October 21, 2013 Community Happenings
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- Category: News
- Created on Monday, 21 October 2013 11:42
- Hits: 8319
Fish for Lunch
To be Promoted
National Food Day is being celebrated around the country this month with events to promote affordable, healthy, local and sustainable food.
Sitka Conservation Society is celebrating food day with local fish for lunch on Oct. 23 and is asking Sitkans to choose fish for lunch to support Sitka’s sustainable fisheries.
Check out foodday.org or contact SCS at 747-7509 with questions.
Runners Clinic
At Hames Center
A runners clinic with Sitka Physical Therapy’s Jessica Pyatt is slated 9-10:30 a.m. Oct. 26 at the Hames Center.
The center will host the first of three recurrent monthly clinics that will focus on strength, conditioning techniques and skills for runners. Participants will learn: dynamic warm ups; running drills/techniques; core, hip and balance tips; weight lifting for runners; neuromuscular control; and cadence training. For more information check out www.hamescenter.com or call at 747-5080.
Food Assessment
Work Group Set
The Sitka Food Assessment work group will sponsor the inaugural Sitka Food Summit 6-9 p.m. Nov. 14 in the exhibit room at Centennial Hall.
Community members may view the food assessment data, weigh in on the final write up of Sitka’s Food Assessment and begin thinking about the next steps in improving Sitka’s food system.
Refreshments will be served. The event is co-sponsored by Alaska’s Own, SEARHC’s Diabetes Prevention and Community Transformation programs, Sitka Community Hospital, the Sitka Local Foods Network and the Sitka Food Coop. For more information call Lisa at 747-5985.
Alaska Day Ball
Door Prizes Given
Holding the winning ticket drawn for a door prize at Alaska Day Ball on Oct. 17 at Centennial Hall, Judy Breyer took home the two vouchers for travel anywhere Alaska Airlines flies, valued up to $1,250 each, donated by Alaska Airlines.
Alaska Marine Highway System representatives exchanged a “Golden Ticket” worth $500 for the ball ticket held by Jason Vaughn.
Alaska Day Festival planners again thanked Alaska Airlines and Alaska Marine Highway System for their donations to promote purchase of tickets which fund the annual non-profit Festival activities.
Alaska Day
Festival Lists
Ball Prizes
From among the many attendees in elegant costume reminiscent of the 1867 era, the following received awards at the Alaska Day Ball Oct. 17 at Centennial Hall: Day Attire – Lady Tammy Karamer, Gentleman Michael Dorsey and Couple Mike Riggs and Audrian Huff; Evening Attire – Lady Caldwell Lewin. Gentleman Dave Bergey and Couple Dave Nicholls and Charlotte Candelaria; American Military – Man Don Spenard and Couple Harvey and Kathleen Brandt; Russian Dress – Mariah Warren; Native Regalia – Lady Jean Arnold and Gentleman Harold Jacobs; and Judges’ Choice Award – Amy Sweeney.
Prizes for those categories were glass plates with hand-painted decoration by Sally Sharrette. The Frankie Haag Memorial Award of $100 for a ballgown made by the wearer was presented to Erin Wamsley.
Ball coordinator Betty Conklin and assistant Helen Cunningham extend Alaska Day Festival’s thanks to all who participated in wearing period costuming or regalia for these special days.
Shopping Event,
Trick-or-Treat Set
Sitka Chamber of Commerce has announced two upcoming events.
The annual Moonlight Madness shopping event will be 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24.
Downtown trick-or-treating will be 4-6 p.m. Oct. 31.
Both events are being sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Sitka’s merchants. For questions, contact the Chamber at 747-8604 or
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Climate Change,
Seals Program Topic
“Climate Change Through the Eyes of a Seal Hunter” is the topic of the 10 a.m. Nov. 2 Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum Winter Lecture Series.
The lecture will feature Peter Williams, a Yup’ik fur artist who creates handcrafted clothing under his own label “Ata” Yup’ik for “Let Me See.” The lecture will focus on Williams’ observations as a hunter of the effects of climate change.
The lecture is free to the public.
Winter hours at the museum are Tuesday through Saturday, 10-4 p.m. with $3 admission. Visitors 18 and younger, Friends of the Sheldon Jackson Museum, and those with passes are admitted free of charge.
For further information contact Mary Boose at 747-6233.
WhaleFest Grind
Slated for Nov. 1
The Sitka Sound Science Center and the Sitka Monthly Grind announce the Annual Whalefest Maritime Grind to be held Friday, Nov. 1, at Centennial Hall.
The philosophy of the Sitka Monthly Grind is affordable, non-political, and family entertainment. Tickets may be purchased in advance at Old Harbor Books. Cost is $5 for adults and $1 for children. Those taking a plate of homemade desserts to the event will receive a refund on the price of their ticket at the door.
All are invited to take their own cup to help reduce the trash. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 7:30 p.m.
Sacred Harp
Sing Convention
Slated in Sitka
The 6th Annual Alaska Sacred Harp Convention is set the evening of Oct. 25 and all day Oct. 26, upstairs of Allen Auditorium in the Del Shirley Hospitality Room, on the SJ Campus.
Singers from Sitka and other Alaskan communities, as well as Oregon and Washington, will sing folk hymns from one of the oldest America acapella traditions called shape note singing. It is designed for people who have limited or no experience reading music, and is one of the foundations for current day old-time gospel, bluegrass and country music.
