September 16, 2013 Community Happenings
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- Category: News
- Created on Monday, 16 September 2013 10:54
- Hits: 7609
ADF&G Extends
Troll Fishery
The Southeast/Yakutat commercial troll fishery has been extended through 11:59 p.m., Sept. 30, to the retention of all species except king salmon. The areas of frequent high king salmon abundance will remain closed, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game said.
Recent catch rates in the drift gillnet fisheries have generally been above average, the department said. The wild coho salmon return and all-gear commercial are projected to be 5.73 and 3.32 million respectively.
ADF&G said that both projections are well-above average and second only to 1994, when the coho salmon run was the largest on record.
The Hidden Falls THA will remain open to trolling for all species except king salmon through 11:59 p.m., Oct. 10, with exceptions.
The 2013–2014 winter troll fishery will open according to regulation at 12:01 a.m., Oct. 11. The management plan will be available by early October in all ADF&G area offices and on the troll fishery website.
Book Release
Celebration Set
The public is invited 3:30-4:40 p.m. Sept. 21 to the Brave Heart Manager’s House to celebrate the book release of ‘‘Reclaiming Our Democracy.’’
Conference calls will include those from RESULTS’ founder and author Sam Daley-Harris and Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus.
‘‘There will also be time for questions and answers to learn how you can participate in our democracy to end the worst aspects of poverty both domestically and globally,’’ a RESULTS spokeswoman said.
Call Michele at 752-0472 with questions.
ALFA to Meet
Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association will host a meeting 5 p.m. Oct. 7 at the Sitka Sound Science Center, 834 Lincoln Street, with guest Bruce Leaman, executive director of the International Pacific Halibut Commission.
The meeting is open to the public. Light snacks and coffee will be available. Call 747-3400 or email
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with questions.
School Board Meets
Sitka School Board will hold a work session, followed by a special board meeting, 7 p.m. Sept. 16 in the Sitka School District board room. The public is invited.
The board will discuss the superintendent hiring process, and will go into executive session to discuss personnel.
Ranger-Led Park
Programs on Tap
Ranger-guided programs at Sitka National Historical Park this week are: Tuesday, 2 p.m. Totem Walk; Wednesday, 9 a.m. Totem Walk, 10 a.m. Battle Walk, 2:15 p.m. Discovery Walk; Thursday, 9 a.m. Totem Walk, 10 a.m. Battle Walk, 2:15 p.m. Discovery Walk; Friday, 2 p.m. Totem Walk; and Saturday, 10 a.m. Totem Walk and 2:15 p.m. Discovery Walk.
Ranger-led tours meet at the park’s visitor center. For more information call 747-0110.
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March 2005
Whale expert Jan Straley and biologists from Sitka Tribe of Alaska and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game will be featured on a cruise sponsored by Sitka Whalefest this weekend.
March 1975
Police Blotter: Preston Williams reported $6 worth of gas was stolen from his vehicle while it was parked at the Kiksadi. Paul Garwood said two tires on the KSA-TV van were slashed while the truck was parked at the Hobby House. George Reid, Arrowhead Trailer Court said guns, steamer trunks and decanters valued at $1,500 were stolen by burglars. A telephone was reported detached from the booth next to the post office.