December 4, 2015 Community Happenings
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- Category: News
- Created on Friday, 04 December 2015 11:17
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Green Business Award
Nominations Accepted
Sitka Global Warming Group invites local businesses, agencies, not-for-profit groups, schools and other entities and their customers to send in nominations for 2016 Sitka Green Business Awards. The nomination deadline for the first round of 2016 awards is Jan. 30.
SGWG is in its seventh year of awarding Sitka Green Business Awards. The this awards program provides businesses with information and education on ways to save money and conserve resources. They also recognize and thank local businesses for using “green” practices, and market those businesses on a website and through other means.
“In these times of cyber-shopping and globalization, SGWG is really proud to be working with and supporting local businesses and other entities,” said Michelle Putz, group leader. “These businesses are taking care of the local community through support of local activities, and taking care of the local and global environment through sustainable business practices.
‘‘As these businesses support us, we encourage the community of Sitka to support these local businesses by shopping, donating, and volunteering locally. SGWG supports participants in the program by providing additional methods to save money by reducing their energy, water, waste, and vehicle carbon footprints.”
Last year, 18 local businesses were awarded the 2015 “Sitka Green Business Award.” Thirteen of Sitka’s businesses received the highest recognition, the Platinum level award. One business received a Silver level award, and three a Gold level award, while the City and Borough of Sitka Electric Department received the Special Recognition award.
Using energy- and money-saving recommendations from local businesses, the group has a list of more than 35 green practices that local businesses are already using to save money. The practices determine the “winners” of the green business awards. The program’s four levels recognize different levels of commitment toward green practices.
Putz said that the more actions that a business takes to help the environment, the higher the recognition level they receive. Two special recognition categories are available for businesses involved in a one-time, major environmental initiative or in on-going environmental initiatives.
“Over 175 awards have been presented to over 80 businesses and other entities in Sitka since the first awards were presented in 2010,” Putz said. “We’d be thrilled to see those numbers go to over 200 awards and over 100 businesses this year. That would require the community to really look at and nominate businesses and entities important to them.’’
The group is encouraging individuals to nominate a Sitka business or group.
“If you know of a business or group that is doing good things for the environment and for Sitka, we’d love to hear from you,’’ Putz said.
Award levels for 2016 are: businesses using 1-4 green practices, Bronze Award; 5-9 green practices, Silver Award; 10-14 green practices, Gold Award; and 15 or more green practices, Platinum Award.
The list of green practices and method for nominating a business can be found at under Green Businesses.
Nominations for the first round of 2016 awards will be accepted until Jan. 30.
Quilt Guild
Offers Class
Ocean Wave Quilt Guild will offer a “Two Fabric Bargello” class, taught by Jane Seesz, 6-9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 11, and 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, at the Church of Christ.
The cost of the class is $40 for guild members and $45 for non-members. Sign-up and a materials list are available at Abby’s Reflection and Quiltworks.
Call Jill Scheidt at Abby’s, 747-3510, or email Jane Seesz, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , with questions.
Unitarians Meet
Sunday’s Unitarian Fellowship meeting will feature Jennifer Carter, who will present a program on the writer Anne Lamott. The group will discuss Lamott’s unlikely spiritual journey and feature a few selected readings.
Fellowship begins at 10:30 a.m., with the program beginning at 10:45 a.m. Soup and bread follow at noon. The Fellowship Hall is located at 408 Marine Street, with parking behind off Spruce Street.
‘Hanukkah’ Theme
Of Story Time
‘‘Hanukkah, the Festival of the Lights,’’ is the theme of the story time program 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 10, at Kettleson Memorial Library.
All are invited to a program of readings, songs and an easy craft project. For more information, call the library at 747-8708.
Poet to Read
Poet Caroline Goodwin will read from her latest collection, “Peregrine,” at Old Harbor Books 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 21.
Sitkans Invited to
‘Follow the Trail’
Sitka Lutheran Church is hosting a ‘‘Messy Church’’ nativity sheep trail activity in cooperation with nine Lincoln Street stores.
Participants are to ‘‘find the sheep who are on their way to visit the Christ child in his manger,’’ the church said.
Between now and Dec. 16 participants are to find the special sheep in each store, write his or her name on the form and take the form to Sitka Lutheran for a prize drawing Dec. 16.
Forms may be found at the church during office hours, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday through Friday, or at participating stores, which are Sitka Bazaar, Seasons, Tongass Threads, Bayview Outlet Store, Island Artists Gallery, Wintersong Soap Company, Old Harbor Books, Knit Shop and For Me and My House.
For more information call Sitka Lutheran Church, 747-3338.
Breakfast with Santa
Set for Saturday
All are invited to the annual Breakfast with Santa event 9 a.m.-noon Dec. 5 at Sweetland Hall on the SJ Campus.
Pancakes, eggs, sausage, fruit and beverages will be served. Photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus are planned. Baked goods and silent auction items will be offered. Items have been donated from local Sitka businesses, crafters and artists, as well as special theme baskets put together by preschool families.
