May 30, 2014 Community Happenings

Dolly Varden
Spring Forth

By Rick Dickson
    Late spring is the time of year when large schools of sea-run Dolly Varden trout show up at the mouths of local streams waiting to enter and spawn. On light tackle, such as fly rods and ultra-light spinning gear, these char put up quite a determined fight. Strong fish, they make long, hard runs, but usually don’t display the acrobatics of steelhead and salmon. Nickel bright from the sea, their pink flesh is quite tasty, too.
    Good sport with “Dollies” can currently be had without a boat in Silver Bay near the Herring Cove trailhead parking lot at the end of Sawmill Creek Road. There is a small stream approximately 50 yards from the parking lot that runs under then end of Sawmill Creek Road, emptying into the bay. The Dollies congregate outside the mouth of this stream approximately 30 to 50 yards out into the bay during incoming tides. The best time to fish seems to be around an hour before and after high tide.
    Small inch-long fly-rod size Kastmaster 1/12 ounce silver and blue or silver and green spoons seem to work best and simulate the small salmon and Dolly Varden fry, these fish are feeding upon. Large schools with various size Dollies seem to run back and forth from deeper water in Silver Bay to the shallower, rocky and sandy flats around the stream every five minutes or so during high tide. Examination of stomach contents also shows that these Dollies are feeding on small Pacific Sand Lance as well as the aforementioned Dolly and salmon fry. Perhaps a two- or three-inch sand lance imitation would work well, too.
    The Dollies at Herring Cove run anywhere from a quarter pound to over three pounds. The males are much smaller and slimmer than the larger “hen” females.
    Rick Dickson is a recent resident to Sitka, having moved here in early March from the Seattle area. He works for a local seafood processor. He is a lifelong fly fisherman, and at one time owned a small fly fishing accessories manufacturing company, Freehand Fly Fishing, which sold its products over the internet.

    4-H to Register
    Alaska Way of Life 4-H summer program registration is open.
    Participants are invited to get out and explore the forest, beach, sky and water. Cooking with wild and cultivated edibles is planned.
    New members are being encouraged to join. It is open to kindergarten through eighth grades. Contact Mary at the Sitka Conservation Society, 747-7509 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , for more information or to register.

    Volunteers Needed
    On SJ Campus
    Saturday volunteer work parties continue on the SJ Campus each Saturday, focused on restoring and improving the quad buildings.
    Participants will meet at Whitmore Hall at 9 a.m. May 31, break for a hot lunch at noon, and continue until 3 p.m. Volunteers will be painting inside and out. All are welcome to join at any time.  Call Sitka Fine Arts Camp office at 747-3085 with questions.

Fresh from Kettleson

By Litwit
    Greetings, Kettleheads! It is I, the Litwit. Yes, your favorite local public library now has a regular newspaper column to keep you up-to-date on all the latest goings on at Kettleson Memorial Library. This is a big day for the Litwit (yes, the Litwit likes to talk about himself in the third person).
    You see, it has always been the Litwit’s second most persistent dream to write a newspaper column, right behind the dream he often has in which he finds himself out in public without any pants.
    ‘‘But Litwit,’’ you say. ‘‘Why do I, Joe Schmoe, need to read some fancy newspaper column just to find out what’s going on at the library? Also, where are your pants?’’
    Well, Mr. Schmoe, you need to read this column because there are a lot of great things going on at Kettleson Memorial Library that you may not be aware of. For instance, did you know that the 6th annual Adult Spelling Bee is coming up? It’s true! On Sunday, June 1, at 4 p.m., Sitkans will gather at Kettleson for a night of high-falutin’ fun with letters. Think you’ve got what it takes to spell your fellow word nerds under the library table? Come on down to the library and register. It’s $20 per person (teams of one or two accepted).

    Greg Mandel (Litwit) is a former Sitkan who has returned after many years away to work at Kettleson. He previously was in Portland, Oregon, where he was a columnist for The Oregonian.

    Sitka Student
    Earns Degree
    Kathryn Medinger, the daughter of Robert Medinger of Sitka and Mary Kaye Medinger of Saint Paul, Minnesota, graduated from Macalester College  May 17. Medinger received a liberal arts degree in psychology. She is a graduate of Sitka High School.
    Macalester College President Brian Rosenberg presented diplomas to 483 graduating seniors.

