December 23, 2015 Community Happenings

Christmas Eve at

Nazarene Church

Sitka Church of Nazarene will have a Christmas Eve candlelight service at 5 p.m. Thursday.

All are invited to join the congregation for an evening of Christmas carols and special music at 305 Lake Street.


Emblem Club 

Meets Jan. 14

Sitka Emblem Club will meet for a business meeting 7 p.m. Jan. 14 at the Sitka Elks Lodge.

Nominations for a financial secretary will be held. 


Christmas Services

At St. Gregory’s

St. Gregory’s Catholic Church invites the community to attend Christmas Vigil Mass in celebration of Christmas at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 24.

The event is a special children’s Mass with a pageant and children’s Christmas music. Midnight Mass in celebration of the birth of Christ begins at 11 p.m. The church will be open at 10:30 p.m. for choral music prior to the service on Dec. 25.

The Mass in celebration of Christmas Day will be held at 10 a.m. A special Mass in celebration of Simbang Gabi, the Filipino Christmas Rooster Mass, will be held at noon. A Christmas potluck meal will be held in the church hall following the service. 

All are invited. For more information contact Father Andy at 747-8371.


Little League

Registration Set

Registration for Sitka Little League’s 2016 season will open Jan. 1.

Visit to sign up for baseball and softball. Tryouts and skills evaluations – for players ages 9 and older – will be held noon-5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 14, and Sunday, Feb. 21, at Blatchley Middle School.

Questions can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .  


Fine Arts Camp

Registration Jan. 1

Sitka Fine Arts Camp registration will open on Jan. 1 at

Programs are available for all ages. Elementary camps run June 6-10; middle school, June 12-25; high school, June 26-July 10; musical theater, July 10-24; and Native jazz workshop, July 10-17.

Registration for adult classes, with dates varying by class, will be available after Jan. 1.

For more information, visit


Open Mic Set

Sitka Folk will host an open mic benefit at the Larkspur Cafe 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 27.

Signup is at 6:30 p.m. Call 747-5482 for more information.


Harp Sing Set

The 4th Sunday Sitka Sacred Harp Sing is set 3:30-5 p.m. Dec. 27 at the Pioneers Home Chapel.

Beginners and listeners are welcome. Call 738-2089 with questions.


Letters to Santa

Letters posted here will be forwarded to Santa Claus at the North Pole. Letters may be dropped off at the Sentinel office or at Sitka True Value to be printed in the newspaper and placed here.


Dear Santa: My sisters and I tried very hard to be good this year. My baby sister, JettaRose (4), would like a fashion coloring book, a new blue tea cup set, and a baker. My sister, Hailey (6), would like an ever-after doll (the blue and purple one), a kitchen set and an Elsa doll. My sister, Sophia (8), would like a Lala Loopsey Easy Bake Oven, a Minnie Mouse tent and an American Girl doll. I would like books, clothes and movies. Love, Caribeth (13)

P.S.: We will leave out milk and cookies for you, and carrots for your reindeer. And, also, we would like for our Grandpa to have the bestest Christmas ever.


Barn Dance

Set Dec. 30

A community barn dance is slated 7-9:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 30, in the Odess Theater at Allen Hall on the SJ Campus.

Donations at the door will benefit Sitka Fine Arts Camp.

All are invited to participate in mixers, circles an contra dances, or simply listen to the live music of Sitka’s Fishing for Cats band. Beginners and seasoned dancers of all ages are invited.

Dances are taught and called. No partner is needed and no dancing experience is necessary. The first hour of the dance will be geared to beginners and young dancers. Participants are asked to carry clean shoes to the venue to protect the floor.

The dance is an alcohol- and smoke-free event. For more information call 747-4525.


Candlelight Service

At Grace Harbor  

Grace Harbor invites the community to join them in a candlelight Christmas Eve service 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 24.

The service will include vocal specials and congregational singing of some of the traditional Christmas hymns. Pastor Paul McArthur will present the message from John 1:12-14, titled “Do You Believe?”

The church is located at 1904 Halibut Point Road, across from Sea Mart. For more information, call 747-5706.




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February 2005

The Youth Totem Pole Project blessing of the log ceremony will be held at Sitka National Historical Park visitor center. Pacific High youths and carver Tommy Joseph will be introduced and the story and design of the totem pole project will be presented.


February 1975

Sitka Volunteer Fire Department reports ice on Swan Lake is 7-9 inches deep and safe for skating. However, officials warn skaters to avoid the end of the lake near Lakeside Grocery, since the ice is thinner there.


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