February 14, 2014 Community Happenings
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- Category: News
- Created on Friday, 14 February 2014 13:19
- Hits: 7224
Memorial Dinner
Set Saturday for
Duck Didrickson
The family of Donald (Duck) Didrickson will host a memorial dinner for all of his friends and family 4-7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, at the ANB Founders Hall.
Those attending may take a dish to share.
School Board
Discusses Budget
Sitka School Board will hold a budget hearing 3:45 p.m. Feb. 17 in the Keet Gooshi Heen Elementary School multipurpose room.
Conferences On
Blatchley Middle School parent-teacher conferences will be 4-7 p.m. Feb. 25-26, and are student-led.
Appointments may be made for Feb. 27 with team teachers. Call 747-8672 for more information.
Students will not have school on Feb. 27.
STA Bus Facility
Ceremony Monday
Sitka Tribe of Alaska will hold a ground-breaking ceremony for its Indian River Road Bus “Facility/Turnaround/Stop” Improvement Project 2 p.m. Feb. 17. The public is invited to attend.
VFW Services
Officer in Sitka
The VFW Services Officer Gerry Glover will be at Sitka Job Center 12:30-4:30 p.m. Feb. 25 to answer questions about VA entitlements and assist with filling out application forms.
Tabata Class Set
Friday at Hames
Hames Center’s personal trainer Shannon will offer a full-body workout 6:30 a.m. Friday, Valentine’s Day, members and their loved ones or friends.
The workout will entail circuit training, tabata, intervals and resistance work. It is free to members and $8 for non-members, which includes full access to Hames Center all day and a free class.
Women’s Book
Group to Meet
The Women’s Book Group will read ‘‘Last Letters from Attu: The True Story of Etta Jones, Alaska Pioneer and Japanese P.O.W.’’ by Mary Breu meet at the Pioneers Home Chapel 7 p.m. Feb. 18.
All women are invited to participate. Those with questions may call Dorothy at 747-3412.
Unitarians Meet
Rich McClear will speak on ‘‘Missionaries, Mercenaries, Mystics, Misfits, Aid Workers and the South Sudan Civil War’’ 10:45 a.m. Sunday at the Unitarian Fellowship meeting.
Fellowship begins at 10:30 a.m., soup and bread follows the program at noon. The Fellowship Hall is located at 408 Marine Street, with parking on Spruce Street.
Bake Sale Benefits
Yupik Dance Group
The Yupik Dance Group at Mt. Edgecumbe High School will hold a fry bread and bake sale 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday at the ANB Founders Hall.
The dance group has been selected to represent team Alaska and the USA at the Arctic Winter Games in Fairbanks March 15-22. This will be the third time the MEHS Yupik Dance group has performed at the Arctic Winter Games and six students will be traveling to Fairbanks to perform traditional Yupik dances.
The students are Willie Drake, Brianne Hunt, Amanda Andrew, Jerilyn Alexie, Andrew Nicolai, and Andy Karmun.
A Kuspuk auction is being planned by the group for the following week. For more information call Nadia at 966-3200.
Fishing Observer
Program Discussed
The National Marine Fisheries Service invites the public to attend outreach meetings to discuss the first year of the new North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program.
Sitka’s meeting will be 1-3 p.m. Feb. 19 at the Centennial Hall Rousseau Room.
NOAA Fisheries will discuss how the first year of the program went and tell plans for this year’s observer deployment. Attendees can ask questions about observer coverage or the observer fee and provide input on the first year and recommendations for improvements.
4H Adventure
Series on Tap
The Alaska Way of Life 4H project will start a new series for ages 8 to 13 on Feb. 18.
Youths will learn map and compass navigation, Leave No Trace wilderness ethics, how to be bear aware and other skills to prepare for an overnight trip. Registration is open at the Sitka Conservation Society with Mary by calling 747-7509. New members are welcome.
‘Bear Aware’
Program Topic
Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Phil Mooney will give a presentation 4 p.m. Feb. 23 at Kettleson Memorial Library on bear behavior and living in bear country.
Unit 4 Trappers
Get Reminder
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, reminds trappers that the season for marten, mink, weasel and river otter in Game Management Unit 4 ends Feb. 15.
Beaver season remains open until April 30. Pelts of marten, river otter, and beaver must be sealed by a department representative within 30 days after the close of the season.
Sitka Tribe of Alaska is proud to announce its groundbreaking ceremony for its Indian River Road Bus “Facility/Turnaround/Stop” Improvement Project to be at; 2:00pm on Monday, February 17th, 2014. This ceremony will be at the project’s location.
