September 12, 2024, Community Happenings
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- Category: News
- Created on Thursday, 12 September 2024 11:56
- Hits: 1220
Free Public Wi-Fi
At Senior Center
City and Borough of Sitka Parks and Recreation is offering free public Wi-Fi at Swan Lake Senior Center 4-8 p.m. Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays through the end of September.
For information, contact Sitka Parks and Recreation at
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or call 907 747-4031.
Essential Public
Wi-Fi at Library
The City and Borough of Sitka has public Wi-Fi available at the Sitka Public Library during business hours through the network titled, “Sitka Public Library” at 320 Harbor Drive.
Regular business hours are 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; and 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. It is closed on Sundays.
The Wi-Fi is intended for essential use only, the city said in a news release. It is not designed to support high-bandwidth activities such as streaming movies, music or gaming.
For information or questions, contact Public Information Officer Melissa Wileman at 907 747-1824 or by email at
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ANB, ANS Camps
To Meet Sept. 14
Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 4 will hold a regular business meeting 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, at the ANB Founders Hall, followed by a dinner break for all Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 1 and ANS members and guests.
At 6 p.m., an ANB Camp 1 and ANS Camp 4 combined meeting will begin with the first round of nominations of officers, upcoming holiday dinners planning, and other business items.
All races, religions and genders are welcome to join either organization. For further information call landline 907 747-7803 and leave a message with name and phone number for a return call.
Candlelight Vigil
For Ethan McGill
Classmates, teachers, friends and family are invited to a candlelight vigil to remember Ethan McGill 7-8 p.m. Monday, Sept. 16, at Moller Field.
Ethan’s birthday is Sept. 16 and he will be remembered fondly for caring deeply for his family and friends and his creative spirit.
Health Summit
Goodbye Party
Set for Sept. 19
A ‘‘goodbye party’’ for Sitka Health Summit is planned 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19, at UAS-Sitka Campus Room 229.
‘‘Join us to celebrate 17 years of the Sitka Health Summit Coalition, 30 transformational community wellness goals, and all of you who have worked to improve health in Sitka,’’ a news release from the coalition said.
A meal will be served.
Community-led wellness initiatives and events will be celebrated as the coalition distributes more than $10,000 in awards to the 2024 prize recipients.
EMERGE125 Dance
Group to Perform
The dance ensemble EMERGE125 will kick off the Sitka Fine Arts Camp’s fall performing arts series 7 p.m. Sept. 13 at Odess Theater.
The Black, female-led hub for dance performance and creation will use movement to build community and expand the impact of dance, Sitka Fine Arts Camp said in a news release.
The ensemble is choreographed by artistic director Tiffany Rea-Fisher, who was named one of the “Women to Watch on Broadway” by the Broadway Women’s Fund.
Audiences can expect innovative dance that is accessible and relatable to people of all ages and backgrounds, SFAC said.
Tickets are available at
Assembly Candidate
Meet and Greet Tonight
A meet-and-greet with Assembly candidate Robert Hattle will be held 5:30-7:30 p.m. tonight at the Mean Queen. For more information call 907 738-2230.
School Board
Meets Tonight
Sitka School Board will hold a special meeting 5 p.m. today at the district office board room.
The board will interview and appoint a new board member. Also to be discussed is the Tremco Blatchley roof assessment.
The board will then meet in executive session for an attorney-client discussion.
‘Banned Together’
Documentary Set
Sitka Public Library will host a private, pre-release screening of the new documentary ‘‘Banned Together’’ 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26.
The film follows three young women during their senior year of high school as they become activists fighting against book banning in their community.
The event is part of Banned Books Week at Sitka Public Library and is most suitable for teens and adults. It also will feature information about censorship, intellectual freedom, and the right to read, as well as displays of banned and challenged books.
For information, call Maite or Margot at 907 747-4020.
Family Connect
Group to Meet
Parents and caregivers raising children and young adults who are neurodivergent meet to share resources, celebrate uniqueness and discuss challenges and triumphs.
The monthly group is supported by Sitka Counseling and the Hope Coalition.
Call or text Maggie at 907 623-8239 for information or to discuss accessibility accommodations.
Wearable Arts
Designers Sought
The Greater Sitka Arts Council has put out a call to wearable arts designers to begin thinking about the 2025 Wearable Arts Show.
Two shows, a matinee and evening performance, are planned Feb. 8 at Harrigan Centennial Hall. The theme is ‘‘Forest to the Sea.’’
The deadline for designers to register is Dec. 13. Find more information at the Greater Sitka Arts Council’s website or contact Bobbi Jordan at 907 738-0166 or
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Organ Concert
Slated Thursday
An evening of organ music, with selections from contemporary composers and French Romantic and German Baroque works, will be 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel, 105 Shotgun Alley.
Organists are Riley Palmer and Elisabeth Palmer.
‘Strike a Chord’
Quilt Class Set
Ocean Wave Quilters is hosting a class taught by former Sitkan Barbara (Pankey) Dahl 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 28 and 30 at the United Methodist Church.
Cost of class is $90 for guild members and $100 for non-members. The quilt class requires the pattern “Strike a Chord,’’ which can be purchased as an online download.
Call Ruth at 907 738-1627 to sign up or for further information.
Municipal Election
Event at Library
The City and Borough of Sitka municipal clerk’s office and Sitka Public Library will hold a free community presentation on municipal elections 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the library.
Attendees can learn more about the process, meet the individuals who are working to conduct municipal elections, and get local election questions answered.
