May 11, 2015 Community Happenings
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- Category: News
- Created on Monday, 11 May 2015 11:03
- Hits: 5807
SHS Senior Party
Planning Change
The Sitka High School senior party planning meeting has been changed to 7 p.m. Wednesdays – May 13 and 20 – at Centennial Hall.
Julie Hughes
Triathlon Sat.
The Baranof Barracuda Swim Club will host the 31st Annual Julie Hughes Triathlon 8:30 a.m. Saturday, May 16.
The event is a 5-mile run, 12-mile bike and 1,000-yard swim. A special short course for the 12 and under participants includes a 1.5-mile run, 6-mile bike and 500-yard swim.
Athletes can compete on a team or as an individual. All cyclists are encouraged to have a bicycle safety check prior to the event at Yellow Jersey.
Registration is open at or in person 5:30-7 p.m. Friday, May 15, at Blatchley Middle School and 7-8 a.m. Saturday, May 16. The cost is $25 for adults, and $15 for 12 and under. Proceeds from this event are donated to the Sitka Cancer Survivor Society.
For more information, call Kevin Knox at 738-4664 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Women Meet
The Sitka Republican Women invite women and men to a pizza dinner meeting 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 12, at the home of Larry and Kim Crews, 129 Knutson Drive.
For more information, call Kristy at 738-8626.
Bike to Work
Week Contest On
The Sitka Bicycle Friendly Community Coalition and the Yellow Jersey Cycle Shop is sponsoring a contest in observance of National Bike to Work Week, May 11-15.
To participate, bike to the cycle shop by 5:30 p.m. on Friday, May 15, and enter a raffle for a $100 gift certificate. To be eligible, the cyclist must wear a helmet and ride in the same direction as traffic. Commuter bicyclists can enter up to five times, one for each day biked to work during National Bike to Work week.
For more information call Doug Osborne at Sitka Community Hospital 747-0373.
Library to Discuss
Name Change
A meeting of the CBS Library Commission is scheduled 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 13, at the Stratton location of Kettleson Memorial Library. The public is welcome to attend.
The meeting will focus on the potential name change proposed for the library. For further information, call Robb Farmer at 747-8708 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Salmon Derby
Ridesharing On
The Sitka Sportsman’s Association announces a new program where boat owners needing a derby participant/witness or who just have extra room on their boats can link up with people wanting to fish the derby but who don’t have their own boat.
Signup sheets are at Murray Pacific and Orion Sporting Goods where people can sign up to either offer or request a ride to fish in the derby.
Once the derby starts at 7 a.m. Saturday, May 23, the signup lists will be on the derby barge in Crescent Harbor. Anyone with questions can contact John McCrehin, the derby chairman, at 738-8636 or Steve Ramp, the association’s president, at 738-7267.
DHSS Recipients
Sought for Review
The Legislative Budget and Audit Committee is seeking input from those who have received services from the Department of Health and Social Services.
Individuals may testify via teleconference at the Sitka Legislative Information Office 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 13.
To participate contact the Sitka LIO prior to the meeting. Call Marie, 747-6276, for more information.
Login Form
March 2005
Western Illinois’ Travis Watson was named Swimming and Diving Athlete of the Week by the Mid-Continent Conference after a successful campaign in recent individual and relay team events. Watson, a 2000 Sitka High graduate, is a senior in engineering technology. He is the son of Cathy Watson and the late Craig H. Watson.
March 1975
Marilyn Knapp, president of the Greater Sitka Arts Council, announced today the council will solicit local businesses and individuals for scholarships to be awarded to Sitka students planning to attend the Regional Fine Arts Camp on the Sheldon Jackson College campus in July.