February 7, 2014 Community Happenings

Dancers Practice
Sitka Kaagwaantaan Dancers will meet to practice for Celebration 2014 3 p.m. Sunday at Blatchley Middle School downstairs. Call Roby for more information at 738-4004.

Seniors to Hike
Southeast Alaska Independent Living’s Senior Hiking Club will meet 9:15 a.m. Feb. 20 at the Swan Lake Senior Center.
Ray Friedlander, Tongass Forest community organizer with the Sitka Conservation Society, will be on the hike. She will discuss her work through SCS and how people can better advocate for the Tongass.
Transportation, snacks, water and traction devices are provided. Those of all experience levels are welcome and being encouraged to hike at their own pace. The cost is $5 and scholarships are available. Call 747-6859 with questions.

Drums Alive
Program Starts
 The use of exercise balls and drumsticks are incorporated in the new cardio class ‘‘Drums Alive’’ at the Hames Center noon Tuesdays and Thursdays Feb. 11-March 6.
Coral Pendell will instruct. For more information or questions go to hamescenter.com or call 747-5080.

Pacific High School students Tatyanna Isaacs and Jenny Jeter mail proceeds from an Indian taco fundraiser to the Friends of Edna Adan University Hospital in Somaliland. The students organized the fundraiser start to finish with support from teacher Hillary Seeland, after learning in their global issues class earlier this year about the work the hospital does to reduce maternal mortality. (Photo provided to the Sentinel)

Story Time Set
‘‘Valentine Extravaganza’’ is the theme of the 10:30 a.m. Feb. 13 preschool story time  program at Kettleson Memorial Library.
‘‘The Biggest Kiss’’ by Joanna Walsh will be one of the readings. For more information, call the library at 747-8708.
Rhymes, songs and a craft project will be part of the preschool program.

Reuse Center Open
Sitka Community Development Corporation announces the Sitka Reuse Center will be open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 8. The center is a volunteer operation selling donated building materials and is located at 4620 Halibut Point Road, across from the AML barge landing. To volunteer or donate materials, call Greg Reynolds at 738-5518.

‘Love Stinks’ is
Teen Program
Teens are invited to an alternative take on Valentine’s Day with a ‘‘Love Stinks’’ evening at Kettleson Memorial Library 7 p.m. Feb. 14.
Ages 12 and older will ‘‘un-celebrate’’ the day with cranky games, moody music and treats that aren’t pink. Registration is required. For more information, call the library at 747-8708.

Teens Celebrate
Trivia at Library
Teens are invited to find answers to a ‘‘celebrating February trivia’’ questionnaire at Kettleson Memorial Library. Participants can find the trivia at Kettleson’s website or at the library. They are asked to turn in their answers at the end of February to get a sweet prize. For more information, call the library at 747-8708.

    SHS Names
    Two Students
    Of the Month
    Sitka High School has announced its January Students of the Month, seniors Shanti Friedman and Joey Inman.
    Friedman has been involved in dance from an early age, devoting many hours each week at the Sitka Studio of Dance. She has been on the SHS soccer team and looks forward to the resumption of the sport this spring.
    She is an accomplished artist, and enjoys spending her free time reading and cooking.
    Her teachers noted her ‘‘exceptional kindness and remarkable ability and work ethic.’’ In accepting her Student of the Month honor, Friedman said she is grateful for the community support she has gotten all her life, saying she feels lucky to have grown up in Sitka.
    Friedman is the daughter of Michele Friedman and Roland Wirth.
    Inman has been involved in many sports, including baseball, basketball, cross country, ultimate Frisbee, and golf. While keeping active in extracurricular activities, he also keeps his grades up and is a member of National Honor Society.
    Inman is described by his teachers as a ‘‘kind, hard-working student.’’ They commented on how he enjoys the friendly, family environment with students and staff at SHS this year.
    Inman is the son of Kathleen and Dave Inman.

    Barn Dance Set
    All are invited to the Keet Gooshi Heen Community Barn Dance 6:30 p.m. Feb. 14 in the KGH gym.
    The dance will be called by artist-in-residence Susan Michaels and music will be provided by Fishing for Cats. The event will feature dances that KGH students have learned from Michaels as well as other “beginner-friendly” dances.  Admission is free. 

