November 19, 2015 Community Happenings

ANB to Meet

Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 1 will meet 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 23, at the ANB Founders Hall.

All members are being encouraged to attend. Call 738-3470 with questions.


ANS to Meet

Alaska Native Sisterhood will meet 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 24, at the ANB Founders Hall.

Call Stephanie Gilardi, 646-510-0596, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions.


Farewell Party

For Austin Family

A bon voyage party for the Pete and Bec Austin family will be 5 p.m. Dec. 12 at Sweetland Hall on the SJ Campus.

To RSVP for the potluck and BYOB event, call Alicia at 738-5680.


Playgroup Canceled

The Teach Your Children Well Playgroup, held at 1904 Halibut Point Road, has been canceled for Thursday, Nov. 26, in observance of Thanksgiving.


Health Summit

Gathering at UAS

The Sitka Health Summit and the City and Borough of Sitka’s Health Needs and Human Services Commission invite all who are interested in health and wellness to a networking and leadership development event 1-3 p.m. Dec. 10 at UAS-Sitka Campus, Room 229.

It is the first of three post-planning day follow-ups.

The first hour will be devoted to networking, learning about local coalitions and hearing updates from current health initiatives. From 2 to 3 p.m., the hands-on leadership feedback training will be offered and a module on measuring success.

For more information, contact Lauren at 966-8797.


Boys Fun Run

Listed Dec. 5

The public is invited to the second annual 5K Fun Run for the Boys Run I Toowú Klatseen program 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 5, at the Crescent Harbor shelter.

Boys will work toward their 5K goals at this free family-friendly event.

The community can join the group as runners, course cheerleaders, or volunteer to help at the event – register at

 Call Lauren at 747-3370 for more information.


Fourth Friday

Concert Nov. 27

Sitka Folk and the Greater Sitka Arts Council will present a Fourth Friday Concert at The Loft 7 p.m. Nov. 27.

The first set will feature Debby Leveck singing Broadway songs and original pieces, followed by Belly Meat with a program of all original songs.

Tickets are $10 and are available at Old Harbor Books. Only 40 will be sold because of space restrictions. For more information, call Ted at 747-5482.


‘Opera’ Program

Listed at Library

Kettleson Memorial Library will open its door to the world of opera 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, through an interactive presentation by opera singer Rhiannon Guevin.

Participants will learn about the art form through a series of interactive exercises and by listening to and watching excerpts from Mozart’s fantastical opera ‘‘The Magic Flute.’’

The presentation is aimed at students in preschool through kindergarten, but all ages are welcome. For more information call the library at 747-8708.


Story Time Set

Old Harbor Books will host a free story time for kids 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 24. Call 747-8808 with questions.


Book Release,

Birthday Party Set

“Ed Ricketts From Cannery Row to Sitka, Alaska,” a new book edited by Jan Straley and illustrated by Norm Campbell, will be released 3-5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 28, at Old Harbor Books.

The event is also a birthday celebration for Nancy Ricketts, Ed Ricketts’ daughter. All are welcome.



Harp Sing Set

The 4th Sunday Sitka Sacred Harp Sing is set 3:30-5 p.m. Nov. 22 at the Pioneers Home Chapel.

Beginners and listeners are welcome to attend. Call 738-2089 for more information.





Scholarship Apps

Sought by GSAC

The Greater Sitka Arts Council is seeking scholarship applications for those who wish to further their arts practice, in any medium. It is open to artists of all ages.

To apply, visit and find the scholarship application under GSAC forms. Fill it out and mail it to P.O. Box 564, Sitka, AK 99835. Deadline to apply is Jan. 31. 

For more information call Sarah at 747-2787, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


‘Sitka Nutcracker’

To be Presented

Sitka’s holiday season will begin with performances of ‘‘The Sitka Nutcracker,’’ featuring 80 local dancers,  Dec. 4-6 at the Performing Arts Center.

This year’s performers will travel to the ‘‘Land of Sweets’’ with each dance  representing a different treat or food. It will also have diverse interpretations of the Tchaikovsky score including Klezmer, jazz, classical and swing. 

Performance times are: 7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 4; 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5; and 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec.  6. Tickets will be available at Old Harbor Books, Wells Fargo Lobby on Nov. 27, and at the door. This year the ticket prices have been reduced to $20 for adults, $10 for students (age 6 through college) and seniors. Children age 5 and younger are free.

For more information visit ‘‘The Sitka Nutcracker’’ on Facebook. 



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March 2005

Photo caption: Blatchley Middle School Student Council members Billy Allery and Caitlin Harrington, along with their adviser Stacy Golden, present a check for $712.35 to Wells Fargo Bank representative Garry White. The council and teachers raised the money for the Tsunami Relief Fund administered by the bank.



March 1975

Gilnettings by Gil Truitt: Sitka ANB basketball team, one of the premier powers in SE for years, was re-organized this season and will compete in the forthcoming Gold Medal Tournament, thanks to the financial generosity of the Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 1, team sponsor.


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