June 2, 2020, Community Happenings

Maritime Heritage

Blog On View

The Sitka Maritime Heritage Society’s new history blog is now available for online viewing.

‘‘The first history blog series will transport you back in time as it details the ups and downs in the daily lives of the Jacksons, a Norwegian fox farmer - fisherman’s family living around Goddard in the 1920s and 1930s, through the peak and decline of the fox farming boom, when fox farmers turned to fishing,’’ the organization said.

Go to www.sitkamaritime.org to read it.


AA Meetings

Slated Daily

Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held noon daily under the Crescent Harbor shelter.

The hotline number is 747-8866.


Baseball Raffle

Tickets Available

Sitka’s American Legion Post 13 baseball team continues to sell raffle tickets through the month of June.

Tickets are $10 each and offer the chance to win four round-trip Alaska Airlines travel vouchers. The drawing will be held July 25. If interested, send a message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The raffle is a fundraiser for Sitka’s American Legion baseball program.


Sitka Trail Works

Hike Set July 13

Sitka Trail Works will lead a free hike up the Indian River Trail 9 a.m. Saturday, June 13. 

A mandatory COVID-19 pre-screening questionnaire and a liability waiver must be completed prior to participation, STW said. Forms can be accessed online and taken to the hike to minimize paper handling.

Hikers should meet at the trailhead parking area on Indian River Road at 9 a.m. The nine-mile, five-hour round-trip hike will go to the waterfall and back. The trail gains elevation gradually and runs alongside Indian River and then through stands of old-growth spruce. 

STW said a small slide happened earlier this year and hikers will need to traverse just before the waterfall. Hike leaders will carry first aid supplies and VHF radios. Hikers should take water, snacks, hiking poles and a camera. Social distancing between different household groups and face coverings are being encouraged.

For more details and forms visit http://sitkatrailworks.org/weekend-hikes/ or call 747-7244.


Rep. JKT Leads

Online Town Hall

The public can join Rep. Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins for a Facebook Live Town Hall 7 p.m. Thursday, June 4.

Kreiss-Tomkins will provide an update on COVID-19 and the Legislature, and will take questions. Visit Kreiss-Tomkins’ Facebook page at bit.ly/2YybWPt for a link to the stream.


UAS to Offer

Job Search Series

The UAS-Sitka Campus Title III College to Career program is sponsoring a series of workshops for job seekers.

‘‘The job market has changed in the midst of our current pandemic – but there are still opportunities out there,’’ UAS said in a press release. ‘‘How do we adjust and make the most out of this situation?’’

New college graduates, current college students, those considering a job change, or looking at other employment opportunities, are invited to take the training sessions.

Presenter Deborah Rydman, UAS-Juneau career services coordinator, will be conduct online Zoom seminars, each at 11 a.m.

–June 16: ‘‘Job Search Strategies’’  to review strategies and resources, including websites for remote/virtual jobs that will optimize job searches.

–June 17: ‘‘Internships and Volunteering – Gateway to the Workplace.’’ Internships and volunteering experience on a student’s resume are highly valued by potential employers, UAS said. Students also can earn college credit for internships. The session will show strategies on how to find an opportunity and what to do next.

–June 18: ‘‘Resumes and Cover Letters’’ will show how to choose what type of resume to write and what to include to increase odds of making it through the first screening. Resume and cover letter examples will be discussed.

–June 23: ‘‘Virtual Interviews’’ and how to prepare for them. Face-to-face, in-person interviews are not the norm  during COVID-19 pandemic times, but employers are still hiring and interviewing candidates. The class will review the different platforms that are being used, how to prepare for a virtual interview, review strategies for how best to answer both common and situational questions and how to close the deal.

To register or for information contact Jeff Budd at 747-7795 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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February 2005

Photo caption: Sitka Rotary club President Sharon Bergman and Sitka Mayor Marko Dapcevich break ground at the site of a gazebo to be built at the old floatplane turnaround at Halibut Point Road and Katlian Street. The gazebo is a Rotary Club Centennial project. Rotary Clubs worldwide are marking the 100th anniversary of the organization.



February 1975

Photo caption: Sitka High Wolves Paul Haavig and Roger Hames wait their chance while Wrangell’s Randy Buness and Thorne Ferguson bid for the ball in the Southeast Alaska High School basketball tourney. Wrangell outdid Sitka in the final seconds to win the crown. But both team will represent Southeast in the state tournament this coming weekend.


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