MEET AND GREET – Rachel Jones, municipal attorney candidate, talks with Joseph Bea, wearing moose hat, at Harrigan Centennial Hall Wednesday evening during a Meet and Greet event. Dozens of Sitkans stopped by during the 2-hour informal reception to chat with Jones, a local attorney. The city attorney position has been open since June 30 with the retirement of Brian Hanson. (Sentinel Photo by James Poulson)

Dance Troupe Kicks Off State Tour Here Friday
12 Sep 2024 15:36

Sentinel Staff Writer
Performers in the diverse EMERGE125 dance company hope you l [ ... ]

City Gets $2.5M Grant for Green Lake Project
12 Sep 2024 15:33

Sentinel Staff Writer
The U.S. Department of Energy has announced that Sitka’s G [ ... ]

Court Looks at Challenge To Imprisoned Candidate
12 Sep 2024 14:51

Alaska Beacon
    The Alaska Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Thursday mornin [ ... ]

September 12, 2024, Community Happenings
12 Sep 2024 11:56

Free Public Wi-Fi
At Senior Center
City and Borough of Sitka Parks and Recreation is offering free pub [ ... ]

September 12, 2024, Police Blotter
12 Sep 2024 11:47

Sitka police received the following calls by 8 a.m. today:
September 11
A bear was reported getting in [ ... ]

Grants for Charities, Tourism Survey OK'd
11 Sep 2024 15:36

Sentinel Staff Writer
    The Assembly distributed $45,000 from the city’s ge [ ... ]

Tribes, Educators Gathering for Conference
11 Sep 2024 15:35

Sentinel Staff Writer
    Gathering speakers and educators, elders and culture b [ ... ]

Cruise Company Provides Five Starlinks for Sitka
11 Sep 2024 15:32

Sentinel Staff
    Royal Caribbean Group announced today that the company is wo [ ... ]

Sitka Wolves Win Season's First Rivalry Match
11 Sep 2024 15:20

Sentinel Sports Editor
    Facing off in their first volleyball match of the sea [ ... ]

Newsroom Staff at ADN Taking Steps to Unionize
11 Sep 2024 15:16

Alaska Beacon
    Most newsroom staff at Alaska’s most widely-read newspaper m [ ... ]

September 11, 2024, Community Happenings
11 Sep 2024 12:54

Candlelight Vigil
For Ethan McGill
Classmates, teachers, friends and family are invited to a candlelig [ ... ]

September 11, 2024, Police Blotter
11 Sep 2024 12:43

Sitka police received the following calls by 8 a.m. today:
September 10
At 12:44 a.m. a long-haired bl [ ... ]

Analyst to Report State of Economy
10 Sep 2024 15:07

Sentinel Staff Writer
    A public presentation on Sitka’s cost of living, in [ ... ]

Wolves Test Mettle against Statewide Teams
10 Sep 2024 14:40

Sentinel Sports Editor
    Racing in Palmer against teams from across the state  [ ... ]

Fairbanks Voters Hold Key to House Control?
10 Sep 2024 14:40

Alaska Beacon
    Two years ago, Democrat Maxine Dibert defeated Republican Bart Le [ ... ]

UA Apologizes to Staff For Delay in Paychecks
10 Sep 2024 14:38

Alaska Beacon
    An unspecified number of University of Alaska staff, mostly gr [ ... ]

September 10, 2024, Community Happenings
10 Sep 2024 13:41

Conference On
Native Culture
Begins on Wed.
The Sharing Our Knowledge Conference will be Sept. 11-15 on [ ... ]

September 10, 2024, Police Blotter
10 Sep 2024 13:35

Sitka police received the following calls by 8 a.m. today:
September 9
At 10:57 a.m. a man was seen wa [ ... ]

Cable Repair Ship Here, Fix May Come this Week
09 Sep 2024 15:41

By SHANNON HAUGLAND Sentinel Staff Writer     The GCI repair ship Cable Innovator arri [ ... ]

Assembly to Decide On Nonprofit Grants
09 Sep 2024 15:02

Sentinel Staff Writer
    The Assembly will distribute $45,000 in support of Si [ ... ]

Hiker Rescued on Friday
09 Sep 2024 15:00

By Sentinel  Staffbr/>A 37-year-old cruise ship passenger  was rescued Friday afternoon after he fell  [ ... ]

