February 3, 2016 Community Happenings
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- Category: News
- Created on Wednesday, 03 February 2016 13:04
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Woman’s Club
Meets Saturday
Sitka Woman’s Club will meet at noon Saturday, Feb. 6, at The Pub.
Those with questions may call president Robin Shull at 747-0559.
Pioneers to Meet
Sitka Pioneers of Alaska will meet Thursday, Feb. 4, at the United Methodist Church on Kimsham Street. Social hour begins at 5:30 p.m., a potluck dinner at 6 p.m., and the business/program are at 6:30.
Members and guests will share bits of humor and inspiration on the ‘‘Love’’ theme.
For more information or transportation help, contact Elaine at 747-3469.
YAS Board
Meets Feb. 11
Youth Advocates of Sitka’s board of directors will meet 5:15-7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11, at YAS’s 805 Lincoln Street office.
The meeting is open to the public. The board is accepting letters of interest for a new board member.
‘‘If you would like to join a team of professionals working together to support the mental health of Alaska’s youths and their families, or if you would like to learn more, please contact Annette at 747-2910,’’ YAS said.
Sitka T&H Council
To Pick Delegates
The Sitka Tlingit and Haida Community Council will hold a nomination meeting for delegates to the Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska 1-3 p.m. Feb. 5 at the Monastery Street Senior commons area, 414 Hollywood Way.
Nominees must provide a signed Declaration of Intent to Serve and be a tribally-enrolled citizen of Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska.
All Tribal citizens are invited to attend. For more information, contact Rose Demmert, local election official, 738-5450, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Social Security
Presentation Set
Edward Jones financial advisors Steve Dalquist and Nic Lewis will host a free presentation titled ‘‘Social Security: Your Questions Answered’’ 6 p.m. Feb. 17 at UAS-Sitka Campus in Room 106.
It is free, but space is limited. To make a reservation, call Kim Rice at 747-1001.
Sitka Skippers
Raffle Slated
Raffle tickets are on sale to raise money for the Sitka Skippers.
Prizes are: first prize, $1,000 in Sea Mart gift cards; second prize, two-hour cruise for six with Davey Lubin; third, 100 gallons of fuel from Petro Marine; and fourth, $100 gift card from Murray Pacific.
Tickets are $10 and will be sold at Sea Mart: noon-6 p.m. Feb. 6; noon-3 p.m. Feb. 20; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. March 12.
The drawing will be 2 p.m. March 13 at Sea Mart. Tickets also are available from Skippers and parents, or by calling 747-5702. Winner need not be present to win.
For more information contact EJ Treadway, 966-1946 days or 747-5702, evenings.
Meeting to Discuss
Sewer Improvements
A public meeting will be held 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11, at Allen Hall on the SJ Campus upstairs in the Del Shirley Room to present and discuss limited sanitary sewer improvements to Jeff Davis Street between Sawmill Creek Road and Lincoln Street.
Construction is tentatively planned this summer. The project will impact all existing water, roadways, sidewalks, driveways, walkways, curbs and gutters within the project limits, as well as four sewer services.
All residents and business owners in the project area are being encouraged to attend.
Jazz After Hours
Events Feb. 5-6
The Sitka Jazz Festival will host Jazz After Hours events at The Pub following the Friday and Saturday concerts.
Music will be performed by local and visiting jazz musicians. A $10 suggested donation will support the Sitka Jazz Fest.
‘‘The concerts will end early this year, so plan to enjoy the rest of the evening with the musicians,’’ jazz festival organizers said.
SHS Seniors’
Parents to Meet
A senior class of 2016 parent meeting is planned 7 p.m. Feb. 10 at the Blatchley Middle School library.
4-H Climbing
Set Wednesdays
4-H Climbing will be offered 4-5 Wednesdays beginning Feb. 17 at the Hames Center for grades 6-8.
Space is limited in the four-week series. Contact Mary Wood to register at 747-7509 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Kaagwaantaan Meet
Sitka Kaagwaantaan will meet 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 7, at Blatchley Middle School. This is a time change.
The group is planning for Celebration and the fall ceremonies. Kaagwaantaans should attend if they are interested in participating in either event. For more information call Roby at 738-4004.
Fish and Game
Panel to Meet
The Sitka Fish and Game Advisory Committee will meet 6 p.m. Feb. 17 at Sitka Sound Science Center.
Agenda items will be elections, Board of Game statewide proposals, and other items. For more information call John Murray at 738-6212.
Women’s Book
Group Gathers
The Women’s Book Group will discuss ‘‘Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women’’ by Geraldine Brooks at the Pioneers Home Chapel 7 p.m. Feb. 9.
Women are invited to participate. Those with questions can call Dorothy at 747-3412.
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March 2005
Whale expert Jan Straley and biologists from Sitka Tribe of Alaska and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game will be featured on a cruise sponsored by Sitka Whalefest this weekend.
March 1975
Police Blotter: Preston Williams reported $6 worth of gas was stolen from his vehicle while it was parked at the Kiksadi. Paul Garwood said two tires on the KSA-TV van were slashed while the truck was parked at the Hobby House. George Reid, Arrowhead Trailer Court said guns, steamer trunks and decanters valued at $1,500 were stolen by burglars. A telephone was reported detached from the booth next to the post office.