Volunteers Sought
For SJ Campus
Saturday volunteer work parties will continue on the SJ Campus, focused on finishing Allen Hall. Participants meet at Allen Hall at 9 a.m., break for a hot lunch at noon, and continue until 3 p.m. On Saturday they will stain trim in Allen, wash windows and paint.
All are invited to join at any time. Call the Sitka Fine Arts Camp office at 747-3085 with questions.
Society to Meet
The Sitka Conservation Society will hold its annual business meeting on 6:30 p.m. Feb. 23 at The Loft, 408 Oja Way.
SCS staff will give a brief update on current SCS developments and projects. There will be a special showing of the short film, ‘‘The Way Home,’’ which chronicles the trip Alice and Chuck Johnstone took to West Chichagof to visit the area they worked to protect as wilderness. All SCS members and anyone interested in becoming a member are being encouraged to attend. Light desserts and non-alcoholic drinks will be served.
For more information, contact SCS at 747-7509 or
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HGTV Series
Casting in Sitka
Sitka real estate agents and their clients are being sought for a new HGTV series.
‘‘If you’re outgoing, outspoken and have always wanted to show off your love of Alaska to millions of viewers, then we want to hear from you,’’ a press release said.
Each episode of the half-hour show follows a realtor as they introduce their home buyers to The Last Frontier and their potential new homes. Clients purchasing vacation homes are also invited to contact producers.
Realtors should submit company name, website, biography/resume, phot and contact information to be considered for the show. Buyers should write a brief back-story, two or three photos and contact information.
They can be submitted by email to
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White E Children’s
Store Sale Slated
The children’s store at the White Elephant Shop will have a half-price sale on Saturday.
Shoes and boots are $2. A large selection of cold weather boots are available. Snow pants also will be on sale. Store hours are noon to 3 p.m.
Woodworking Set
Those who have a project and want access to the wood shop at Blatchley Middle School, supervised by Don Seesz and Greg Watchers, are invited to sign up for a woodworking session through Sitka Community Schools.
Cost is $60. Access is available 7-10 p.m. March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16, May 7 and 14. To register and pay fees, stop by the SCS office at Blatchley.
Core Exercise
Class on Tap
Community Schools announces a new session of Core exercise classes 5:30-6:15 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 4-April 29, in the Keet Gooshi Heen gym. The cost is $68.
Ukulele Group
Plans to Meet
“The Hundred” ukulele group has rescheduled its meeting for 6-7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, in the exhibit room at Centennial Hall.
It had originally been scheduled for Monday, but was rescheduled as it is a holiday.
The group will typically meet on the third Monday of each month – March 17 and April 21 – to welcome new members, practice as a group and learn new songs.
Free lessons are available 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays by texting 510-610-0075 for location and to confirm seating.
The group can be found at ‘‘The Hundred’’ on Facebook.
BBB to Award
2 Scholarships
The Better Business Bureau Foundation will award two scholarships this year for $1,000 and $1,500 in Alaska, Oregon and Western Washington.
The Students of Integrity Scholarship is designed to support students who recognize the importance of ethical and responsible marketplace practices. To download the application and determine eligibility requirements, please visit akorww.bbb.org/scholarship.
The deadline is March 1.
Deadline: Applications must be postmarked by March 1, 2014. Incomplete applications or those postmarked after this date will not be considered.
Winners will be announced in April 2014. Winners’ names and schools may be released to the public and/or news media for promotional purposes. Non-winners will be notified via email by BBB serving Alaska, Oregon and Western Washington after the winners have been contacted.
For more information on the 2014 Students of Integrity Scholarships, please email
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Legos and Books
Program Tuesday
The next Legos and Books program at Kettleson Memorial Library will be 4:30 p.m. Feb. 18.
Participants will first read a book and later be challenged to make a Lego creation around the book. Registration is required. For more information call the library at 747-8708.
Gunalchéesh Háw’aa
Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, SitkaSentinel.com is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the scheduled maintenance of GCI’s fiberoptic cable starting March, 13th. CCTHITA’s public-spirited response to the outage is inspiring.
Login Form
March 2005
Photo caption: Sitka High School’s Zach Carlson and Barrow’s Jake Voss get a grip on a loose ball, while Sitka’s Jayson Asnin tries to get in on the play. The Wolves beat Barrow 81-77 in triple overtime, Saturday at SHS.
March 1975
A catered dinner will be held after “Trial by Jury,” the concert presented by the Sitka Concert Association as a benefit for the Boy Scouts of America. Tickets are $5 each and reservations must be made by Monday.