January 28, 2015 Community Happenings

Veterans Meeting

Set for Friday

Sitka veterans will meet 5:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 30, on the first floor conference room at SEARHC Community Health Building.

The group will begin the formation of Sitka Veterans Association. For more information contact George at 738-3688.


‘Beer Density’

Talk Presented

‘‘Beer Density,’’ with visiting scientist-in-the-schools presenter Julia O’Hern, will be 6-7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 30, at Baranof Island Brewing Company.

O’Hern has been giving marine science and density knowledge to third-graders for the SIS program, and wanted to provide a little adult twist for the public.

She and the Sitka Science Center staff will offer an experiment with BIBCo’s beer. The public is invited to stay and talk with O’Hern about her experiences as an oceanographer.


Volunteer Day at

Science Center

The Science Center will host a  monthly Volunteer Day. One Saturday a month the center is asking volunteers to swing by the science center from 10 a.m. to noon to help with a volunteer project.

This month, the center will tackle painting projects 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, Jan. 31. Volunteers of all ages are welcome to join. Painting supplies will be provided. Volunteers should wear  painting clothes.


Youth Gymnastics,

Silks Set at Hames

The Hames Center is offering classes in youth gymnastics and youth aerial silks.

Sign ups are 5:30-6:30 p.m. today and 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday. Classes are available for ages 1.5-18.

Those with gymnastics questions may email them to Trisha Bessert at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Aerial silks questions can be directed to Franni Donohoe at 738-0721.


Sitka Emblem

Club to Meet

Sitka Emblem Club will hold its monthly business meeting 7 p.m. Feb. 12 at the Elks Lodge. All members are asked to attend.

The meeting will include a nomination slate for 2015-2017 officers. Call President Glade Morales, at 738-0630, with questions.



Sitkans Invited

Sitka friends of Gene Prewitt . . . will remember back in May we had a grand “celebration of life” on Gene’s 80th birthday. What a wonderful opportunity for folks to express their friendship, admiration, and gratefulness to Gene. He went home with an extremely warm, full heart! To those of you who were there, and participated, many thanks! It couldn’t have been more perfect for Gene to be there! 

At this time for Sitka family and friends we would like to invite all to join us for a simple potluck picnic gathering at his favorite spot, Halibut Point Recreation area, Saturday, Feb. 7, at 1 p.m. Braving the weather, a pleasant, happy joining of Gene’s friends. Hope to see you there!

–Gene’s Family



Terry Shepherd

Dies in Hoonah

Terry “The Hobbit” Shepherd, 79, of Hoonah, died Jan. 20, 2015. He passed peacefully and was surrounded by his five children, Dennis, Ken, Jan, Dasha and Erica.

Terry was a long-haul truck driver, off-road logging truck driver and fisherman. He loved driving fast cars, playing music, and women. He was a unique and special spirit who was flirting and making people smile to the very end.


SCH Foundation

Meeting on Tap

The Sitka Community Hospital Foundation will hold its quarterly meeting noon Monday, Feb. 2 in the classroom of the hospital.

Lunch will be provided by the Basement Bistro. The agenda will include updates on grant proposals, fundraising and the hospital CEO. All members and those interested in joining the Foundation are welcome. For more information call Ann Wilkinson at 747-2707.


MEH’s Free

‘Doc Talks’

Set at Hames

A new series of Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital’s free, health-related speaker series ‘‘Doc Talks’’ will begin Wednesday, Feb. 4, at the Hames Center on the SJ Campus.

MEH said that the simplest and most cost-effective way to prevent illness and injury is through education and prevention.

‘‘Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital continues to place an emphasis on those things in addition to treating people if they become ill,’’ SEARHC said. ‘‘Reaching out to the community with a variety of topics presented by the hospital’s providers and specialists gives people the opportunity to learn more about how to maintain their health and prevent illness and injury. The “Doc Talks” speaker is an excellent way to do that, and based on the turnout during the first series, the community agrees.’’