    Fusion Taught
    TRX cardio fusion combines the  traditional TRX class format with heart pumping circuit and high-intensity interval training to offer a challenging strength and cardio workout.
    Classes are being offered at the Hames Center 5:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays and 5 p.m. Fridays June 11-July 7. Log on to

    Tot Gym Ending
    Tot’s gym at the Hames Center ends June 6 for the summer. The activity includes tunnels, scooters, toys and an open gym.
    It is set 9:30-10:30 a.m. Monday and Friday. Cost is $5 a family. The Website is

    Classes Offered
    At Hames Center
    Several new classes are being held this summer at Hames Center.
    Some of the new offerings include kettlebell basics, pure power infusion, spin/abs class to focus on core strength and cardio training, balls and bands, TRX basics, or push the limits with TRX fusion.  Check out or call 747-5080 for more information.

30S.E. State Fair
    Reps in Sitka
    Staff members from the Southeast Alaska State Fair will visit Sitka June 3 to promote interest in the fair, including in exhibiting arts and crafts, participating in contests, and event attendance.
    The 46th annual fair runs July 31-Aug. 3 in Haines. Residents can drop in for a visit with Fair Executive Director Jessica Edwards and Events Assistant Julie Leonard from 1-3 p.m. June 3 at the Backdoor Café.
    Artists interested in submitting designs for a “Wearable Art Review” at the fair are invited to a meet and greet 5-6 p.m. at Centennial Hall. Edwards and Leonard also will attend the Rotary Club meeting at noon.
    Fair staff is also seeking a Sitka resident interested in collecting and shipping exhibits, and a qualified person to help with exhibit judging. Both are volunteer positions that help promote grassroots art in the community, and  give artisans an outlet to display creative work to a regional audience.
    Creative exhibits bound for the fair should be submitted by July 11. Exhibit departments include: beer and wine, preserved foods, crochet, knitting, needlework, fiber arts, quilting, sewing, fine arts, fine crafts, writing and music, photography, woodworking, Native style arts, pioneer arts and recycling, hobbies and crafts, and youth projects.
    Contact the fair office, 766-2476 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , for information.
    Qualified Southeast Alaska State Fair Department and Division exhibit winners are eligible for free entry and shipping to be exhibited at the Alaska State Fair in Palmer.
    Contact the fair office for information about the fair, exhibiting or judging, or becoming the fair’s town representative in Sitka.

    30Emblem Club
    Election on Tap
    At its regular business meeting 7 p.m. June 12, at Sitka Emblem Club will hold election of officers.
    Members are being encouraged to attend. Also to be discussed are plans for Father’s Day and 4th of July.  Contact President Glade Morales at 738-0630 for questions or if a ride is needed.

    30Local Foods
    Events Listed
    Anore Jones, author of ‘‘Plants That We Eat,’’ will present a talk on subarctic cuisine 9:30 a.m. May 31 at the Rasmuson Center on the SJ Campus.
    A local foods feast potluck is slated 5:30 p.m. May 31, open to the public, at the Sheet’ka Kwaan Naa Kahidi. It will include Native dancing, Hawaiian Native chanting, music by Slack Tide and vendor tables. The main dish will be provided; attendees should take a dish to share.

EARNS DOCTORATE – Mary Wegner graduated on May 17 from Pepperdine University with a doctorate in educational technology. The graduation was held in Malibu, Calif., on the Pepperdine University campus. Wegner graduated with a 3.94 grade point average, and successfully defended her doctoral dissertation in October 2013. She currently serves as the assistant superintendent of the Sitka School District, and has been selected to be the superintendent starting this summer. (Photo provided to the Sentinel)

    Senior Walking
    Group to Meet
    Sitka Pioneers Home, Southeast Alaska Independent Living and SEARHC’s Elder Physical Activity Program are partnering to offer escorted walks 10:15-11:30 a.m. Tuesdays.
    Seniors with canes, crutches, and walkers are welcome, and walking sticks will be provided. It’s an opportunity for seniors to get outside, create walking goals, and connect with other seniors in the community.
    Family members are welcome to join the group and help escort. This week, the group will meet at Totem Park and walking along the Sea Walk.
    Attendees should take a bag lunch  for a picnic afterwards. Contact Emily Reilly,  SEARHC beneficiary, 966-8866, or Alli Gabbert at SAIL, 747-6859, with questions.

