Mt. Edgecumbe DDF Wins Honors at State Meet
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- Category: News
- Created on Thursday, 06 March 2025 15:53
- Hits: 233
Sentinel Staff Writer
Mt. Edgecumbe High School took nine students to compete at the 2025 Drama, Debate and Forensics State Championships, and came home with top prizes in their division for sportsmanship and academics.
The sportsmanship award is given to the school whose members contribute to the activity, by volunteering and generally showing respect to fellow competitors. The all-academic award is given to the team whose members have the highest grade point average.
Members of the Mt. Edgecumbe High School drama, debate and forensics team accept one of two awards they received, for sportsmanship and academics, at the state DDF championships last weekend in Anchorage. They are, from left, Kasak Smith, Artemis McEwen, Riley Ayapan, Sierra Isaak, Isla Teague, Kaylynn Pelowook, Camron Isaak, Gale McCrary and Sage Martin. (Photo provided)
Braves’ Coach Lynn Bastoky said she was proud of the kids for their work throughout the season, and is sorry to lose the 10 seniors, who set an example of dedication and will be missed.
She was surprised by the sportsmanship award, which is competitive because kids in DDF are generally supportive of one another and volunteer readily to be timers, run errands and watch performances.. Regardless of which team is competing, the DDF kids will encourage and cheer for one another, Bastoky said.
“This year our team went above and beyond to help tidy up rooms, and support other competitors,” she said. “This season, we’ve had challenges on the team, and they never complain. Their fortitude and resilience is remarkable.”
Bastoky knew her students were in the running for the all-academic prize, but nonetheless was excited to hear the Braves announced as the winners.
“There are three 4.0s on the team, and they are students who put their academics first, and value their education,” she said.
In the individual events, Kasak Smyth, a senior from Golovin, broke into finals in extemporaneous speaking-domestic, and placed sixth. She also competed in debate and readers theater.
“Even though she doesn’t always win the debates, her arguments are always passionate,” the coach said.
Bastoky is in her fourth year of coaching DDF, joined by MEHS colleague Cathy Hazel. Bastoky directed plays while teaching in Bethel, and learned the ins and outs of DDF after joining the Mt. Edgecumbe faculty.
“Luckily all the other Southeast coaches are helpful, and they’ve helped me over the years, which is another reason the activity is so great,” she said. “How many activities will the other coaches make you a better coach?”
A number of this year's DDF team members are graduating this year and 2026 will be a rebuilding year, but Bastoky said she sees a lot of promise in this year's sophomores and juniors who will be stepping into leadership roles.
The team throughout the year had as many as 16 members, with the top nine performers traveling to state.
The Mt. Edgecumbe team members at state were:
Kasak Smyth (senior, Golovin)
Kaylynn Pelowook (senior, Wales)
Isla Teague (sophomore, Tok)
Sierra Isaak (junior, St. Mary’s)
Camron Isaak (senior, St. Mary’s)
Gale McCrary (senior, Noorvik)
Sage Martin (senior, Port Alexander)
Artemis McEwen (senior, Sitka)
Riley Ayapan (senior, Akiachak)
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