January 31, 2014 Community Happenings
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- Category: News
- Created on Friday, 31 January 2014 11:13
- Hits: 7552
Unitarians Meet
The topic of Sunday’s service at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will be Shining Hearts, honoring the heroes who have ‘‘shown exceptional compassion, love and perseverance in pursuing a better world for all of us,’’ a press release said.
Attendees are asked to take the name of their favorite shining heart. Soup and discussion will follow.
Fellowship begins at 10:30 am, with the program beginning at 10:45. Children’s religious education is provided. The Fellowship Hall is located at 408 Marine Street, with parking behind off Spruce Street.
Story Time Set
The ‘‘Pout-Pout Fish’’ by Deborah Diesen will be one of the readings during the preschool story time 10:30 a.m. Feb. 6 at Kettleson Memorial Library.
All are invited. For more information call the library at 747-8708.
Legos and Books
Offered to Kids
Kettleson Memorial Library is launching a new program for children ages 7 to 10. Block Party, a program about Legos and books, is set Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. beginning Feb. 11.
During the program participants will first read a book and later be challenge to make a Lego creation around the book.
Registration is required. For more information call the library at 747-8708.
Park Board Meets
The Sitka State Parks Advisory Board will meet 7:30 a.m. Feb. 11 at Centennial Hall. The public is welcome.
‘Jazz After Hours’
Set at Allen Hall
Ludvig’s Bistro will host Jazz After Hours 10:45 p.m. Feb. 8 at Allen Hall. It will be held immediately following the concert and last until 1 a.m.
The $35 ticket includes jazz and antipasti, with a no-host bar featuring wines and local beers. The after-hours party has expanded and this year will be held in the Del Shirley Room upstairs in Allen Hall on the SJ Campus. An elevator is available for accessibility.
All proceeds will benefit the Sitka Jazz Festival. Tickets are available at Old Harbor Books, at the festival office, and at the door.
Set to Register
Parents of upcoming kindergartners are reminded to make appointments with health-care facilities to have their records ready for kindergarten registration to be held April 8-10.
For more information call Baranof Elementary School at 747-5825.
Preschool Child
Find Screen Set
A child find screening will be offered Feb. 7 for children ages 3 to 5.
An appointment is required for screening and may be arranged by calling the Baranof Elementary Preschool Program at 966-1334 or Mandy Evans, special education director, at 966-1253.
The program is provided without charge. Its purpose is to identify children who are having difficulty in their development, and to provide special education services to them when appropriate.
Parents may have concerns about their child’s development in the areas of hearing, vision, speech/language skills, motor skills, thinking skills and emotional or social skills.
A screening is a series of short tests and professional observations in various developmental areas.
Aquatic Aerobics
Class to Begin
In response to pool availability changes at Blatchley pool, the aquatic aerobics class is once again scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m. Feb. 3.
Aquatic aerobics is a full body workout in which each participant can tailor their routine to their own strength and stamina.
“This kind of exercise breaks the rule ‘no pain, no gain,’’’ said instructor Tracy Turner. ‘‘Working at your own pace with the buoyancy of water – which supports 90 percent of your body weight – creates a unique opportunity for ‘gain without pain.’ Gain confidence, gain strength, gain cardiovascular health … without stress to your joints.”
Non-swimmers are welcome to this one-credit course, which meets 9:30-10:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Blatchley pool.
Two spring sessions are planned for Feb. 3-March 24 and March 28-May 14.
Call UAS Sitka Campus at 747-7700 for more information on how to sign up for the class.
Sitka Skippers
Set Pie Sale
The Sitka Skippers will be selling pies 11 a.m.-4 p.m. – or until sold out – Feb. 2 at Sea Mart.
The team is earning money to travel to Juneau for its regional competition in March. The ferry schedule did not cooperate this year so the team members need more funds for airfare.
SHS DDF Auction,
Performance Friday
Sitka High School’s drama, debate and forensics team will have a performance and silent auction featuring donated items from local artists and businesses 7 p.m. tonight at the Performing Arts Center.
Proceeds and donations will help fund the team’s state travel.
For more information contact Stephanie Ask at Sitka High School.
Auction items include: a handmade mahogany obsidian necklace by Mary Boose; photo package by Stephanie Lambdin; Nick Galanin sterling silver blueberry wrap ring; Two Sisters’ glass float; a diffuser from Brenner’s Fine Clothing and Gifts; Old Harbor Books package of “Things Fall Apart,” an Old Harbor mug and two Taku Graphics magnets; two handcrafted mugs by Gaylen Needham; a spa kit from Silver Basin; a framed photo by James Poulson; a print by Rebecca Poulson; three hours of sewing from Cheryl Vastola, certificate valued at $75; Back Bay Botanicals gift bag of items, a $100 value; Oceanside Therapy fitness evaluation with Bridget Hitchcock valued at $200; vintage accordion from John DePalatis; gift certificate for an express facial from Botanika Salon; a handcrafted purse by Debbie Cushing; headphones from Stereo North; handcrafted earrings and necklace made by Melissa Harrison from Tidal Beadworks.
The team reminds the public of the IndieGoGo campaign that is for donations. The link to the campaign webiste is: http://igg.me/p/653778/x/2327407.
Open VB Set
Adult open volleyball will be offered 7:30-9:30 p.m. Feb. 5 at Blatchley Middle School gym.
Participants are reminded that they must carry clean gym shoes to and from the facility. Call 747-8670 with questions.
