December 3, 2013 Community Happenings
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- Category: News
- Created on Tuesday, 03 December 2013 12:02
- Hits: 8606
Furbearer Trapping Season Opens in Unit 4
The trapping season for marten, river otter, mink and weasel opened Dec. 1 on Admiralty, Baranof and Chichagof Island.
Unit 4 beaver season opened Nov. 10. The trapping season runs through Feb. 15 for most species in Unit 4. Exceptions are the marten, mink, and weasel season closure on Dec. 31 in the north Chichagof Island area and the beaver season which remains open until April 30, 2014. In addition to obtaining a trapping license, trappers must have marten, river otter and beaver hides sealed within 30 days after the close of the season by ADF&G staff, Alaska Wildlife Troopers, or state-appointed fur sealers.
Trappers in Units 1-5 traps and snares are required to be individually marked with a permanent metal tag with the trapper’s name and address, or the trapper’s permanent ID number, or traps and snares are set within 50 yards of a sign that lists this information. Detailed requirements are located in the 2013-2014 Alaska Trapping Regulations or online at
Trappers are cautioned to use discretion in the placement of traps and snares near trails, recreational and residential areas where people and pets congregate and to avoid placing trap/snare sets in high use areas to minimize conflicts between trappers and other users.
Pet owners are reminded to maintain control over their pets to reduce encounters with legally set traps and snares. Leash laws, where applicable, should be followed. A person may not obstruct, hinder, or disturb a lawful trapping effort. For more information call the Sitka Fish and Game office at 747-5449 or the Alaska Wildlife Troopers at 747-3254.
Birds Topic of
SSSC Program
All are invited to the Sitka Sound Science Center 10 a.m.-noon Dec. 7 to explore the world of birds.
Feathers, beaks, bones and sounds set these animals apart from all the rest, SSSC said.
The program is an annual pass holder event, but passes are available at the door. Call Ashley at the science center for more information at 747-8878.
Fitness Plateau
Program at Hames
The Hames Center will host personal trainer and nutritionist Shannon Fleming 10-11:30 a.m. Dec. 7. Fleming will offer tips and tricks to getting out of a fitness rut.
Fleming will help individuals improve their run time, gain strength, lose weight, and make workouts effective towards reaching a goal.
Call 747-5080 or stop by the Hames Center to reserve a spot.
Runners Clinic Set
The final in a series of runners clinics will be held 9-10:30 a.m. Dec. 14 at the Hames Center.
Physical therapist Jessica Pyatt will present strength and stability training for the runner. Stop by the Hames Center or call 747-5080 to find out more.
Story Time Set
Kettleson Memorial Library will have a preschool story time 10:30 a.m. Dec. 12. ‘‘Snuggly in the Snow’’ will be the theme. Songs, games around literacy activities and a craft project are part of the program.
For more information call the library at 747-8708.
Open Soccer
Gym Time Set
A soccer open gym is scheduled 1:30-3 p.m. Dec. 7, 14 and 21 for high school men and women at the Blatchley Middle School gym.
Shin guards are required. Contact Coach Eric at 738-6002 or Coach Keri at 623-7421 with any questions.
Swing Dance Class
Benefit for SAFV
A swing dance class, hosted by Alan Maloney, will be held 8 p.m. Dec. 11 at the Bayview Pub.
All of the recommended $5 donation benefits Sitkans Against Family Violence.
Museum to Hold
Benefit Book Sale
The Sitka Historical Museum will hold a fundraising book sale 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Dec. 7 at Centennial Hall.
All are invited to preview the new museum layout. All books will be discounted.
Museum members receive 10 percent off purchases. No admission will be charged. Winter hours are Tuesday- Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Call 747-6455 for more information.
Women’s Book
Group to Meet
The Women’s Book Group will read ‘‘The Chili Queen’’ by Sandra Dallas and meet at the Pioneers Home Chapel 7 p.m. Dec. 10.
All women are being encouraged to participate. Call Dorothy, 747-3412, with questions.
Homeless Connect
Work Session Set
The Easter Group will hold a Project Homeless Connect work session noon-1 p.m. Dec. 13 at the Sitka School District board room, 300 Kostrometinoff Street.
The Easter Group works with other service providers in Sitka to end extreme poverty and empower people. Project Homeless Connect committee members and people interested in planning for the Project Homeless Connect event, to be held Jan. 29, are being encouraged to attend.
For more information, contact Dorrie Farrell at 747-4109,
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Raven Board Meets
Raven Radio’s board of directors will meet 6 p.m. Dec. 4 at 2B Lincoln Street. The meeting is open to the public.
FASD Support
Group to Meet
The FASD Community Support Group will hold its second organizational meeting 6 p.m. Dec. 5 at the Pioneers Home Manager’s House.
Cheryl Gerry, a professional working the FASD field, who is a mother of a child living with FAAD, will speak. Additionally, there will be time to network with others.
Those interested in the effects of fetal alcohol on friends and family members are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served.
Winners Told
The winners of the Baranof Barracuda Swim Club raffle Dec. 2 have been announced.
Jodi Schwantes won first place netting $1,500. Other winners are Tom Scheidt, $1,000; Jack (no last name given) $800; and Dan Cox, $300.
Team members expressed appreciation to those who purchased tickets to support the swim program.
