March 11, 2015 Community Happenings
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- Category: News
- Created on Wednesday, 11 March 2015 13:34
- Hits: 5789
Alhzeimer’s Session
Set for Wednesday
‘‘Communication and Connection,” an interactive workshop, will be held 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, at the Pioneer Home Managers House.
Facilitated by Amber Smith, education specialist with Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska, the hands-on session will provide understanding, tips and tools to improve ways of providing meaningful communication for someone living with Alzheimer’s disease.
Refreshments and light fare will be provided. RSVP by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling the office at 747-4600.
Better Breathers
Club to Meet
The Better Breathers Club will meet 1-2 p.m. Friday, March 13, at Swan Lake Senior Center.
Jessica Pyatt of Sitka Physical Therapy will talk on anatomy and breathing and postural control exercises.
The Better Breathers Club is a support group for patients with chronic lung disease – especially COPD, but also asthma, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer and other chronic lung diseases.
The meeting is open to caregivers, family, friends and support persons.Call Rose Manning, 747-5167, for more information.
Raffle Tickets
Support SHS Club
Sitka Soccer Club will sell raffle tickets 1-3 p.m. Saturday, March 14, at AC Lakeside.
Tickets are $10 on a chance to win a $1,000 gift certificate to Sea Mart, gray unbound 16GB iPhone 6 at $750, $300 Orion Sporting Goods gift certificate and $100 seal fur earmuffs by Robert Miller.
Tickets can also be purchased from any Sitka High School soccer player.
UAS Sets Open House
The University of Alaska Southeast, Sitka Campus, invites everyone to an open house 4-7 p.m. Thursday, March 12 at UAS.
A wide variety of activities for high school students, parents and others interested in taking college classes will be offered.
Hot dogs will be grilled all evening along with snacks and soft drinks. Door prizes will be presented every half hour.
The art studio will give away free T-shirts that visitors can silk-screen to make their own design – shirts are either black, Mt. Edgecumbe maroon or Sitka High blue.
Adjunct instructor Mark Sixbey will demonstrate his formline design procedures and invite visitors to silk-screen prepared NW-Coast art onto shirts or paper.
Two special information sessions will unveil a new Study Away program in which students can study in the lower 48 states or at colleges in many parts of the world, at UAS Sitka Campus tuition rates.
Student Success Center Director Chris Washko will conduct two tours of new housing options on the Sheldon Jackson campus.
English professor Math Trafton will conduct a film analysis mini class with movie clips and discussion.
Fish Tech Program Director Reid Brewer will guide students in a fish dissection, and Biology Professor Marnie Chapman and Chemistry Prof Jon Martin will conduct eyeball and brain dissection classes.
Information tables will allow visitors to meet faculty and advisors face to face. Professor Leslie Gordon will be on hand to discuss Health Information Management; Chief Sheldon Schmitt will be talk about the Law Enforcement program; and Barb Morse and Alex Najduchs will talk about the Fish Tech program.
Shelley Adams, CNA instructor, will conduct demos and answer questions about CNA and Pre-Nursing opportunities. Pat Hughes will lead a tour of the construction facility. Advisors David Felts and Cheryl Stromme will guide students on paying for college, health career options, the new associate of arts and associate of science liberal arts degrees.
And University staffers and students will welcome visitors and conduct tours of the entire campus. For more information, call the Student Success Center at 747-7717.
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March 2005
Western Illinois’ Travis Watson was named Swimming and Diving Athlete of the Week by the Mid-Continent Conference after a successful campaign in recent individual and relay team events. Watson, a 2000 Sitka High graduate, is a senior in engineering technology. He is the son of Cathy Watson and the late Craig H. Watson.
March 1975
Marilyn Knapp, president of the Greater Sitka Arts Council, announced today the council will solicit local businesses and individuals for scholarships to be awarded to Sitka students planning to attend the Regional Fine Arts Camp on the Sheldon Jackson College campus in July.