Celebration of Life Held For Sitkan David R. Rice

David Russell Rice


David Russell Rice, a lifelong Sitka resident, died Sept. 15, 2021, at Providence Hospital in Anchorage. He was 53.

A celebration of his life was held Sept. 30 at the Sitka Moose Lodge.

Dave was born Nov. 7. 1967, in Sitka, the son of Donald and Susan (Bryan) Rice. His mom was from California and his dad from Prince Rupert, British Columbia.

Dave graduated from Sitka High in 1987. He worked at the Alaska Pulp Co. mill for several years; was a cook at Westmark Hotel; a driver for the Daily Sitka Sentinel; and a taxi driver.

He also was a volunteer for the Salvation Army.

“Dad was funny, caring, and one of the most helpful people I’ve ever met,” a family member said. “He was the type of guy who’d give you the last of anything he had. He was the guy you’d go to when you had a problem –  he would try to make you laugh.

“He would do anything for his children, it didn’t matter what time it was and what needed to be done – he would help. Our dad was a helper.”

Along with enjoying his children, Dave liked to fish, and to play pool.

Survivors include his daughters, Shaunte Hill of Gulfport, Mississippi, and Kytela Rice of Wasilla; sons Alex Johnson-Rice and Bryan Johnson-Rice, both of Sitka; brother Robert Rice and nephew Bobby Rice, both of Chehalis, Washington; grandson Felix Rice, Sitka; uncles Murray Rice and Myron Rice of Chehalis; and cousins Karmon Rice and Arron Rice of Chehalis, Merrill Rice of Sitka, and Kendra Nicholson of Kodiak.

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March 2005

A  handful of Sitkans told the Planning Commission they’re against trading city-owned island property for the University of Alaska’s south benchlands. “I will speak until I’m blue in the face about keeping the islands in public ownership,” Richard Nelson said. “As quickly as possible take the islands off the table.”



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Photo caption: Leo R. Haag, owner and manager of H&H Contractor, and Margyth Shaffer, office manager, stand outside the company’s offices on Katlian Street. The firm also employs David Tedin. At the Sitka Trade Fair, H&H will display Far West Homes.


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