For information, contact Margot at 907 747-4028 or email
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Goat Hunt Zone
Closes Sept. 15
The Rosenberg Lake zone of mountain goat hunt on Baranof Island will close by emergency order 11:59 p.m. Sept. 15.
To date, the quota of two male goats has been harvested. The management objective for this zone has been met and no further harvest is warranted.
For additional information please contact the Sitka area office at (907) 747-5449.
‘Cruise Boom’
Film to Show
‘‘Cruise Boom,’’ a locally produced documentary, will premiere nationally on PBS Sept. 14.
The 55-minute film will be available on, the PBS app and on stations across the country.
‘‘Cruise Boom’’ will broadcast throughout Alaska on KTOO 360 TV 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 15, and 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19.
An Artchange Inc. production created by Ellen Frankenstein and Atman Mehta, the film chronicles the community over a course of a year, preparing for the boom and the impacts and opportunities that come with it.
For more information and broadcast times go to
‘Whales’ Discussed
At Public Seminar
Dr. Shannon Atkinson DeMaster, UAF professor in the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, will give a talk titled “Ambassadors of the Deep: Understanding the lives of living and deceased whales,” during the Natural History seminar talk 7 p.m. Sept. 26, at UAS-Sitka Campus, Room 229.
The lives of large whales are geographically and socially complex, organizers said.
‘‘This talk will use three case studies to help us better understand the complexities of their lives from living and deceased whales,’’ DeMaster said. ‘‘Environmental change is reflected in the health of marine wildlife health, and these case studies present true ambassadors of the deep.’’
Atkinson has worked in Southeast since 2008 and served as the first Sitka Sound Science Center scientist in residence. Her research focuses on the physiology and anatomy of large whales.
The Natural History Seminar series is co-sponsored by UAS-Sitka campus and the Sitka Sound Science Center.
Those with questionscan email Kitty LaBounty
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or Lauren Wild,
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BHV Buoys, Chairs
Event Sept. 18-25
Because of Sitka’s Internet disruption, the Brave Heart Volunteers Buoy and Chair online auction has been moved to Sept. 18-25.
The buoys and chairs will be on exhibit at Island Artist Gallery during the auction. An after-hours event is set 5-7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21. It will include live music and light refreshments as well as the opportunity to view the art.
To see all the bouys and chairs, plus a link to the auction, visit
BHV End-of-Life
Training Scheduled
Brave Heart Volunteers will offer its annual end-of-life training 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 12 and 1-4 p.m. Oct. 13.
EOL volunteers sit at the bedsides of those who are nearing the end of life, and they provide respite for caregivers.
Medical assistance is not given. Volunteers provide a compassionate presence while holding a hand, reading aloud, giving words of comfort, or keeping vigil so caregivers can rest.
To register for this free training, email
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or call 907 747-4600.
Municipal Election
Information Given
The regular municipal election will be held Tuesday, Oct. 1.
Eligible voters may choose to vote using one of these options: absentee voting by mail; early voting in-person at Harrigan Centennial Hall 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m.-noon Saturdays, Sept. 16-30; by fax or email; personal representative; and in-person 7 a.m.-8 p.m. on Election Day at Harrigan Centennial Hall.
Applications to vote absentee by mail must be received by the Municipal Clerk’s Office no later than Sept. 24. For candidate information, a sample ballot, absentee ballot request, and other election resources, visit or contact the Municipal Clerk’s Office at 907 747-1826 or 907 747-1811.
Coho Clan Sets
Potlatch Meeting
Coho Clan (L’uknax.adi Koo.eex’) will hold a planning and practice meeting 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 15, at the Mother Coho House (Kaayaashka Hít).
For information, contact Lillian Young, (907) 752-0867.
USCG Auxiliary
Meeting Sept. 14
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, America’s volunteer lifesavers, will meet 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, at the office on the pier.
For information call 907 738-8891.
Public Transit
To be Discussed
The Human Services and Transportation Advisory Committee will meet 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, at Harrigan Centennial Hall, Room 4.
The committee will consider transportation needs of clients of Sitka’s human and social services agencies, and to recommend priorities among possible grant applications from Sitka agencies to the State of Alaska to address those needs.
The public is welcome to attend and may bring up any other public transit or transportation concern.
An option to participate online through a Zoom meeting. Phone participation also is available. To attend online, leave a phone message with an email address or a text number, for Connie Sipe at 951 202-9716 before noon on Wednesday, Sept. 18.
Raffle Tickets
Available Now
American Legion Post 13 is conducting a raffle. Tickets are $10 each with a drawing Nov. 11 at the American Legion Post 13. The winner does not need to be present.
Prizes are round-trip tickets from Sitka to Juneau through Alaska Seaplanes; Great Lakes battle-worn flag; and Standard Horizon floating handheld radio.
The drawing is managed through the American Legion Post 13 Permit 156. A total of 500 tickets will be sold through the American Legion.
Alaska Pioneers
To Meet Sept. 19
Due to local communication challenges, illnesses, and a change of venue, the next meeting of the Pioneers of Alaska has been postponed until 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19, at the Salvation Army.
Those attending are asked to take a side dish. The theme will be ‘‘Autumn.’’
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February 2005
Because of dramatic increases in construction costs, about 100 seats have been cut from plans for the Sitka High School auditorium, City Engineer Dan Jones said at the Sitka School Board meeting.
February 1975
Police Blotter: Four youths were warned it is illegal to ride motorcycles on Swan Lake. Hames Corp. reported three cases of larceny by check. One auto on Lake St. across from the Fire Department and two autos on the Alaska Federal Savings and Loan parking lot were impounded. Mrs. Eugene Buchholz reported the theft of a car battery, valued at $35.