July 17, 2014 Community Happenings

    Hike Planned
    For Aug. 21
    Southeast Alaska Independent Living’s Senior Hiking Club will meet  9:15 a.m. Aug. 21 at Swan Lake Senior Center and return by 11:30 a.m.
    The $5 charge includes transportation, snacks, water and trekking poles. Those planning to attend, or having questions, may call 747-6859.

    SEARHC Wins
    AHA Award
    SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium has been awarded the designation of being a “Gold Fit-Friendly Worksite” by the American Heart Association for recognizing the importance of a healthy workplace for its employees, and creating a culture of wellness.
     “To be selected, we had to show that SEARHC has strong systems in place, such as the healthy meals served at the Litehouse Café at Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital in Sitka, the employee fitness centers in both Sitka and Juneau, an employee wellness team, and incentives for fitness such as free ski passes for employees to use at Eaglecrest Ski Area in Juneau,’’ said Martha Pearson, SEARHC health promotion division director. ‘‘These are all great reasons to work at SEARHC.
     ‘‘The American Heart Association recognizes employers who go above and beyond when it comes to their employees’ health, and SEARHC is extremely proud to have received that recognition from such a prestigious and respected organization,’’ Pearson said.
    VBS to Register,
    Volunteers Sought
    Families are invited to mark their calendars for weekday morning vacation Bible school Aug. 11-15, hosted by Sitka Assembly of God with co-sponsorship by several other congregations.
    Planned for ages 4 years through those entering fifth grade, the “Weird Animals” VBS is recruiting older youths and adults as helpers.
    Registration forms will soon be available. To volunteer, or get information, contact “park director” Kelly Smith at 747-5848.

    Cancer Support
    Group to Meet
    The Sitka Cancer Support Group will meet 1 p.m. Sunday, July 20, at the Pioneers Home Manager’s House, located behind the Mt. Edgecumbe preschool on Seward Street.
    Mary Todd Andersen will speak about ‘‘Redox Signaling Molecules,’’ which are considered foundational for healing, the support group said.
    Those in cancer treatment and cancer survivors are invited to spend time with others who understand what they are going through. The support group is sponsored by Sitka Cancer Survivors Society. Call or e-mail Mary Beth with questions or a need a ride to attend, at 623-0842, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Tlingit Artist Sheakley
    To Work at Museum
    As part of the Native Artist Demonstrators Artist Residency Program, Tlingit artist Samuel Sheakley of Metlakatla will be working in the Sheldon Jackson Museum gallery most days 10 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. from Saturday, July 19, to Saturday, July 26.
    Sheakley is a young artist who has taught adults and children Northwest Coast formline design in Petersburg, was an apprentice carver under master artist David Boxley Sr., and taken many knife-making and carving classes with artists such as Michael Beasley, Doug Chilton, Ray Peck, Steve Brown, Robert Hoffman and Stan Marsden.
    The young carver focuses on traditional Tsimshian woodcraft, including miniatures, totem poles, paddles, rattles, drums, house models and bentwood boxes. Sixbey is also a painter. He will focus on making components of a miniature village during his residency.
    In addition to being working in the gallery, Sheakley will give a lecture titled “Northwest Coast Formline Design: Similarities and Differences” 3 p.m. on Saturday, July 26.  
    The Native Artist Demonstrators Program is supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Friends of the Sheldon Jackson Museum.

    At Saxan Basketry
    Program Saturday
    The Sheldon Jackson Museum invites the public to attend a free family-friendly public program to learn about Alaska Native basketry and make Yup’ik and Cup’ik style coiled baskets 1 p.m. Saturday, July 19.
    The activity is part of At Saxán (Love of All Things) Saturdays and is best for children ages 6-10.
    Space is limited. To register or for more information, call 747-8904 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Sheldon Jackson
    School Discussed
    Sheldon Jackson Museum will host a free lecture on the history of the Sheldon Jackson School and College 3 p.m. Sunday, July 27.
    The talk, titled “A Capsule History of Sheldon Jackson School and College: 1878-2007” will be given by Rebecca Poulson. All are welcome to attend.
    For more information, call 747-8981 or visit the Friends of the Sheldon Jackson Museum’s Facebook page.

Services Pending
For Theo Grutter
Services are pending for longtime Sitka resident Theo Grutter, 80, who died Wednesday in Sitka.
A full obituary will be published in the Sentinel.


Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network ; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, SitkaSentinel.com is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for city and other critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the sudden breakage of GCI's fiberoptic cable on August 29, which left most of Sitka without internet or phone connections. CCTHITA's public-spirited response to the emergency is inspiring.

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September 2004

Sheldon Jackson College’s Service Programs and Civic Engagement Project is teaming up with One Day’s Pay to provide volunteer service in remembrance of Sept. 11. ... To join the effort contact Chris Bryner.


September 1974

From On the Go by SAM: The Greater Sitka Arts Council has issued its first newsletter – congratulations! Included with the newsletter is an arts event calendar.


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