June 5, 2015 Community Happenings

Youths Win

Salmon Derby

Trophies, Cash

Top winners for youths entering the 60th Annual Sitka Salmon Derby have been announced by Sitka Sportsman’s Association to receive trophies arranged by Mike and Roberta White.

Taking first place was Teddy Vos, age 12, with a 24.6 pound king for $300 provided by Scott Harris of Harris Air Services. In second place, Rose Pellett, age 11, had 24 pounds to receive $200 provided by Dave and Travis Miller of Misty Fjords Water Bottling. In third place, Destiny Davis, age 12, had 23.2 pounds for $100 from Dan Williams of Kruz-In Lube and Oil.

‘‘Sitka Sportsman’s Association thanks those sponsors named above and all others who have a part in bringing youths out for wholesome safe recreation on the water,’’ a derby official said.

Prizes will be awarded 7 p.m. Thursday, June 11, at Centennial Hall.


 5Chamber Golf

Tourney Canceled 

The Sitka Chamber of Commerce 2015 Annual Golf Tournament has been canceled due to staffing changes and timing.

For more information, contact the Chamber office at 747-8604.


Better Breathers

Club Set to Meet

The Better Breathers Club will meet at Swan Lake Senior Center 1-2 p.m. Friday, June12.

The Better Breathers Club is a group for people who are having trouble breathing, using oxygen or those with chronic lung disease (especially COPD, but also asthma, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer, sarcoidosis and other chronic lung diseases). The meeting is also open to caregivers, family, friends and support persons.

Call Rose Manning 747-5167 for more information.


Stedman Earns Degree

Susie Stedman graduated spring term from Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, Idaho, with an associate of science degree in business administration.

She maintained President’s List honors during each semester. Stedman will attend the University of Montana next year where she plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree from the business school.


5Brownie Thomsen

Sets Potluck Picnic

Brownie Thomsen is inviting friends and acquaintances to a potluck picnic 1-7 p.m. June 13 at Halibut Point Recreation Area main shelter.

Hot dogs and buns will be provided.


BIHA To Meet

Baranof Island Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners will meet 5 p.m. June 9 at 245 Katlian Street. The public is invited to attend.



5 Families Invited to Get in On

Park’s Trails Day Action

The public is invited to join in the National Trails Day celebration at Sitka National Historical Park on Saturday, June 6.

From scavenger hunts, to a toddler hike, families are invited to explore and enjoy the recreational opportunities the park’s trails offer.  

The Toddler Hiking Group and Picnic, 10:30 a.m.-noon, will kick off the day’s activities. A ranger will join the group and help toddlers complete a scavenger hunt while hiking through the park.  Following the hike, at 11:30 a.m., participants can join other families for a beach picnic. Families should take their own picnicking supplies and refreshments. To RSVP for the group hike call the park’s visitor center at  747-0110. 

National Trails Day Trail Scavenger Hunt is set 2-3 p.m. Participants will discover how well they know the park’s trails. The event, designed for school-aged children and their families, clues for participants in on park resources. Participants will earn a Junior Ranger sticker at the conclusion of the hunt. 

All are invited to an ice cream social at 3 p.m. on the seaside porch of the visitor center.

The Park Prescriptions $100 drawing will be at 3:15 p.m. The program is a collaborative effort between Sitka National Historical Park and the Sitka Community Hospital Foundation. The program encourages medical providers to prescribe recreational activities to their patients with the goal of promoting health and wellness through activity within their national park.   

National Trails Day is a nationwide annual event that celebrates recreational opportunities on America’s trails. Children must be supervised at this family event.





Gunalchéesh Háw’aa

Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, SitkaSentinel.com is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the scheduled maintenance of GCI’s fiberoptic cable starting March, 13th. CCTHITA’s public-spirited response to the outage is inspiring.

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March 2005

Photo caption: Sitka High School’s Zach Carlson and Barrow’s Jake Voss get a grip on a loose ball, while Sitka’s Jayson Asnin tries to get in on the play. The Wolves beat Barrow 81-77 in triple overtime, Saturday at SHS. 


March 1975

A catered dinner will be held after “Trial by Jury,” the concert presented by the Sitka Concert Association as a benefit for the Boy Scouts of America. Tickets are $5 each and reservations must be made by Monday.


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