Scholarship program, the state’s four-year merit scholarship. However, the program was under threat for several years, “shattering the confidence of the high schoolers.” Two years ago, when it appeared that the program’s funding would be wiped out, Pitney said she had to promise to fund the scholarships out of the university’s own budget until a legislative fix to the higher education fund was achieved.

This year, 1,823 students have received roughly $7.1 million in Alaska Performance Scholarships. 

“I’m incredibly thankful to the Legislature for enacting a solution last spring and restoring the stability of the Alaska Performance Scholarships,” she said. “It’s a pathway for hundreds of our Alaska students to be our workforce and future leaders. It is critical.”

Making college more accessible, through “innovation and flexibility,” helps attract nontraditional students, she said. As an example, she mentioned UAA’s 49th Finishers Scholarship program, which she said has helped more than 200 students with partial college educations achieve the final steps to graduation. “There are more people in Alaska, on a per-capita basis, that have started a degree that have not completed it than any other state in the U.S. So this is a big deal for us,” she said.

University of Alaska research is another important and economic driver, Pitney said.

She mentioned the university’s nationally recognized drone research program. “I am convinced that in a few short years, Alaska is positioned to be the first state in the nation to have a commercial drone industry,” she said. That’s because of UAF’s Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, she said. “Imagine what that could mean for shipping to villages or remote mines, or wildlife management, or monitoring coastal erosion, pipelines, wildfires – there are applications that change the economic landscape of our huge geography.”

Mariculture is another sector stimulated by the university system. With the assistance of the UAF College of Fisheries and Ocean Science, UAF’s Sea Grant program and the USA Applied Fisheries program, “the state’s goal for a $100 million mariculture industry is within reach,” she said, referring to a goal set by the state’s Mariculture Task Force.

Last year’s university research expenditures totaled $182 million, with UAF accounting for 89% of that total, Pitney said. The funding “comes to Alaska because of quality faculty and the focus and infrastructure built over decades,” she said. “It doesn’t happen overnight.”

As for external research funding, the university in 2022 had more than 1,200 active grants representing more than $900 million in multiyear award commitments, according to spokesman Jonathon Taylor.





Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network ; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, SitkaSentinel.com is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for city and other critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the sudden breakage of GCI's fiberoptic cable on August 29, which left most of Sitka without internet or phone connections. CCTHITA's public-spirited response to the emergency is inspiring.

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September 2004

Sheldon Jackson College’s Service Programs and Civic Engagement Project is teaming up with One Day’s Pay to provide volunteer service in remembrance of Sept. 11. ... To join the effort contact Chris Bryner.


September 1974

From On the Go by SAM: The Greater Sitka Arts Council has issued its first newsletter – congratulations! Included with the newsletter is an arts event calendar.


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