April 4, 2014 Community Happenings

Lonely Pottery
    Sale April 12
    Sitka High School’s Lonely Potter Sale will be 9 a.m.-noon April 12 at the AC Lakeside entry, on the left side.
    One-of-a-kind ceramics will be sold, including cups, bowls and planters.
    Also available will be potted basil and African violets; student-designed greeting cards with envelopes; hot and cold insulated fiber bags with Hawaiian patterns; and small bedside tables from the high school wood shop.

    Volunteers Sought
    Saturday volunteer work parties continue on the SJ Campus Saturday, focused on finishing Allen Hall and improving the historic quad buildings. Participants meet at Allen Hall at 9 a.m., break for a hot lunch at noon, and continue until 3 p.m.
    This Saturday volunteers will paint in Allen Hall, pressure wash and scrape quad buildings, and work on dorm rooms.  All are welcome to join at any time.    Call Sitka Fine Arts Camp office 747-3085 with questions.

    Taxes are Topic
    Of Presentation
    Joe Meador will be talking “The Taxonomy of Taxes” 5-6 p.m. April 6 at Kettleson Memorial Library.
    Meador, a senior auditor in Florida for 10 years and a criminal investigator for six, will offer information about “The Trail of Reporting” and how it can impact a family’s ability to recover from a tragic event.
    He will also explain the ins and outs of taxes for the self-employed such as fishers and contractors. Meador has  helpful hints about how best to protect assets legally.
    The program is part of Smart Money Week, a national wide week to provide financial education for citizens.
    For more information contact Kettleson Memorial Library at 747-8708.

    Presentation for
    Athletes on Tap
    Free presentations for athletes and the active community are being offered 6 p.m. April 8 and 9 at Sitka Community Hospital in the downstairs classroom.
    The Alaska chapter of ACSM will present Brent C. Ruby, Ph.D, FACSM, director of the Montana Center for Work Physiology and Exercise Metabolism, who will offer the two free public lectures.
    Ruby focuses on endurance athletes, as well as heat regulation and diet during exercise. He works closely with the military, Forest Service and fire departments. Anyone involved in these areas, or who are interested in general health, are welcome to attend.
    The April 8 presentation is titled “How do humans cope with heat? What are the impacts of temperature, work, and hydration?” On April 9 the topic will be “understanding the upper limits of human endurance for work and play.”
    For more information contact Alicia at 928-607-4845 or www.alaskaacsm.org.

    Debt Management
    Topic of Program
    ‘‘Budgeting and Debt Management” will be the topic of a Lunch and Learn  with Sandi Riggs of ALPS Federal Credit Union noon-1 p.m. April 7 at Kettleson Memorial Library.
    Attendees are being encouraged to bring brown bag lunches and the library will provide beverages. The presentation is part of Smart Money Week, a program to bring financial information to citizens.

    Youth Eco-Challenge
    Set at National Park
    School-aged children and teammates will test their skills of compass navigation, bear safety and fire building during the youth eco-challenge race at the Sitka National Historical Park  April 26.
    Teams of four may sign up, or individuals can register separately and be placed on a team.
    Teams of multiple ages are recommended. Contact Mary at 747-7509 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information and to register.

    Gardeners Called
    Members of the Alaska Way-of-Life 4-H Club would like to get their hands dirty and grow some food this summer.
    The group is seeking mentorship and modeling to help them build community between youths and established gardeners. Those interested in sharing  skills and spending a few hours with youths this summer are being asked to contact Mary at the Sitka Conservation Society, 747-7509, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

    Nonprofit Directors
    To Meet April 9
    An informal support gathering for nonprofit executive directors is set 5:30 p.m. April 9 at Rio’s.
    For more info contact Mim at 738-2888.

    Yellow Cedar is
    Program Topic
    The next natural history seminar will feature Lauren Oakes, Stanford University doctoral candidate, presenting “Long-term Vegetation Changes in Yellow-Cedar Forests Impacted by Climate Change” 7:30 p.m. April 17 at UAS room 229.
    Yellow-cedar has been experiencing widespread mortality in Southeast Alaska since the late 1800s with intensifying rates observed in the 1970s and 1980s, Oakes said.
    Current research identifies climate-related reductions in snow cover as a key driver of yellow-cedar decline, but little is known about how the rest of the forest community is affected by loss of yellow-cedar.
    Oakes and her team of assistants studied cedar stands on Chichagof Island and in Glacier Bay National Park to look at forest development in areas affected by the decline.
    Funding for the seminar series is provided by a grant to the Sitka Sound Science Center by the Sitka Permanent Charitable Trust and by support from the University of Alaska.
    Those with questions may contact Kitty LaBounty at 747-9432.

