October 14, 2014 Community Happenings
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- Category: News
- Created on Tuesday, 14 October 2014 11:00
- Hits: 6408
Fresh From Kettleson
The Litwit
By Greg Mandel
Greetings, Kettleheads! It is I, the Litwit, bringing you the latest from Kettleson Memorial Library.
You can’t spell “books” without boo, as we here at Kettleson Library are out to prove this Halloween. Sitka Babies and Books is hosting a Halloween Open House at the library on Saturday, Oct. 25, from 10 a.m. to noon. Kids through kindergarten age are invited to come and wear their costumes. There’ll be a scavenger hunt with prizes, crafts, free board books, and so much fun it’s scary! We’re also planning some fun Halloween events for older kids the following week – on the 31st. Stay tuned for details.
You know what else is spooky? The fact that hardly anyone seems to know about all the fantastic databases and resources you can access online from the library’s Web site. There are more than 50 databases available to you through SLED (the State Library Electronic Doorway), live homework help for students, and a whole library of e-Books just waiting to be downloaded from Listen Alaska. You can even learn a new language, choosing from more than 60 different foreign languages through Mango Languages. Sacre bleu!
But Litwit, you ask, how do I access all these wonderful resources?
Simple. Go to our Web site, www.cityofsitka.com, click on: “Departments” and then “Library.” That gets you to our Home page, where you can find Listen Alaska’s eBooks, audiobooks and music, plus NewsBank (which offers access to the Sentinel and other Alaska newspapers), and more.
To reach our databases, from our Home page, click on “Online Links,” then on “SLED,” then on “A-Z SLED Databases.” You’ll be taken to an alphabetical list of all our databases.
Now, hold on to your hat, ‘cause you’ve just entered a world of beautiful information. Want to browse through tons of historical photographs, maps, and documents from libraries, museums and other archives throughout the state of Alaska? Click on “Alaska’s Digital Archives.”
Want to map your family tree? There’s Heritage Quest for genealogical research. Got a question about Auto Repair? Hey, there’s the Auto Repair Reference Center. There’s health and medical-related databases like Medline and Consumer Health Complete, and Academic Search Premier for college-level research in academic journals and magazines. Fifty-four databases in all, literally at your fingertips when you visit the library online, and you can do it all while sitting at home in your underwear. Now that’s a thought that’s truly scary!
Greg Mandel
Electronic Outreach Librarian
Kettleson Memorial Library
Woman’s Club
Offers Scholarship
Applications are being accepted for the 2014 Waldo Mills Scholarship from the Sitka Woman’s Club.
Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to single mothers engaged in academic or vocational pursuit to become self-sufficient. Applications must be received by the Woman’s Club by Nov. 30. For more information, call Sheila at 738-3098.
Woman’s Club
Offers Scholarship
Applications are being accepted for the 2014 Waldo Mills Scholarship from the Sitka Woman’s Club.
Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to single mothers engaged in academic or vocational pursuit to become self-sufficient in supporting her family. Awards may be applied towards tuition for Alaska college courses, vocational training or correspondence courses.
The club said that applicants must reside in Sitka, and may be part-time or full-time students.
To apply, write a one-page letter describing present situation, and stating educational goals and objectives. Letters should be sent to the Sitka Woman’s Club, 300 Harbor Drive, Sitka, AK 99835. Applications must be received by Nov. 30. Scholarships will be awarded in early December.
For more information, call Sheila Finkenbinder at 738-3098.
The Sitka Woman’s Club is dedicated to serving the community of Sitka by being an organized center of thought and action that champions humanitarian causes, fosters closer personal acquaintances, and provides mutual assistance through social venues that promote the general well-being and prosperity of all with a focus on women and children.
Sage Building
Topic of Show
As a way to celebrate the Sage Building and the completion of the exterior renovations, KCAW will air interviews 9 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 16, with people who were educated in the building.
Science Center Executive Director Lisa Busch will talk with Nancy Yaw Davis and Gil Truitt, who share stories from the 1940s; Cleo Brylinsky, Jay Stelzenmueller, Kathy Kyle will offer stories from the early hatchery days in the mid 1970s and Heather Meuret- Woody and Stacy Golden will offer remembrances as college students from the 1990s.
‘Writers Read’
Event Oct. 29
Writers Read’s third season will kick off 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 29, at Yaw Chapel.
The reading will feature five local literary talents – Robert Davis Hoffmann, Cathryn Klusmeier, Greg Mandel, Tamie Parker Song and Berett Wilber – who will read their original writing.
Light treats will be served and the event is open to everyone. Donations are appreciated. Contact Brooke Schafer at 738-1017 with questions.