    Sitka Photographer
    To Teach Class
    The Greater Sitka Arts Council will present Larisa Manewal’s photography workshops as part of the annual Sitka Arti Gras Arts celebration.
    Manewal became interested in photography because she wanted to document everything she was seeing while scuba diving, GSAC said.
    She holds a bachelor of fine arts degree in photography from the Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara and the Art Institute of Boston.
    Students can explore creative shutter speeds with a focus on slower shutter speeds 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. March 1 in the Yaw Art building.
    On March 2, noon-2:30 p.m. at the Yaw Art building, participants will  explore selective focus and point of view.
    The cost is $25 per class or $40 for both. There is a minimum of six and a maximum 12 students per class. Cameras must have A Av/S Tv settings and students should take a tripod if they have one.
    Participants should pre-register by Feb. 27 by sending a check to Greater Sitka Arts Council, P.O. Box 564, Sitka, AK 99835. Those with questions about registration can call Jeff, 747-4821. Manewal’s website is 8fathom.com.

    STA Transportation
    Committee to Meet
    The Sitka Tribe of Alaska Transportation Committee will meet noon Feb. 10 at the Administration Building, 456 Katlian Street, conference room.
    Topics will include an update on the bus maintenance facility, planned road improvement for “the RIDE” bus facility/turnaround/pullout on Indian River Road, across from Peter Simpson Road, public transit and Tribal transit funding, and the Alaska Marine Highway System’s service to Sitka.
    Tribal citizens and other interested persons are invited to attend.  For any questions contact Gerry Hope, transportation director, 747-5910.

Sitka High School Posts
Semester Honor Rolls

    Sitka High School has named students to both its fall semester honor roll, for those students earning a 3.00 to 3.49 grade point average, and high honor roll, 3.50-4.00 grade point averages.
Honor Roll
    Jessica D. Cariaga, Diego A. Carlos, Benjamin N. Carter, Dayton F. Cropper, Garrett D. Eliason, Chlorissa Froehlich, Joshua M. Goeden, Arik K. Huddlestun, Niki J. Jeter, Chase A. Markegard, Angelo I. Molina, Oliver R. Moore-Baker, Isaac A. Pike, Maya A. Reda-Williams, Andrew N. Rule, Ian C. Sweeney, Mar Jovani Francis C. Vidad, Jimmy V. Villanueva, Ashley L. Weaver, David B. Wilcox, Michaela M. Wilson, Zakary W. Wright.
    Aaryn E. Bartelds, Mollie M. Bernhoft, Ivy N. Cawthon, Trevan M. Coleman, Gian Carlo T. Coloma, Angelika De Leon, Mitchell J. Edwards, Trista R. Elixman, Mariyah E. Harrell, Abigail M. Leonardo, Michael A. Livingston, James E. Morland, Itzel M. Nunez, Zakary G. Taylor, Brandon K. Tulcey, Aaryn D. VanVeen, Val John Messiah Vidad, Jericho S. Villanueva, Kelsy C. von Scheerschmidt, Rebecca H. Wamack, Meaghan M. Way, Joshua J. Young.
    Brody A. Armstrong, Hallie D. Bernhoft, Gabriella M. Cagle, Vincent L. David, Piper A. Froehlich, Jack E. Petersen, Perry L. Sandlin, Niko J. Sani, Sage M. Widmier, Kyla E. Young.
    Jhanna W. Antolin, Brady L. Barger, Jessica A. Barnes, Teagan Bickar, Abigail S. Brady, Farrah L. Davis, Hannah M. Davis, Melissa A. Dumag, Abigayle L. Erickson, John James D. Ganitano, Justin O. Harang, Robert S. Hood, Austin J. Inman, Courtney N. Lecrone, Xeviar N. Lysons, Mackinzie J. McGraw, Krista R. Meyer, Luckyrae E. Miguel, Robert J. Miller, Kendal D. Phippen, Ethan J. Vastola, Jovani D. Villanueva, Francisca A. Walden.