Call 747-6898 with any questions.
YAS to Meet
Youth Advocates of Sitka’s board of directors will meet 5:15-7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 14, at YAS’s 805 Lincoln Street office.
Meetings are open to the public. The board is accepting letters of interest for a new member. Those who would like to join a team of professionals working together to support the mental health of Alaska’s youths and their families can contact Annette at 747-2910.
Saturday Sewing
Pinned by Quilters
Ocean Wave Quilt Guild will sponsor open sewing 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5, at Church of Christ on Kashevaroff Street.
The event is open to members and non-members for fellowship and a potluck lunch. Call Sarah with questions at 747-6743.
Raptor Center
Open Saturdays
Starting Dec. 5, the Alaska Raptor Center will be open to the public 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays.
Birds will be available outside and inside the center. A short program with birds will be presented at 11 a.m. The programs will be available through February. The center will be closed on Dec. 26 but will be open Jan. 2. Visitors admission is free.
Discovery Days at
Science Center
Discovery Days will investigate animal tracks and furs 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, Dec. 5, at the Sitka Sound Science Center.
Memberships can be purchased at the door. Family memberships start at $90 or individual memberships start at $30 for the year. For more information contact Kristina at 747-8878, extension 1.
Wreath, Garland
Sale Continues
Mt. Edgecumbe Preschool has a limited supply of wreaths and garland left from its annual fundraiser.
Twenty-two-inch rustic cedar wreaths are $33 with a decorative ribbon bow or $30 without. Garland is $30 for 15 feet or $120 for 75-foot lengths. The cedar garland can be draped around a door or both can be cut to length. The 22-inch rustic cedar wreaths are made of noble fir, cedar and juniper berries.
To place an order call 966-2675 or order online at under special events.
Baranof School
Sets BOGO Sale
Baranof Elementary Library will hold a holiday buy-one-get-one-free book fair 1:30-7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 18.
‘‘For one day only you will be able to come shop our excellent selection at low prices with a large portion of the proceeds going right back in to our library,’’ the school said.
All books and items will be buy one get one free with no limit on quantities. Gift wrapping is available.
Gymnastics Team
Sells Raffle Tickets
The Hames Center gymnastics program is selling raffle tickets for an American Girl doll with accessories.
Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased at the Hames Center or Abby’s Reflection Apparel and Quilt Works. The drawing will be 6 p.m. Dec. 18.
Childbirth Ed
Classes on Tap
Childbirth education classes are being held 6-9 p.m. Mondays Dec. 28, Jan. 4, 11, 18 and 25 in the lower level classroom at Sitka Community Hospital.
New five-week series will begin in February, April, June, August and October of next year.
The cost is $100 per couple for all five classes or $20 a class. A light supper and drinks will be provided.
Refresher courses are available Jan. 4, 11 and 18,a nd the cost is $60.
Classes will include: Dec. 28, ‘‘The journey towards the end of pregnancy’’; Jan. 4, ‘‘Natural techniques of labor’’ and participants should take a blanket or yoga mat; Jan. 11, ‘‘Informed choices- procedures of pregnancy, labor, and birth’’; Jan. 18, ‘‘A time of recovery- the post partum period’’; and Jan. 25, ‘‘Breastfeeding – all the basics.’’
Call 747-1722 to register and provide insurance information, if available. Insurance companies may cover the cost of classes. Scholarships are available.
Quilt Class Set
For January
Ocean Wave Quilt Guild will offer an English paper piecing class taught by Christy Newell 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 2, at the Church of Christ.
The class will cover traditional hand piecing and machine piecing. Cost of the class is $20 for guild members and $25 for non-members. Those wishing to take the class are asked to sign up early so that supplies can be ordered. Signup and materials list are available at Abby’s Reflection and Quiltworks.
Call Christy with questions at 860-287-2282.
Free Bird Walk
At National Park
Those interested in viewing, identifying and learning about Sitka’s winter bird residents or needing a refresher before participating in the Christmas Bird Count are invited to participate in a free winter bird walk 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, at Sitka National Historical Park.
Participants of all ages and levels of birdwatching experience will meet at the visitor center and then explore the park viewing birds throughout the various ecosystems.
Walkers should dress warmly and be prepared to spend the majority of their time outside in variable weather conditions. Participants who have binoculars are encouraged to take them. A limited number of binoculars and field guides will be available for participants to borrow during the event. For more information contact Ryan Carpenter at 747-0121, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
BMS, SHS Winter
Program Dec. 9
The Sitka High symphonic and jazz bands and the Blatchley Middle School first, second, third and 4B concert bands will perform 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 9, at the Performing Arts Center.
The public is invited to attend.
For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
School Board Attends
Citizen’s Task Force
Members of the Sitka School Board will attend the Citizen’s Task Force 6-8 p.m. Dec. 7 at the Sealing Cove Business Center on Alice Loop.