The free event starts with a Singing School 7-9 p.m. Friday, which will introduce the basics of singing shape note music and its traditions. The Saturday All-Day sing begins at 9 a.m. with registration and singing starts at 9:30 a.m. A noontime “dinner-on-the-grounds” potluck will be provided; those interested in contributing can call 738-2089 for more information. The convention will adjourn at 4 p.m.
The Friday Singing School will be taught by Deidra Montgomery, who is a music educator and arts administrator currently residing in Boston. She earned a bachelor’s degree in music from Amherst College, where she was awarded Latin honors for her thesis, ‘‘Treading Sacred Ground: The Western Massachusetts Sacred Harp Community and its Adoption and Adaption of a Southern Tradition.’’
Montgomery has taught singing schools in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Oregon, and was an instructor at Camp Fasola in 2012. She said she is eager to meet the singers of Sitka. Beginners and listeners are being encouraged to attend.
Meet Tonight
Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Sisterhood will have a combined meeting tonight, Oct. 21, beginning with a potluck dinner at 6 p.m. at the ANB Founders Hall.
Delegates to Grand Camp, which met in Yakutat recently, will give their reports from those meetings. Both camps also will continue nominations for new officers beginning at 7 p.m., followed by an ANB election. All members are being encouraged to attend.
Those with questions may call Jean at 623-7355.
Chamber to Meet
Cory Baggen, vice president of Samson Tug and Barge, will address the Sitka Chamber of Commerce weekly luncheon noon Wednesday at Westmark Sitka.
Luncheons are open to the public. For more information, call the Sitka Chamber office at 747-8604. Visit the website at www.sitkachamber.com for calendar and upcoming lunches.
Emblem Club Meets
Sitka Emblem Club 142 will hold a Halloween social 7 p.m. Oct. 24 at the Elks Lodge. A prize will be given for the best costume.
Culmination Event
Set at Pacific High
Pacific High School will have a culmination event and Pacific Community Council meeting 5:30-7 p.m. Oct. 30 at the school in the SEACC building at 205 Baranof Street.
Students will present highlights of their work from Session 1. A light meal will be provided. All parents/guardians, family, students, staff, and interested community members interested in supporting the students are welcome to attend.
For more information, call 747-0525.
Photo Retakes
Set at KGH
Retakes for student photos will be Oct. 23 at Keet Gooshi Heen Elementary School.
Those who are interested in having their child’s photo retaken due to eyes closed, bad photo or other problem can send the original photo packet, with no photos missing, back to the school on the day of retakes.
Those who did not have their pictures taken, and would like to order photos, may pick up forms at the KGH office. Photos must be paid for by Wednesday.
Photos will be taken at 8 a.m. For more information call 747-8395.
Comuniyt photo night is 5-7 p.m. Oct. 22 on the stage in the school’s multipurpose room.
Kids Carnival
Slated Oct. 26
Blatchley Middle School’s annual Kids Carnival will be 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 26.
Carnival games, face-painting, cotton candy, concessions, a cake walk, prizes and a Scholastic Book Fair are planned for children ages 2-12.
Those with questions or wanting to volunteer may call Kari at 752-7323 and leave a message.
The carnival benefits reading, free breakfast and elective programs at Blatchley.
After School Art
Classes on Tap
Yaw After School Arts, presented by the Sitka Fine Arts Camp, is offering new classes starting in November.
This term classes will be in holiday decorations, watercolors in the science center, kinetic mobiles, celtic dance, musical engineering for all ages.
A list of classes is available on line at fineartscamp.org. Sign up by calling the Sitka Fine Arts Camp at 747-3085, or stop by our office in the Rasmuson building on the SJ campus.
Fried Bread, Tacos
On Sale Friday
Indian tacos and fried bread will be for sale 4:30-6:30 p.m. Oct. 25 at Pacific High School, in the SEACC building, 205 Baranof Street.
Students in the Women and Girls Global Issues class are raising money for Edna Adan University Hospital to train 1,000 midwives in Somaliland to help lower the maternal mortality rate.
Fry bread will be $4, Indian tacos are $6 and sodas and drinks are $1.
For more information call 747-0525 or email Hillary Seeland at
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Students are seeking donations of the following items: all-purpose flour (lots), wheat flour, yeast, salt, vegetable oil (lots), sugar, condensed milk, taco seasoning, Crisco, margarine, honey, butter, jam, syrup and powdered sugar.
Donations are needed by Oct. 22. Items can be dropped off at the SEACC building/Pacific High School 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. weekdays.
Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network ; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, SitkaSentinel.com is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for city and other critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the sudden breakage of GCI's fiberoptic cable on August 29, which left most of Sitka without internet or phone connections. CCTHITA's public-spirited response to the emergency is inspiring.
Login Form
September 2004
Photo caption: Jan Nelson, a White Elephant shop volunteer, stands with George Rohrer as he tries out a new public address system installed in the shop. The equipment was bought using money donated to the White Elephant in memory of George’s wife, Violet, a longtime White E volunteer.
September 1974
Photo caption: A dahl sheep, a totem bookend and a fishing boy won awards for Sitkan Robert C. Turner at the International Wood Carvers Congress, in Davenport, Iowa. The three pieces also took first place at the Fur Rendezvous Handicraft Show earlier this year.