    Final Weekend
    For Exhibit at
    National Park
    Those who haven’t seen the Voices of the Wilderness Exhibit at Sitka National Historical Park have one last weekend to see it.
    All may stop by the visitor center to see the collection of multimedia pieces that celebrate the diversity of Alaskan wilderness. This exhibit, which closes April 8, is sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The traveling show was created to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Wilderness Act.
    Managers of Alaska’s public lands have hosted artists in wilderness areas throughout the state. Through the Voices of the Wilderness residency program, artists spend up to two weeks in one of Alaska’s spectacular wilderness areas with a ranger participating in stewardship duties, such as pulling invasive weeds, helping with wildlife research, cleaning up garbage and marine debris, and monitoring air quality.  Through a variety of media, including poetry, sculpture, painting, photography, fiber arts and music, artists translate how the wilderness has inspired them.
    The exhibit displays artwork inspired by 20 different wilderness areas, including pieces from the nearby West Chichagof-Yakobi, South Baranof and St.Lazaria Wilderness areas. The exhibit shows varied perspectives of Alaskan wilderness.
    After Sitka, the exhibit will travel to six other Alaskan cities this year including Ketchikan, Juneau, Fairbanks, Homer, Kenai and Anchorage. The exhibit is made possible with funding by Rasmuson Foundation through the Harper Arts Touring Fund, and is administered, under contract, by the Alaska State Council on the Arts. Additional support for this show is provided by Sitka Conservation Society and Alaska Geographic.
    Sitka National Historical Park is open Tuesday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information visit www.nps.gov/sitk/.

    Driver’s Ed
    Training Set
     UAS-Sitka Campus, Office of Continuing Education, will offer a driver’s education training April 22-May 13.
     The course is primarily for new drivers and those wishing to prepare for their driver’s license exam, but also anyone interested in improving their driving skills. The course will include classroom instruction and hands-on driving plus observing other drivers.
    Student accident insurance is included in fee. Students must have a learners permit at the time of registration. Parental consent necessary.
     The cost is $369. For more information or to register, call 747-7762.

    Lincoln Day
    Dinner Slated
    The Lincoln Day Dinner will be April 12 at the Westmark Sitka, with U.S. Senate Republican candidate Dan Sullivan as the guest speaker.
    To reserve a seat, call Kristy at 738-8626.

    Sullivan Speaker
    At Lincoln Dinner
    Dan Sullivan, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, will be the guest of honor and speaker at the Lincoln Day dinner and fundraiser April 12 at the Westmark Sitka banquet room. The cocktail hour begins at 5:30 p.m.
    Tickets may be purchased at Aurora Business Supplies or by calling Kristy at 738-8626. Advanced reservations are requested to help the chef. The evening will include a silent auction and dessert auction.
    As Alaska’s attorney general and commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources, Sullivan has focused on promoting energy security and economic opportunity, and fighting against federal government overreach. He is one of three Republican candidates running for the seat currently occupied by Sen. Mark Begich.
    Sullivan has a distinguished record of military and national security service. He is currently a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves with 20 years of service as an infantry and reconnaissance officer. He also served as a U.S. assistant secretary of state, focusing on economic, energy, and finance issues, and as a director on the National Security Council staff under Condoleezza Rice when she was the country’s secretary of state and national security adviser.
    Lincoln Day dinners are celebrated annually by Republicans across the U.S. to honor the memory of Abraham Lincoln, America’s 16th president and the first Republican president.
    The Sitka Republican Women host the Sitka dinners, which are both a celebration of Republican values and ideas as well as an opportunity to raise funds for Republican candidates.