Tribal Council Meets
The Sitka Tribe of Alaska Tribal Council action-only meeting for February is set noon Feb. 5 at the Sheet’ka Kwáan Naa Kahídi.
Those wishing to give a presentation or speak before the Tribal Council may do so at the regular monthly meeting, on Feb. 19. For information contact Kathy Hope Erickson, 747-7352.
School Board
Meets Tuesday
The Sitka School Board will meet 7 p.m. Feb. 4 in the Sitka High School library.
Prior to the meeting the board will hold a work session with the Sitka High School student government at 6 p.m. The public is invited to attend.
Education Aid
Public testimony will be taken via teleconference on SJR9 proposing amendments to the Constitution relating to state aid for education 6-8 p.m. Feb. 3 at the Sitka Legislative Information Office, 201 Katlian Street, Suite 103.
The Senate Finance Committee will hold public testimony.
Those wanting to submit written testimony can take it to the LIO so it can be faxed to the committee. Call Marie Murray at 747-6276 for more information.
Plan Garage Sale
The Presbyterian Church will hold a multi-family garage sale 9 a.m. Saturday at 505 Sawmill Creek Road.
Donations will be accepted 7-9 p.m. tonight during set up. Call Cyndy Gibson with questions at 738-0655.
Tribal Leaders
Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 1 and Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 4 will host a tribal leaders gathering noon-5 p.m. Feb. 5 at the ANB Hall.
Representatives from tribal governments, ANCSA corporations, and general public are encouraged to participate in discussions to include subsistence, culture, tribal support and other issues affecting Alaskan Natives.
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for more information, or call President Tom Gamble at 738-1040.
Super Bowl Party
Set at ANB Hall
Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 1 and Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 4 will host a non-alcoholic and drug-free Super Bowl football party to raise funds for camp scholarship, events and to support the ongoing maintenance of the ANB Hall.
Donations for a cover fee will be appreciated, but not required. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. Friends and family are invited. Email
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for further information.
Classes Listed
At Hames Center
February classes are being offered at the Hames Center.
Signups are being taken for TRX with Grace; TRX cardio fusion with Jessica, Michalene and Linda; ‘‘Get it On’’ with Gio; spin series with Linda and Michalene; beginner spin with Cindy and Linda; ‘‘Drums Alive’’ with Coral; balls and bands with Linda; and ‘‘Tabata Bootcamp’’ with Sue.
For more information call 747-5080 or go to hamescenter.com.
Asbestos Online
Courses Offered
UAS-Sitka Campus will hold an eight-hour refresher asbestos online training Feb. 6-19. The class meets the requirements of OSHA, DOL and EPA/HERA. Cost for this training is $219. For more information, call 747-7786.
Family Fiesta,
Auction for SAFV
Sitkans Against Family Violence’s annual Family Fiesta is scheduled 5:30 p.m. Feb. 22 at the ANB Founders Hall. The home-cooked dinner will include fish, beef and vegetarian options. Live music and a dessert auction are included.
Tickets are available at the door for $10 for adults and $5 for children under 10.
The event is a main fundraiser for SAFV.
Dessert donations are welcome and can be dropped off at the hall by 5:30 p.m. For more information, call Sitkans Against Family Violence at 747-3370.
Reuse Center Open
Sitka Community Development Corporation announces the Sitka Reuse Center will be open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 1.
A work party will be held during the same hours and volunteers are welcome.
The Reuse Center is a volunteer operation selling donated building materials and is located at 4620 Halibut Point Road, across from the AML barge landing. To volunteer or donate materials, call Greg Reynolds at 738-5518.
Work Parties
On SJ Campus
Saturday volunteer work parties will continue on the SJ Campus, focusing on finishing Allen Hall.
Participants meet at Allen Hall at 9 a.m., break for a hot lunch at noon, and continue until 3 p.m. Volunteers will stain trim in Allen, work on painting and sanding the original fir floor in the dorm rooms of Whitmore Hall, and pressure wash the ceramics building.
All are welcome to join at any time. Those who have an interest in pressure washing are asked to take their own rain gear. Call Sitka Fine Arts Camp office 747-3085 with questions.
Donations Sought
For Garage Sale
The Sitka Skippers is seeking donations for an upcoming fund raiser garage sale in early March.
Those who have items to contribute may call Monica at 738-3700 or Susie at 738-9405 to arrange for items to be picked up.
Dr. Baciocco
Awarded CPE
The SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium congratulates Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital Deputy Chief of Staff and family physician Dr. John Baciocco for earning his designation as a Certified Physician Executive by the Certifying Commission in Medical Management.
He was awarded the status of CPE for educational achievements, demonstrated stature as a physician leader, and experience in the field of medical management.
“I’m proud of having done this training. I have been at SEARHC for 17-½ years, beginning right out of residency, and this training has helped me to be a better physician leader,” Baciocco said. “I hope this serves as an inspiration for other doctors to consider leadership training in the future.”
Login Form
March 2005
Western Illinois’ Travis Watson was named Swimming and Diving Athlete of the Week by the Mid-Continent Conference after a successful campaign in recent individual and relay team events. Watson, a 2000 Sitka High graduate, is a senior in engineering technology. He is the son of Cathy Watson and the late Craig H. Watson.
March 1975
Marilyn Knapp, president of the Greater Sitka Arts Council, announced today the council will solicit local businesses and individuals for scholarships to be awarded to Sitka students planning to attend the Regional Fine Arts Camp on the Sheldon Jackson College campus in July.