Tuesday, June 17th: Sitka’s Senior Walking Group
The Pioneer Home, SAIL, and SEARHC’s Elder Physical Activity Program are partnering to offer escorted walks on Tuesday mornings from 10:15am to 11:30am. Seniors with canes, crutches, and walkers are welcome, and walking sticks will be provided. It’s an opportunity for seniors to get outside, create walking goals, and connect with other seniors in the community. Family members are welcome to join the group and help escort.This week, the group will be meeting at Sitka Sound Science Center and will walk along the Sea Walk. Bring a bag lunch and enjoy a picnic afterwards. Please contact Emily Reilly if you are a SEARHC beneficiary at 966-8866 or Alli Gabbert at SAIL: 747-6859 if you have questions or would like to walk with us.”

Tuesday, June 24th: Sitka’s Senior Walking Group
The Pioneer Home, SAIL, and SEARHC’s Elder Physical Activity Program are partnering to offer escorted walks on Tuesday mornings from 10:15am to 11:30am. Seniors with canes, crutches, and walkers are welcome, and walking sticks will be provided. It’s an opportunity for seniors to get outside, create walking goals, and connect with other seniors in the community. Family members are welcome to join the group and help escort.This week, the group will be meeting at Crescent Harbor Shelter and will be walking along the Sea Walk. Bring a bag lunch and enjoy a picnic afterwards. Please contact Emily Reilly if you are a SEARHC beneficiary at 966-8866 or Alli Gabbert at SAIL: 747-6859 if you have questions or would like to walk with us.

    Ranger-Led Walks
    Scheduled at Park
    Sitka National Historical Park offers daily guided programs to teach visitors about the park’s natural and cultural resources.
    Battle Walk tours return to the battleground and former fort site of the Tlingit-Russian Battle of 1804, which was pivotal in determining the history of the Alaska region. Offered daily, the guided walk is approximately three-quarters of a mile, and lasts about 45 minutes to one hour.
    The Carved History Walk tells the stories and legends of the totem poles on the Totem Loop Trail, focusing on the common totem figures, the origins of the 1903 John Brady collection, carving methods, and the native culture of Southeast Alaska. Offered daily, the guided walk is approximately one mile, and lasts about one hour.
    Discovery Talks feature topics ranging from local flora to banana slugs to cultural history. Offered daily, the guided walk duration varies with the program.
    Ranger-guided schedules this week are: June 1, 9 a.m. Battle Walk and 10 a.m. Totem Walk; June 2, 9 a.m.  Battle Walk and 10 a.m. Totem Walk; June 3, 10 a.m. Battle Walk, 1 p.m. Totem Walk, 2:30 p.m. Discovery Talk; June 4, 9 a.m. Totem Walk, 10 a.m. Battle Walk, noon Totem Walk and 1:30 p.m.  Discovery Talk; June 5, 9 a.m. Battle Walk, 10 a.m. Totem Walk, 2 p.m. Discovery Talk; June 6, 10 a.m. Totem Walk and 2 p.m. Discovery Talk; June 7, 2 p.m. National Trails Day and 2 p.m.  Discovery Talk.
    All ranger-led tours meet at the Sitka NHP visitor center. Call
    For more information about the ranger-guided tours at Sitka NHP, call the visitor center at 747-0110.

STAFF HONORED – SEARHC Spring Staff of the Season award winners gathered at a May luncheon to honor employees nominated and selected by co-workers for consistently providing excellent customer service. Pictured in the front row, left to right, are Tina Anderson, Karen Mead and Tahirih Lang. In the back row, left to right, are Chief Operating Officer Dan Neumeister, Nikki Bandy, Richelle Murphy, Ramona Simmons, Andrea Thomas and Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital Medical Director Elliot Bruhl, M.D. Award winners not pictured are Janelle Heim and Julie Graham. (Photo by Crystal Duncan)

    Tribal Council
    Seeks Nominations
    The Sitka Tribe of Alaska Tribal Council invites Tribal Citizens to submit nomination letters for Tribal Citizen of the Year and Tribal Elder of the Year for 2013.
    Letters must include the name of the person being nominated, their contributions and accomplishments, and contact information for both the nominee and nominator.
    Send nominations to: Chairman Michael Baines, Citizen Nomination, Sitka Tribe of Alaska, 456 Katlian Street, Sitka AK 99835.
    The acceptance deadline is 11 a.m.  June 13 for inclusion in the June 18 Tribal Council meeting packet.
    Those with questions may contact staff at 747-7352.

    Summer Camps
    Set to Register
    Sitka Community Schools is holding registration for summer camps for students in kindergarten through fifth grades.
     Camps are $65 each and run from 9:30 a.m. to noon Monday through Thursday, beginning June 16.
    For more information contact Community Schools at 747-8670.

