February 3, 2025, Community Happenings

Sitka Counseling
Recognizes Teens
For Participation
Sitka Counseling recently presented a check to representatives at Blatchley Middle School in acknowledgment of participation in the annual Substance Use Surveys for Youths.
The initiative, conducted in partnership with the HOPE Coalition, gathered responses from 305 students, achieving a return rate of 86.6%.
‘‘The survey plays a vital role in guiding the coalition’s efforts to address substance use concerns in the community,’’ Sitka Counseling said in a news release.
Sitka Counseling thanked Blatchley Middle School students for their commitment to shaping prevention strategies that impact youths and the broader Sitka community.

School Board
Meets Feb. 5
Sitka School Board will hold its regular meeting 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, at Harrigan Centennial Hall. The meeting will be preceded by student and staff recognitions at 5:45 p.m.
The full meeting agenda can be found by following the link on the district’s website: www.sitkaschools.org. Those who wish to submit written public comment on an agenda item must submit it by 5 p.m. Feb. 4 to the district office at 300 Kostrometinoff Street, or by emailing: info@sitkaschools.org.

Buoy Painting Event Planned
Those who wish to paint a buoy for the Brave Heart Volunteers buoy fundraiser but don’t know where to start are invited to join artist Pat Kehoe for three evenings of creativity.
Kehoe will offer expertise, acrylic paints and buoys. The group is seeking hard plastic buoy donations. Those who have one can take it along.
Workshops will be held 6-8 p.m. Feb. 3, 5 and 10 at the Sitka Sound Science Center.
To RSVP, or donate a buoy, email board@braveheartvolunteers.org. Buoy pickups can be arranged.

School Board
At Pacific High
Sitka School District Superintendent Deidre Jenson and School Board member Paul Rioux will meet with Pacific High School parents and guardians 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4.
Jenson will lead a roundtable discussion of upcoming needs and a site-specific budget discussion. Members of the Sitka School District School Board will be in attendance; however, no action will be taken.

Summer Camp
Registration On
Registration for Sitka Sound Science Center summer camps will begin at 8 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 7.
Salmon, Humpback, and Octopus members, along with Coast Guard families, will receive a 25% discount at checkout. Need-based scholarships are also available.
For more information, email education@sitkascience.org.

Cultural Story Time
Slated at Library
Sitka Public Library will offer a Baby Raven Reads cultural program 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 15.
The program will be led by culture bearer Yeidikook’aa and includes a Tlingit clan story, cultural activities and a craft project.
Everyone is welcome. For information call 907 747-4020 or email Maite at maite.lorente@cityofsitka.org.

BIHA Board
Meets Wednesday
Baranof Island Housing Authority’s quarterly board of commissioners will meet 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, at Harrigan Centennial Hall.
A remote meeting option is also available. Those wishing to attend or participate may submit an email request to info@bihasitka.org before noon Feb. 5, or call BIHA at 907 747-5088 for assistance.

‘Blind Date With
A Book’ at Library
The public is invited to celebrate Valentine’s Day by going on a ‘‘Blind Date with a Book.’’
Gift-wrapped books for all ages will be on display at Sitka Public Library throughout the month. Patrons can read the clues, choose a book, check it out, unwrap it, and read the selection.
For information call 907 747-4020 or email Maite at maite.lorente@cityofsitka.org or Margot at Margot.oconnell@cityofsitka.org.

Teen Dating
Violence Noted
Sitka Youth Leadership Committee  has outlined information concerning Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month in February.
‘‘Many adults may not recognize signs of an unhealthy teen relationship, despite how common they are,’’ the committee said. ‘‘According to loveisrespect.org, one in three teens in the U.S. will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by someone they are in a romantic relationship with before becoming adults.’’
‘‘It’s important to support the teens you know that are in relationships and to recognize the characteristics of abusive relationships, which can include physical harm, isolation, insulting or manipulating, and controlling what they do, wear, or who they talk to,’’ SYLC and Sitkans Against Family Violence said in a news release. ‘‘If you see these characteristics in a friend or family member’s relationship, the best thing to do is to listen to them, acknowledge their feelings, and provide them with helpful resources. Some available resources are sitkayouthleadership.com/healthy-unhealthy-relationships and Sitkans Against Family Violence 907 -747-3370.’’

Moose Lodge Lists
Events for February
Sitka Moose Lodge has scheduled events for February
A prime rib dinner will be served 6-8 p.m. Feb. 7. A SuperBowl potluck will be held on Feb. 9. Attendees can take a dish to share. Activities will include a drawing for team T-shirts and a 50-50 raffle.
Grilled rib eye steak dinners will be served for a Valentine’s special. Tickets are available at the lodge.
Pool tournaments and other activities are planned throughout the month.
Lodge meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Women of the Moose meet the third Monday of each month. Members and qualified guests are welcome. Call 907 747-3344 with questions.

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February 2005

Photo caption: Baranof Barracuda swimmers pose with their awards won at the Speedo Great Alaska Open in Homer. From left are Ben Adams, Alex Dailey, Ben Campen, Andrew Vallion, Jamie Gorman, Gavin McGowan, Caitlin Way, Mallory Kempton-Hein, Alexandra Broschat and Alex Weissberg.


February 1975

Arrowhead Bowling League’s Dave Pearson, Al Aitken, Stumpy Baughn, Frank Brush and John D. Abbott Jr. bowled 200s. High series were bowled by Aitken, Baughn and Abbott.


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