High Honor Roll
    Colin A. Baciocco, Curt V. Bartlett, Ellie S. Bone, Connor G. Buxton, Megan K. Christner, Sean H. Climo, Emma J. Combs, Joanna A. Davis, Odalys A. Esparza, Connor A. Fulton, Harry Hartzog, Katherine A. Holmgren, Alexandra H. Kirby, Zosha L. Krupa, Brittany H. Michael, Kathryn F. Morse, Makayla D. Murphy, Dillon L. Quealey, Amanda I. Roe, Payton R. Russell, Erika L. Seehafer, Ky T. Stockel, Rcel Dorthy C. Subillaga, Tabitha L. Sutton, James P. Swedeen, Conner J. Unger, Ali M. Venneberg.
    Kristine C. Banh, Dakota C. Bauder, Tevin L. Bayne, Michael J. Bekeris, Jeremy D. Boose, Braden R. Case, Miles R. Chadwick, Hailey D. Denkinger, Kariel M. Galbraith, Brady J. Harang, Erin M. Iwamoto, Josie L. Johnson, Savvas J. Matiatos, Walter D. Palof, Ava M. Parrish, William S. Pate, Lea Angela P. Ramil, Shelby K. Schmitt, Emily M. Stenberg, Danika B. Weaver, Kaysia C. Whitmill, Mackenzie E. Whitson, Jordan C. Zellhuber.
    Jorge S. Bautista, Michael X. Boose, Liam M. Carbillon, Valerie O. Chinalski, Alexander J. Corak, Ahna E. Cushing, Joy M. Davis, Kaya J. Duguay, Owen R. Fulton, Natalie K. Galanin, Lorella Gil Bernal, Kalene R. Koelling, Kaylen Lozano, Celia M. Lubin, Justice R. Lysons, Safaya C. Mann, Evan S. McArthur, Kaytlin Mead, Tad J. Nelson, Mark Joseph A. Partido, Sophia R. Peters, Annemarie N. Pike, Sidney R. Riggs, Melea R. Roman, Maraelia Adora V. Romine, Trevor R. Schoening, Brianna L. Schulz, TristanRoe S. Van Cise, Alison N. Wood, Salma Zakiyah, Alora A. Zellhuber.
    Denley S. Arce, Editha A. Bagoyo, Louis E. Belley, Emma M. Bruhl, Nicole C. Carlos, Abigail A. Chadwick, Tressica N. Chambers, Lione H. Clare, Kaycie L. Coleman, Spencer L. Combs, Zailey M. Dangel, Erikson S. Fish, Shanti M. Friedman, Joseph Galbraith, Cassandra G. Gillespie, Rachel K. Harris, Joseph D. Inman, Sophia C. Mudry, Rosalind J. Palof, Chaya E. Pike, Megan A. Reid, Dylan S. Reinhardt, Samantha M. Robinson, Destony H. Rosas, Pia F. Steidl, Samson J. Stengl, Madison M. Stocker, Daliya L. Tazeyeva, Alycia N. Tresham, Melanie L. Villanueva, Brian J. Way, Hannah N. Whitson.

    Unitarians Meet
    Sunday’s Unitarian Fellowship program “Can’t We Get Along? Loving Your (Political) Opponent” will begin at 10:45 a.m., following fellowship at 10:30 a.m.
    ‘‘To work effectively on social justice issues, we must find ways to address our differences as a church, as a community, and as a society,’’ organizers of the program said.
     Soup and bread follow the program at noon. The Fellowship Hall is located at 408 Marine Street, with parking behind off Spruce Street.

    Volunteers Needed
    For SJ Campus
    Saturday volunteer work parties continue on the SJ Campus, focused on finishing Allen Hall.  Participants will meet at Allen Hall at 9 a.m., break for a hot lunch at noon, and continue until 3 p.m.
    Volunteers will stain trim and clean and paint Allen Hall. All are welcome to join at any time.  Call Sitka Fine Arts Camp office 747-3085 with questions.

    ANB to Meet
    The Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 1 will meet 6:30-8 p.m. Feb. 10 at the ANB Founders Hall.
    The ANB welcomes community and ANB/ANS members to participate in the meeting. To volunteer, request information about joining the ANB or for general information about use of the ANB Hall, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

    Banquet Tickets
    For Installation
    Banquet tickets for the installation of  Archimandrite Father Dave (Mahaffey) as the Bishop of Sitka and Alaska are available for $50 a person.
    The event will be held 1 p.m. Feb. 23 at Centennial Hall. Those wanting to attend should send reservation, and payment to Fr. Michael Boyle, St. Michael’s Orthodox Cathedral, P.O. Box 697, Sitka. Checks and money orders should be made out to the Diocese of Sitka and Alaska. Additional information about the Feb. 22-23 celebration  can be attained by calling 747-8120 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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March 2005

Western Illinois’ Travis Watson was named Swimming and Diving Athlete of the Week by the Mid-Continent Conference after a successful campaign in recent individual and relay team events. Watson, a 2000 Sitka High graduate, is a senior in engineering technology. He is the son of Cathy Watson and the late Craig H. Watson.



March 1975

Marilyn Knapp, president of the Greater Sitka Arts Council, announced today the council will solicit local businesses and individuals for scholarships to be awarded to Sitka students planning to attend the Regional Fine Arts Camp on the Sheldon Jackson College campus in July.


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