Chamber Meeting
Listed for Friday
The Chamber luncheon this week will be noon Friday at Westmark Sitka. It will be a forum with Alaska State House candidates Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins and Steven Samuelson.
Chamber luncheons are open to the public. Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
Session Begins
Community Schools announces an open woodworking session with Don Seesz and Greg Watchers 7-10 p.m. Wednesdays Oct. 15-Dec. 3.
Those who have woodworking experience and a project to work on can access the wood shop at Blatchley Middle School for a fee of $60.
Registration is open at Community Schools, or call for more information at 747-8670.
Little League
Board to Meet
Sitka Little League Board will hold elections for the 2015 Little League season 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21, at Blatchley Middle School.
Those who are interested in helping out big or small in the upcoming season are being encouraged to attend the meeting.
Nominations are being taken for board positions.
Needed are volunteers for Majors and Minors baseball vice president, equipment manager, fund-raising chair, and website coordinator. For more information contact a board member – listed at http://www.eteamz.com/SitkaLL/board/.
Playground is
Program Topic
The City of Sitka Parks Division and Parks and Recreation Committee will hold a public meeting regarding the location of the proposed community playground 6-7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 22, at the Sitka Fire Hall.
Information on the possible playground locations, including Crescent Harbor Park, will be presented. All are invited to attend. Children are welcome.
For more information, call Lynne Brandon at 747-1852.
WOTM to Meet;
Volunteers Sought
Women of the Moose will meet 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Moose Lodge, upstairs.
On the agenda is the Alaska Day fundraiser. Help is needed in the kitchen 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Oct. 18. Two-hour commitments of time are needed to cut and prep fish for fish and chip trays.
Call Maribeth or any officer with questions.
Tribal Citizens
Get Reminder
Sitka Tribe of Alaska’s Tribal elections are slated in November.
Those voting should stop by the office and update address and phone number if they have changed.
The Tribal chairman and four Tribal Council seats are open.
Those who are not enrolled are asked to stop by the office as soon as possible.
Elks, Emblem Club
Set Children’s Party
Sitka Elks Lodge and Sitka Emblem Club will host the annual children’s Halloween party noon-2 p.m. Oct. 19 at the lodge.
Members can sign up their children at the lodge.
Babies & Books
Open House Set
Babies and Books will host a trick-or-read open house program 10 a.m.-noon Oct. 25 at Kettleson Library.
Children are invited to wear their Halloween costumes for a scavenger hunt around the library with prizes, free board books and crafts. Registration is not required for the program for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.
For more information call the library at 747-8708.
SHS Volleyball
Benefit on Tap
Sitka High volleyball will have a benefit dinner and dessert auction 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 19, at the Sitka Elks Lodge.
Hand-battered halibut and chips will be $14.95 a plate. A dessert auction will follow.
All events held at the Elks Lodge are for member sand invited guests.
SAFV to Show Documentary
On Effects of ‘Private Violence’
Sitkans Against Family Violence is acknowledging October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month by inviting everyone to the free screening of a new documentary called ‘‘Private Violence’’ 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 20, at UAS-Sitka Campus, Room 229.
Free child care is provided, and refreshments will be served after the show. Advocates will be present for those who want to talk.
‘‘Private Violence’’ is a feature-length documentary film and audience engagement campaign that explores a simple, but deeply disturbing fact of American life: the most dangerous place for a woman in America is her own home.
‘‘Every day in the United States, at least four women are murdered by abusive (and often, ex) partners. The knee-jerk response is to ask: ‘why doesn’t she just leave?’
‘‘‘Private Violence’ shatters the brutality of this logic,’’ SAFV said.
Through the eyes of two survivors – Deanna Walters, a mother who seeks justice for the crimes committed against her at the hands of her estranged husband, and Kit Gruelle, an advocate who seeks justice for all women – the viewers bear witness to the complicated realities of intimate partner violence.
Kit’s work reveals the lives of several other women as they attempt to leave their abusers, setting them on a collision course with institutions fail them, often blaming victims for the violence they hope to flee.
The documentary will be screened on this day in many places around the country. Call SAFV at 747-3370 with questions.
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March 2005
Whale expert Jan Straley and biologists from Sitka Tribe of Alaska and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game will be featured on a cruise sponsored by Sitka Whalefest this weekend.
March 1975
Police Blotter: Preston Williams reported $6 worth of gas was stolen from his vehicle while it was parked at the Kiksadi. Paul Garwood said two tires on the KSA-TV van were slashed while the truck was parked at the Hobby House. George Reid, Arrowhead Trailer Court said guns, steamer trunks and decanters valued at $1,500 were stolen by burglars. A telephone was reported detached from the booth next to the post office.