Letters to Santa
Letters posted here will be forwarded to Santa Claus at the North Pole. Letters may be dropped of at the Sentinel office or at Sitka True Value to be printed in the newspaper and placed here.
Dear Santa: How do you live in the North Pole? I bet you are realy realy busy. Who is your head elf? I would realy like ... a Xbox one that comes with Madden 15. Your friend, Emmit
Dear Santa: What is it like in the North Pole? I bet your rielly busy this time of year. If you need help I can help you. Thank you for coming ot my house every year. I was thinking of making a present for you. Happy Chrismas. For Chrismas I would like a horse. I hope you have a good year. Love, Alina
Dear Santa: Are you gud or bad Santa? I like you because you are awesome! Ples can I hav foolltbal Can I have Russell Wilson’s Jersey. And a Wii Madden 2015 game. Can I have Minecraft please? I like Santa. From Mr. Danny
Dear Santa: Santa tell me how Rodeoph likes the carats. Have a safe flight. I would like a iphone 6s, new Skylander, Xbox 360, pokemon box, Yo gi oh cards, Mega Ex pack of Pokemon, LEGO new speeder, $50 gift cards, mip, pet owl, DS, spy stuf, staff + keet orca, remote cintroel owl, drown. Have a graet new year Santa. From Isaac
Dear Santa: How many Elvs do you have? Are you really busy? I would really like a Rawls jersey, and a Cowboys NFL football. Have a good year. Your friend, Rawl
Dear Santa: Thank you Santa for coming to my home every year. I will leave you a cookie, Santa. Can you please get me a toy Power Ranger GigaZord. Can you also get me a Minecraft set of Legos. Your friend, Timothy Pearson
Dear Santa: How do you survive in the north pole? Can I have a coyote stuffed animal. Can I have a football. Your friend, Ryder
Dear Santa: Wut is it like in the North Pole? Do you hav a dog? Mack sher that your rain dear get a cairit. Roodlf get a cuke. Do you like a peprmit cuces? I wont a puppy I promis I will feed it and wocit and I wont a American Girl Doll with clos and shoos and a bed and a toy dog with a leshe and with frnger and I wont a wll blacit. Love, Sydney
Dear Santa: how do yo go through the night so fast? I bet you are really busy this year I would rely like my own phone, a huge tedy bear, I wont a new mardol run, a remote control car, boat, flote plane, plane, lego man or eny man, more and more and more a huge basket of Legos, a kids groshry cart, and a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of toys, a lot of pokemon cards and ex’s and xx’s. Your friend, Calder
Dear Santa: What is it lik in the North Pole. I bet you are reely busy this time of year! What I would really like this year is the biggest nerf gun and 1,000 nerf bullets !!!!!!! I would alsow like a mega pokemon regegasas and the Mipro dot! Also I would like a kyogor EX and a mega Charzard, Pokemon Ex’s, and a Mega Primal Groundon and a Pokemon boll and a Kyogore action figure. Your friend, Emerson
Dear Santa: How are your raindear? I bet you are relly busy this time of year. I would like a friend ship bracletes, one for me and one for Taylor. can it say Best Freind Forevor! on both of them. I gave you the other one with toys on it. Oh, and a good year! and the same with you. Can the beads on the braslt be pink, purple, blue and green please. Thank you!!!! Asha Foruria
Dear Santa: What is in the factory? I think you are nise. I wont for crisnis is a laptop and a big horse. Are you really busy on crismas. I hope you have a safe trip. Love, Taylor
Dear Santa: Thank you for everything you did at Christmas. It is not very healthy to eat cookies all the time, I don’t want you to get a cavity. I want a new iPad and Zoomer kitty and randomn things. xoxo Vaeh
Dear Santa: How you can survie in the cold. I wish I have a puppy. I will walk my puppy. I will feed my puppy. I will promist I will make it big. I wont a Lego Ninja. And I want a Minecraft xBox. Love, Klayean
Dear Santa: What is your favorite cookie? How many reindeer do you have? Christmas is my senect favorite holday. I wont the animal electronic beagle that is at the Selr. I holp you have a nice trip to Alaska. Your friend, Natalie
Dear Santa: What is the North Pole Like? I bet your realy area bise this year. You are the best. I whant a mega ex pokeman, a remote cantrolcar I hop you have a safe trip. Love, Noah
Gunalchéesh Háw’aa
Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the scheduled maintenance of GCI’s fiberoptic cable starting March, 13th. CCTHITA’s public-spirited response to the outage is inspiring.
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March 2005
The Sitka High School jazz band and vocal jazz choir both gave command performances to an audience of some 5,000 at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in Moscow, Idaho. ... The SHS band director is Brent Purvis.
March 1975
Advertisment: Come See! Sharon will demonstrate cake decoration, technique & artistry at our booth at the Sitka Trade Fair! SITKA BAKERY Hot bread and rolls fresh out of the oven from noon on Sundays.