Warnings Posted on Trails After Bear Possibly Shot
09 Sep 2024 14:50

Sentinel Staff Writer
    A deer hunter fired a shot at a bear, possibly injurin [ ... ]

Internet Down, Sitka (Still) Making Connections
09 Sep 2024 14:20

Northern Journal
In the Southeast Alaska town of Sitka, some hospital surgeries are  [ ... ]

Alaska Falling Short On Gaining Population
09 Sep 2024 14:19

Alaska Beacon
As Alaskans from different organizations convened at the University of A [ ... ]

Other Articles

Daily Sitka Sentinel

Residents In Court Over Youth Home


Sentinel Staff Writer

Two Sitka residents have filed notice in Superior Court that they will appeal the Assembly’s approval of a conditional use permit for the Youth Advocates of Sitka group home for teens and young adults on Halibut Point Road.

The notice of appeal was filed July 12 by Dolores Farrell and Valorie Nelson. Farrell lives in the neighborhood of the group home duplex at 3411 Halibut Point Road. Nelson lives on Littlebyrd Way, about half a mile away.

The relief Nelson and Farrell are seeking is a trial before the Superior Court to overturn the July 13 decision by the Assembly, acting as a Board of Adjustment, to approve the conditional use permit. The 6-0 vote of approval came in the Assembly’s reconsideration of the Planning Commission’s denial of the YAS conditional use permit on April 5.

Youth Advocates of Sitka applied for the permit to use the  4,086-square-foot duplex to provide housing for youths ages 16 to 21 who are homeless or at risk for experiencing homelessness. The YAS operating plan says the agency would provide mental health services and life skills training, and have staff on site 24 hours a day.

In their notice of appeal Nelson and Farrell say they will rely on a number of points in which they allege the Assembly erred:

– in granting the permit sought by YAS relating to the operation of a “quasi-institutional facility” in an R-1 zoned neighborhood.

– in hearing the appeal after the deadline for a request for reconsideration had expired.

– in granting the CUP because the decision was inconsistent with definitions and rights under the city general code. The appellants say the code restricts activity for which the permit was sought, and the Assembly failed to make reviewable findings of fact and conclusions of law as to why sections of the code did not apply.

– in granting the permit because certain conditions of the permit were not satisfied prior to approval, and the Assembly didn’t say why this was allowed.

The notice alleges that the Assembly failed to evaluate the effects of granting the permit, compared to “lawful conditions that exist in the R-1 zoning classification.”

They said the Assembly also erred by failing to evaluate “the substantial decrease in value of the R-1 properties in Sitka”; and that granting the permit lacks conformity with the comprehensive plan because the use is commercial and therefore does not comply with Sitka General Code. “The Assembly lacked substantial evidence to support its action,” the notice says.

The appellants said that granting the permit will be out of harmony with existing residential density and use on R-1 property, which they said is exclusively R-1 dwellings.

One of the points of appeal will argue that the permit will endanger public health and safety by increasing density, parking and traffic accessing a state highway, and therefore does not comply with code. “The Assembly lacked substantial evidence to support its action,” the appellants allege in the court filing.

Following the Assembly’s July 13 decision to overturn the planning commission’s denial of the conditional use permit, a group of property owners opposed to the CUP filed a request for reconsideration, which the Assembly denied.

Nelson said today she and Farrell are waiting for the preparation of the record by the city, which includes minutes of applicable meetings. They then have 30 days to file a brief on the appeal after that.

Nelson said although only two names are on the notice of appeal there may be other appellants who join in at a later time.


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Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network ; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for city and other critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the sudden breakage of GCI's fiberoptic cable on August 29, which left most of Sitka without internet or phone connections. CCTHITA's public-spirited response to the emergency is inspiring.

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September 2004

Photo caption: Ron Sheetz, a wood conservator, from Harpers Ferry, and Tommy Joseph, head wood carver at the Southeast Alaska Indian Cultural Center, check out the condition of the 60-year-old totem pole at Totem Square Friday from the bucket of a forklift.


September 1974

Photo caption: David Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Hill, displays his new bike, and Sitka Volunteer Fire Department Chief Martin Fredrickson gives Glenn Morgan the prize of a first aid kit following a contest to guess the number of ambulance calls the fire department would make in August. The correct number was 246. David guessed 245 and Morgan predicted 243.


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