    Park Seeks
    Those wanting to share their knowledge about Sitka with visitors this summer are invited to fill out a volunteer application at Sitka National Historical Park.
    Several opportunities are available.
    Volunteers will work at both the park’s visitor center and the Russian Bishop’s House, meeting and greeting visitors, assisting with educational and outreach programs, roving the trails, and working with the historic garden.
into two terms as needed. A stipend is available for this position.
    Interested applicants should contact Chief of Interpertation Becky Latanich at 747-0132 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Current volunteer opportunities are also searchable online at www.volunteer.gov (search: Sitka).

    Seniors to Hike
    Southeast Alaska Independent Living’s Senior Hiking Club will meet 9:15 a.m. April 16 at the Swan Lake Senior Center and return by 11:30 a.m.
    Naturalist Matt Goff will join the group to offer his knowledge of birding and the natural history of Sitka. The cost of $5 includes transportation, snacks, water and trekking poles. Those of all experience levels are welcome and being encouraged to hike at their own pace. Call SAIL at 747-6859 with questions.

    On Honor Roll
    Alyson R. Lovett, a senior in chemical engineering, and Soren T. White, a sophomore in general science, are among those earning placement on the winter scholastic honor roll at Oregon State University, Corvallis. Both earned a 3.5 grade point average or better.
    Benefit Canceled
    The fundraiser for Phinneas Edwards, originally scheduled for Saturday at the Crescent Harbor Shelter, is postponed until further notice. The event will take place in the near future, and updates will be provided.

    The RIDE Offers
    Free Transportation
    The RIDE is celebrating Earth Day with free rides this month.
    Sitkans can ride the fixed-route public transit system – and honor Earth Day at the same time – Mondays through Fridays, 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. For more information on “the RIDE” call 747-7103.

    Card of Thanks
    The family of Douglas James would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the community of Sitka!
    We are truly fortunate for living in a community that cares so much. It was clear how many lives Doug touched through the overwhelming support of the community. On behalf of my father Ronald, sister Roberta and nephews, Vincent and Kevin David, we would like to thank the following organizations for all that they have done: the American Legion, the Moose Lodge, the Elk’s Lodge, Shee Atika Inc., Sitka Tribal Enterprise and Agave Restaurant.
    We would also like to extend a special thank you to Grace Larsen for creating such a beautiful floral cross for Doug’s service. We wish we could list everyone that sent a card, brought food or helped my dad with whatever he needed, but the list is quite extensive, so please know that your support meant the world to us, gunalcheesh!
Brian James

‘Parfumarie’ Cast finding
Their Voices for April Plan

By Megan Pasternak
Special to the Sentinel
    Two and three times a week in the evenings since late January, Brian Seaton has turned into an angry older gentleman shopkeeper. That’s not a bad thing. It’s his role as Mr. Hammerschmitt in the upcoming Greater Sitka Arts Council’s production of “Parfumerie.”
    Seaton moved to Sitka in 2000 from Tacoma, Wash., graduated from Sitka High in 2010 and has always been interested in drama. His most recent involvements were in GSAC’s “Moon Over Buffalo” and the 48-Hour Film Festival.
    The role of Hammerschmitt carries a heavy line load with some long rantings but Seaton said it hasn’t been too difficult to handle. He added he has no complaints about his character’s personality and is enjoying the role.
     Seaton likes to spend his spare time reading and writing.
    No newcomer to stages, Michael Boose has two roles. One is Fritz, the shop’s delivery boy; the other is the policeman. Boose is concurrently portraying an officer in the Sitka High production of “Our Town” but said it’s not hard separating the two.
    The Sitka High junior comes by his love of theater easily as his father is an actor and his mother has been involved in costuming and sewing since she was a child. Boose intends to pursue acting as a career, considering both stage and film.
    Another familiar Sitka performer is Luciano Cannizzaro who plays a detective. He considers it a vital role as he sets the atmosphere for one of the more serious scenes in the play. Cannizzaro has had lots of previous experiences in high school and community theater in Sitka including “Paris of the Pacific” and “Kaleidoscope”.
    Cannizzaro is a home-schooled junior and his immediate plans, besides studying, include work and saving his money for more schooling.
    Adam Litten’s most recent Sitka role was playing Trotsky in the GSAC production of “All in The Timing.” He describes his character for this play, Mr. Steven Kadar, as “both smarmy and charming but actually a terrible person” when it comes down to it. However, Litten says it’s a fun role to play and he can relate to Kadar’s sense of style.
    Litten has taken a liking to acting and plans on doing more community theater.
    “Parfumerie” is an all-ages play. It does contain adult subjects but the language is all clean. Pay close attention if you want to catch all the innuendos and subtle remarks.
    The play will be onstage at the Performing Arts Center 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 18, 19 and 20.
    Tickets are $10 for general admission, $8 for students and senior citizens and available at Old Harbor Books.

