February 22, 2016 Community Happenings

‘We Eat Fish!’

Film to Show

The Southeast Alaska Conservation Council will premier its new film “We Eat Fish!” 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25, at the Larkspur.

Shot partly in Sitka, the film celebrates the clean waters and healthy fisheries of Southeast Alaska and highlights the work being done to protect them. It is free to the public.

A fish special will be served.



UAF Seminars


Through February, UAS Sitka Campus will broadcast seminars from UAF on topics in environmental and human health.

The next will be 4:30 p.m. today in room 106 at the UAS campus. Dr. Falf Huettmann, associate professor of biology, will speak on Himalayan biodiversity conservation during climate change.

The public is invited to attend.


Satellites, Glaciers

Talk at UAS-Sitka

The next Natural History seminar features Dr. Allen Pope presenting “How Satellites are Changing What we Know about Ice” 7:30 p.m. Feb. 25 at  UAS-Sitka, Room 229.

Pope, scientist-in-residence fellow at the Sitka Sound Science Center, will talk about how satellite data are used to study and monitor glaciers and ice fields in Alaska and polar regions.  Pope is a  post-doctoral research  associate working at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, and the Polar Science Center in Seattle.

His current research projects include studying Landsat 8 applications to the cryosphere as well as investigating drivers of elevation change in West Antarctica. More about his work is at on NASA’s Earth Obseratory website “Shades of Blue on the Greenland Ice Sheet’’  at  http://earthobservatory.nasa.gove/IOTD/view.php?id=86564

Funding for the seminar series is provided by a grant to the Sitka Sound Science Center by the Sitka Alaska Permanent Charitable Trust in partnership with the University of Alaska Southeast. Contact Kitty LaBounty at 747-9432 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions.


Story Time Set

‘‘Whaley Whale’’ by Rascka will be one of the readings during the next story time at the Sitka Public Library 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 25.

Rhymes, songs and a craft project will be part of the preschool program. For more information, call the library at 747-8708.




Gunalchéesh Háw’aa

Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, SitkaSentinel.com is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the scheduled maintenance of GCI’s fiberoptic cable starting March, 13th. CCTHITA’s public-spirited response to the outage is inspiring.

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March 2005

The Sitka High School jazz band and vocal jazz choir both gave command performances to an audience of some 5,000 at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in Moscow, Idaho. ... The SHS band director is Brent Purvis. 


March 1975

Advertisment: Come See! Sharon will demonstrate cake decoration, technique & artistry at our booth at the Sitka Trade Fair! SITKA BAKERY Hot bread and rolls fresh out of the oven from noon on Sundays.


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