    SCORE to Register
    Summer Camping, Outdoor, Recreation and Education for ages 9-14 is being offered through Sitka Community Schools.
    For more than 20 years SCORE has connected kids to their community through volunteering.
    Campers will learn leadership skills, local history and more all while being active outdoors, led by Woody Widmark. It begins June 16. The registration fee is $20. For more information call 747-8670.

World No Tobacco Day highlights call for higher tobacco taxes
     On World No Tobacco Day, May 31, the World Health Organization is calling on countries, states and local communities to raise taxes on tobacco, estimating that an increase in tobacco taxes by 50 percent worldwide would reduce the number of smokers by 49 million within the next three years and ultimately save 11 million lives.
    A press release from SEARHC said that tobacco kills up to half of its users. It also incurs considerable costs for families, businesses and governments. Treating tobacco-related diseases like cancer and heart disease is expensive  – Alaska spent over $327 million in fiscal year 2013. And as tobacco-related disease and death often strikes people in the prime of their working lives, productivity and incomes fall – Alaska saw $236 million in lost productivity in fiscal year 2013.
    “Price increases are two to three times more effective in reducing tobacco use among young people than among older adults,” said Dr. Ward Hurlburt, Alaska’s chief medical officer. “As tobacco taxes go up, death and disease go down.”
    Local cigarette and tobacco taxes bring in about half a billion dollars in annual revenue and work effectively to reduce smoking rates, especially among youths. Alaska has a $2-per-pack tax on cigarettes, and some individual communities place an additional tax on tobacco products.
    According to the WHO, high prices are particularly effective in discouraging young people (who often have more limited incomes than older adults) from taking up smoking. They also encourage existing young smokers to either reduce their use of tobacco or quit altogether.
    The general consensus is that every 10 percent increase in the real price of cigarettes: reduces overall cigarette consumption by approximately three to five percent; reduces the number of young-adult smokers by 3.5 percent; reduces the number of kids who smoke by 6 or 7 percent.
    “For our communities in Southeast Alaska it is a win-win,” said Martha Pearson, SEARHC Health Promotion director. “When prices are higher, adults are more likely to quit and youths are less likely to start.”

30    Alton ‘Ike’ Cropley
    Services Scheduled
    Alton “Ike” Cropley, Kich, Eagle Kaagwaantaan Box House, passed away May 18, 2014, at Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage following a brief illness. He was 92.
    Services and a potluck dinner will be held 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 9, at the Glacier Valley Church of God, 8497 Thunder Mountain Road, Juneau.
    An obituary will be published in the Sentinel.

    Park Invites Sitkans to Join
    National Trails Day Event        National Trails Day is June 7, and in Sitka a celebration will be hosted by Sitka National Historical Park at the park’s visitor center.
    The public is invited to all or part of the event as Sitkans join thousands of other people across the country in celebrating the many trails that allow access to the natural world for recreation, education, exploration, solitude, inspiration, and physical and mental health, a press release said.
    The educational event will focus on safety in bear country when hiking, and an orientation to the recently completed River View Trail will be held.  
    The schedule will begin at 2 p.m. with a showing of ‘‘The Ends of the Earth,’’ an award-winning 26-minute documentary about the ecosystem of Katmai National Park and Preserve and the Alaska Peninsula, a landscape where bears outnumber people and the sockeye salmon run is the most prolific in the world.
    The second part of the program, at 2:30 p.m., will focus specifically on bear safety and will include a short ‘‘Bear Spray Training’’ video, a review of basic safety tips regarding hiking in bear country and hands-on practice with bear spray techniques using inert canisters. It will focus on bear spray use and will not include information or discussion about firearms and bears.   At 2:50 p.m. a bear spray practice using an inert canister is planned outside the park’s visitor center.
    The event will conclude with a 3:15 p.m. tour of the recently completed River View Trail with Chief Ranger Carin Farley. Participants will see the latest addition to the trail system at the park and hear about the tools and techniques that were used by the trail crew from Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park to complete the project last fall.