Kayak is Artifact of the Month
At Sheldon Jackson Museum
The December artifact of the month at the Sheldon Jackson Museum is an Iñupiaq model kayak from Cape Prince of Wales, a village on the westernmost area of the Seward Peninsula.
The model skin kayak includes a figure with a wooden face and parka made of hide and stitched with red ochre-colored thread. Prepared to hunt bearded and ringed seals and sea birds, he is equipped with a single-blade paddle, an extra paddle, a barbed harpoon, a three-prong bird spear, and an unknown round-headed weapon. A mythical animal, possibly a pal rai yuk, is painted on the sides of the boat.
Museum records do not indicate when this model was collected, but do state that Sheldon Jackson was probably the collector.
The model reveals information about Iñupiaq traditional methods of hunting sea mammals and the general classic design of kayaks. A similar model dated circa 1900 complete with a model figure and hunting tools is in the collection of the National Museum of the American Indian.
The museum said that of all the types of skin boats used throughout the world, the paddle-powered kayak made and used by coastal Alaska Natives are and have been among the most seaworthy. Traditionally, the kayak was used for silently hunting sea mammals, caribou hunting, raiding, fishing, exploring, hauling supplies and transporting family.
Alaskan coastal peoples’ kayaks varied slightly, usually in terms of width or length to beam ratios, depending upon geographical location, uses and needs, and available natural resources. A kayak needed for hunting caribou on flat water in lakes and river crossings would be wider and shorter and not need as much rocker (keels that sweep up to ends) or maneuverability for fast turning to hunt seals or sea birds in choppier, rougher waters. Comparatively, kayaks meant for ocean travel were longer with flat keels.
Despite slight structural variations, all circumpolar kayaks were made mainly in regions with treeless terrain with locally available materials and shared the vital features of portability, flexibility, maneuverability, and durability.
Kayak frames were usually constructed of driftwood or materials that were readily obtainable via trade and lashed together with rawhide cords. Frames were covered with stretched, cured bearded seal or walrus hide coated with seal or whale oil. Structurally, the watercraft featured efficient, easily driven hulls fully decked with a crown or fore and aft peak on deck with some arch or camber to enable the shedding of water.
Bows were fine and narrow; sections aft, fuller. Round or oval cockpits with raised combings (lip or edge around cockpit opening) combined with an animal skin or gut raincoat prevented spray or rainwater from coming into the vessel. A kayak needed to be lightweight enough to be carried ashore by one to three people and then transported on a sled and strong enough to carry the sled once back in the water. Frames also had to be tough but flexible enough to twist and accommodate waves and shock loads from hitting rocks and ice. Light, waterproof hull coverings had to withstand point loads and abrasion from ice and rocks. Vessels needed to be able to be easily and quickly repaired by their crews if damage occurred. All kayaks had pockets and lashings on deck for securing spare a user’s paddles, harpoons, spears, lines, etc. In addition to the hunting implements in this model, many users carried a wooden tube for bailing out the kayak.
The Iñupiat, Yup’ik, Alutiiq, and Unangan people have all used kayaks. While it is difficult to attempt to date kayaks because, being skin-covered, sinew-lashed and wood-framed, they do not endure over time. Archaeologists have found items associated with kayaks such as bird darts, throwing boards, double-bladed paddles, ivory kayak fittings, etc. dating as far back to 1700 B.C.
The Iñupiaq kayak will be on exhibit at the Sheldon Jackson Museum until Dec. 31. Visitors are invited to view the model, various other model watercraft from across Alaska, a full-size Cape Espenberg kayak, a King Island kayak, a Kotzebue Sound/ Point Barrow kayak, an Unangan baidarka, an Athabascan birch bark canoe and many boat and sea mammal hunting accessories.
Winter hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Discounted winter admission is $3. Visitors 18 years of age and younger, Friends of the Sheldon Jackson Museum and those with passes are admitted free of charge.
Christmas Tree
Lighting Dec. 6
The public is invited to see the lighting of the Christmas tree in front of St. Michael’s Cathedral 5 p.m. Dec. 6.
Fish Lunch at
Local Schools
Local fish will be served for lunch at Keet Gooshi Heen, Blatchley Middle, Sitka High and Pacific High schools on Dec. 4.
Students are invited to eat local fish for lunch donated by Sitka fishermen. For more information call Sitka Conservation Society at 747-7509.
T’ai Chi Chih
Practice Listed
T’ai Chi Chih Practice by the Sea will meet 10 a.m. Dec. 7 behind Kettleson Library on the water side. All are invited to participate. This is not a class.
Chamber Plans
Annual Meeting
The Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual meeting and election of board members at its noon Wednesdays luncheon at the Westmark Sitka.
Board President Ptarmica McConnell and Executive Director Jennifer Robinson will give giving a recap of the past year and future plans.
The luncheon is open to the public. For more information, call the Chamber office at 747-8604.
Gunalchéesh Háw’aa
Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the scheduled maintenance of GCI’s fiberoptic cable starting March, 13th. CCTHITA’s public-spirited response to the outage is inspiring.
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March 2005
The Sitka High School jazz band and vocal jazz choir both gave command performances to an audience of some 5,000 at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in Moscow, Idaho. ... The SHS band director is Brent Purvis.
March 1975
Advertisment: Come See! Sharon will demonstrate cake decoration, technique & artistry at our booth at the Sitka Trade Fair! SITKA BAKERY Hot bread and rolls fresh out of the oven from noon on Sundays.