Two Writers to Collaborate
At Residency Here for April
    One is writing a memoir about growing up, spending the salmon season, on a small island on the northwest side of Kodiak Island. The other is spending a year connecting with faith communities to explore the relationship between faith and health. Long-time friends, both expect a month spent together living and writing in Sitka to be revelatory for their work.
    Tamie Fields Harkins and Carol Green are here as part of the Island Institute’s Collaborative Residency Program. While they will not be collaborating directly, they expect the synergistic relationship that began several years ago in the course of studies at the Stonecoast Creative Writing Program will help them explore and develop their work. The kick-off event for their residency will be a community reading Sunday, April 6, at 7 p.m. in the Del Shirley Room in Allen Hall on the Sheldon Jackson Campus. A $5 donation is suggested.
    Green is on a year-long Medical Humanities fellowship through the University of Rochester’s School of Medicine, and is investigating the varieties of spirituality among believers of a number of faith traditions, as well as non-believers. Green is drawn most to the wandering, “painful avenues toward God and peace, and how these stories are rooted in the surest depths of a person – not in the side pockets”. In Sitka, she hopes to learn more about Sitka’s spiritual heritage, the dialogue between Native faiths and those of later immigrants. Green will offer a writing workshop related to her work all day on April 19 in the Pioneers Home Manager’s Residence.
    Harkins grew up spending salmon seasons on a small island northwest of Kodiak Island, where her family worked. She is at work on a memoir, ‘‘Even The Song Birds,’’ about this experience, and hopes to spend her time in Sitka turning sections of the book into stand-alone essays. She is excited to be in Sitka, both because she finds that the nature of her writing changes in Alaska, and because she finds the Institute’s resilience work inspiring.
    Harkins said “I look forward to the chance to be in Alaska while also having reflective distance from the particular Alaskan community I know so well. … As an adult working in a commercial salmon family on a remote island, I have wondered how my family could live in concord with the land—and why they (we?) often don’t, and don’t even want to. I see my family’s work and life practices as a microcosm of the global conundrum; participating in the Island Institute would give me the chance to dialectically explore what I’ve usually had to puzzle out alone.”
    The Institute has hosted writers-in-residence for years, but the Collaborative Residencies add a new dimension to the program. While many residency programs offer quiet and solitude, this program asks a pair of writers and artists to take part in a month-long creative exchange, gaining new insights into their craft.
    Asked about why she wants to work with Green, Harkins responded, “Carol wants to know the deep-down truth about things, to investigate broadly and deeply.” Green looks forward to ethical and theological conversations with Harkins over the course of the months, saying “I appreciate how her incisive mind often challenges my conceptions of the world.”
    The collaboration will extend beyond Green and Harkins into the community. Harkins will work with local youths on their writing, using her experience mentoring teenage writers in San Francisco, post-secondary writers in British Columbia, and incarcerated writers in Indiana. Green hopes to learn from conversations with Sitkans about faith and healing, admitting that “I’m not sure what my own faith is, but . . . I believe in belief: the idea that faith can brighten life.”
    Those interested in meeting Green and Harkins can find out about their community activities at www.islandinstitutealaska.org or by calling 747-3794.
    Support for the Island Institute’s residency program has come from the Alaska State Council on the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, City of Sitka, Sitka Alaska Permanent Charitable Trust and Island Institute members.


Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network ; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, SitkaSentinel.com is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for city and other critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the sudden breakage of GCI's fiberoptic cable on August 29, which left most of Sitka without internet or phone connections. CCTHITA's public-spirited response to the emergency is inspiring.

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September 2004

Sheldon Jackson College’s Service Programs and Civic Engagement Project is teaming up with One Day’s Pay to provide volunteer service in remembrance of Sept. 11. ... To join the effort contact Chris Bryner.


September 1974

From On the Go by SAM: The Greater Sitka Arts Council has issued its first newsletter – congratulations! Included with the newsletter is an arts event calendar.


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