    Workshop On
    Rhubarb Set
    The Sitka Local Foods Network reminds the public that it’s time to get out in the garden and plant.
    Perry Edwards will host a short on-the-ground rhubarb workshop 9 a.m.  June 7, at 131 Shelikof Way.
    Rhubarb is an easy-to-grow, productive, and healthy “fruit” that grows great in Sitka, Edwards said.
    At the workshop, participants will learn the right way to pick rhubarb so it stays productive all spring and summer long. How to plant, fertilize and eat rhubarb will be discussed.
    Through a drawing, two participants will go home with enough rhubarb to make a simple rhubarb sauce. Anyone may attend, but parking space is limited, so those interested in participating are asked to please consider walking, bike riding or carpooling.
    The Sitka Local Foods Network is hosting a series of “It’s time to …” workshops this spring and summer designed to help local residents learn about various aspects of vegetable gardening and fruit growing. Many of these classes will be informal get-togethers at various gardens around town.
    Watch the website, Facebook page, Facebook group, and local news media for information about upcoming classes. Those wanting to teach a workshop may contact Michelle Putz at 747-2708.
    The group is looking to expand its network of local volunteers who can teach classes (formal and informal) this year about growing food. To be added to database of instructors, either attend the program or e-mail Charles Bingham at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with information about topics to teach, gardening experience, and contact information.

    WOTM Seeks
    Fish Donation
    The Women of the Moose is seeking donations of halibut for its annual Fourth of July fish and chips fundraiser.
    Funds raised will sponsor events throughout the year.
    Donations should be clearly marked ‘‘4th of July-WOTM’’ and taken to the Moose Lodge.
    Those with questions may call Faith at 752-0306, Lynn at 738-0717 or Maribeth at 738-8405.

    Brown Bear Hunt
    In Unit 4 Ends
    Hunters are reminded the remainder of the Unit 4 registration brown bear hunt in outside drainages ends May 31. The inside drainages ended May 20.
    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game said that successful hunters must report harvest to Fish and Game within 10 days of kill and have the bear sealed within 30 days. All individuals who obtained Unit 4 registration permits for brown bear this spring must return hunt reports by June 16. Hunt reports can be mailed or dropped off at the Sitka ADF&G office at 304 Lake Street, Room 103.
    Unsuccessful hunters and those who did not hunt may report online at For more information  contact ADF&G in Sitka at 747-5449.

    Melodrama Set
    For Sitka Stage
    ‘‘The Paris of the Pacific, a Sitka-ized Melodrama,’’ will be presented by the Greater Sitka Arts Council 7 p.m. June 16, 19, 23 and 26 at the Sheet’ka Kwaan Naa Kahidi.
    Tickets are available at Old Harbor Books.
    Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , visit or call 747-4821 for more information.

    SJ Museum
    Fish Skin Bags
    Workshop Set
    As part of the Sheldon Jackson Museum’s Native Artist Residency Program, Athabaskan artist Audrey Armstrong will offer a hands-on workshop on sewing fish skin bags 10 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. June 2-6 and a joint lecture with the curator on the fish-skin sewing process and the science behind it 2 p.m. June 7.
    Workshop participants will share their creations, at the lecture for the public, on June 7.
    The class is being held at the Sitka Sound Science Center and the lecture will be held at the Sheldon Jackson Museum.
    The workshop is free due to a grant from the Sitka Alaska Permanent Charitable Trust and the partnership with the science center to provide the work space. Participants will need to obtain some materials for the class and plan to attend the lecture on June 7 to share their art. A materials list is available from the Sheldon Jackson Museum.
    Registration is required and space is limited. To register, call 747-8981.
    Armstrong was born in Galena. At age 28, she apprenticed with Athabaskan Elder Charlotte Douthit to learn skin-sewing and beadwork. She also attended artist Fran Reed’s last class on fish skin and gained insight about how important it was to pass along her Koyukon ancestral art form of sewing them. Armstrong’s baskets are in the collections of the Alaska Federation of Natives, Cook Inlet Regional Incorporated, Alaska Native Arts Foundation, and private collections around the nation. In 2008 she received the Individual Artist award from Rasmuson Foundation.
    The Native Artist Demonstrators Program is supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum.


Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network ; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for city and other critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the sudden breakage of GCI's fiberoptic cable on August 29, which left most of Sitka without internet or phone connections. CCTHITA's public-spirited response to the emergency is inspiring.

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September 2004

Sheldon Jackson College’s Service Programs and Civic Engagement Project is teaming up with One Day’s Pay to provide volunteer service in remembrance of Sept. 11. ... To join the effort contact Chris Bryner.


September 1974

From On the Go by SAM: The Greater Sitka Arts Council has issued its first newsletter – congratulations! Included with the newsletter is an arts event calendar.


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