December 30, 2014 Community Happenings

Quilters to Meet

The Ocean Wave Quilt Guild will meet Tuesday, Jan. 6, at Grace Harbor Church. A themed potluck will begin at 6 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 7 p.m. with business, show and tell, and refreshments.

The program will include a group presentation of favorite tips and tools for quilting.

The guild meets the first Tuesday of every month, September to May, and is open to all interested quilters.

For more information call Jan Lovett, president, at 747-3653,




Pick.Click.Give to Sitka


It’s time to apply for your PFD. When you do please donate part of it through Pick.Click.Give. This is the easiest way to give a tax free donation.

Just Pick your favorite non-profit from the list at; Click on their name after applying for your PFD; and Give to any of the 22 organizations that make Sitka the best place to be.

For more information including a list of who you can help check out


Thank you for supporting Sitka

sent by the 22 nonprofit organizations


Mountain Goat

Season to End

Hunters are reminded the mountain goat registration hunt RG150 on Baranof Island will end Dec. 31. The Blue Lake-Medvejie drainages were closed by emergency order July 31 and the North Fork Katlian watershed was closed by emergency order Aug. 29. 

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game said that successful hunters must submit hunt reports and goat horns for age and sex identification within five days of the date of kill.

Unsuccessful hunters and hunters who registered but did not hunt must return completed hunt reports to the Fish and Game office in Sitka by close of business Jan. 15, 2015, or report online at

Contact the Sitka Fish and Game office at 747-5449 for more information.


Brown Bear

Season Ends

The brown bear registration hunt RB077 in Unit 4 – Admiralty, Baranof, and Chichagof islands – will end Dec. 31.

Successful hunters must submit hunt reports within 10 days of the date of kill and have the bear sealed within 30 days, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game reminds hunters.

Unsuccessful hunters and hunters who registered but did not hunt must return completed hunt reports to the Fish and Game office in Sitka by close of business Jan. 15, 2015, or report online at All hunters who received permits must submit reports, even if they did not hunt.

Contact the Sitka Fish and Game office at 747-5449 for more information.


Deer Season

Ends Dec. 31

The Sitka black-tailed deer state hunting season in Unit 4 will end Dec. 31, hunters are being reminded by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

Successful hunters must submit hunt reports within 15 days of harvesting their last deer, or within 15 days after close of the season. Hunters who obtained deer harvest tickets, even those who did not hunt, must return completed hunt reports to Fish and  Game within 15 days after the close of the season they are qualified to hunt.  Contact the Sitka Fish and Game office at 747-5449 for information about the state deer season.

The federal subsistence deer season for federally qualified hunters continues on federal lands within Unit 4 until Jan. 31, 2015, unless closed earlier by the US Forest Service district rangers.

Federally qualified subsistence users continuing to hunt into January are reminded to obtain a valid 2015 hunting license. Deer harvest tickets issued for regulatory year 2014 continue to be valid for the federal season extending through January 2015, but hunters must be aware of the land ownership where they are hunting.

Additional information and maps concerning the federal subsistence season and hunter qualifications may be obtained by contacting the USFS Sitka district office at 747-6671, or online at Questions regarding the federal season may also be directed to the district office in Juneau at 586-8800, in Hoonah at 945-3631, or the Admiralty National Monument at 586-8790.


ALFA To Meet

The Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association will meet 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 21, in the downstairs classroom of the Sitka Sound Science Center to discuss International Pacific Halibut Commission catch limits and management proposals.

The meeting is open to the public. Call the ALFA office 747-3400 for more information.


Hames Holiday Hours

The Hames Center will be open 6 a.m.-4 p.m. on  New Year’s Eve and 1-5 p.m. on New Year’s Day. 


For more information go to

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March 2005

Whale expert Jan Straley and biologists from Sitka Tribe of Alaska and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game will be featured on a cruise sponsored by Sitka Whalefest this weekend.



March 1975

Police Blotter: Preston Williams reported $6 worth of gas was stolen from his vehicle while it was parked at the Kiksadi. Paul Garwood said two tires on the KSA-TV van were slashed while the truck was parked at the Hobby House. George Reid, Arrowhead Trailer Court said guns, steamer trunks and decanters valued at $1,500 were stolen by burglars. A telephone was reported detached from the booth next to the post office.


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