Each Wednesday 7-8 p.m., a Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital provider will present a different topic and will be available to answer questions from the audience. Community members may choose which topics are of interest and attend as many as they like.

No prior registration is required.

The series of weekly presentations runs Feb. 4-April 1. Healthy snacks and refreshments will be provided beginning at 6:30 p.m. with the educational session starting at 7 p.m.

The Doc Talks schedule is as follows:

Feb. 4, Dr. Irbert Vega, ‘‘The Journey Through Pregnancy and Giving Birth with a Family Doctor’’; Feb. 11, Gio Villanueva, PT, DPT, ATC, ‘‘Prevention and Treatment of Rotator Cuff Injuries’’; Feb. 18, Dr. Valerie Edwards and Pharmacy Director Traci Gale, ‘‘Prescription Pain Medications: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly’’; Feb. 25, Dr. David Vastola, ‘‘All About Immunizations’’; March 4, Dr. Irbert Vega and Dr. Courtney Hayashi,  ‘‘Weight Loss Options: Lifestyle Changes, Medication and Surgery’’; March 11, Dr. John Baciocco, ‘‘Lab Tests: What Doctors Test for and Why’’; March 18, Dr. Loren Laybourn, ‘‘Musculoskeletal Ultrasound as a Supplement to MRI Imaging’’; March 25, Dr. Patricia McPherson, TBA; April 1, Jessica Holland, RD, LD,  ‘‘Healthy Eating 101: What You Might Not Know.’’

For more information call 738-0353.


SAIL to Visit

Raptor Center

SAIL invites Sitkans of all ability levels for an afternoon of exploring the Raptor Center.

Current SAIL consumers from ORCA and SOAR activities, family and friends are invited to meet at SAIL, 514 Lake Street Suite C, at 1:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 10, to take the SAIL bus to the center.

The tour will last 2-3 p.m., and cost is $10 per person. Contact Bridget at 747-6859 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to reserve a spot.


SAIL Seniors

Club to Go Hiking

SAIL’s Senior Hiking Club will meet 9:15-11:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 26. Interested seniors should meet at the Swan Lake Senior Center at 9:15 a.m.

The cost is $5 per participant, which includes transportation to the hiking location, trekking poles, and a snack. Participants will decide together where to hike. Seniors can hike at their own pace. Call or email Bridget at SAIL for more information at 747-6859 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Homeless Offered

Assistance, Items

Easter Group, the Salvation Army and Alaska Public Assistance are sponsoring a joint effort at the Salvation Army building noon-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 11, and Wednesday, Feb. 18, to provide basic assistance to the homeless and those at immediate risk of becoming homeless.

The event will replace the Project Homeless Connect held from 2012 through 2014. Included will be vouchers for haircuts and clothing, socks (two pair per customer), bags with personal care items and a “navigator service” to give aid in filling out applications and to identify which agencies or non-profits are able to help in locating aid with housing, utilities, food and other basic needs.

Those with questions can contact Dave and 747-6859 or Evadne at 747-3358.


Story Time Set

Kettleson Memorial Library will host a preschool story time 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 29.

‘‘Polar Animals’’ will be the theme and readings and a craft project will be part of the program. For more information call the library at 747-8708.


Babies and Books

Event Saturday

The monthly Babies and Books program will be held 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 31, at Kettleson Memorial Library.

Live music, movement games and sensory activities will be part of the program. Children from birth to age 3, along with their parents, caretakers, family and friends, are welcome to this event.

For more information, call Kettleson at 747-8708.


Wilderness First

Aid Class Set

The Alaska Marine Safety Education Association will conduct a 36-hour Wilderness Advanced First Aid  workshop Feb. 9-21.

The workshop teaches how to manage medical emergencies when hospitals and rescue services may not be available for an extended period of time. 

The WAFA workshop prepares students for emergency situations that involve prolonged patient care, severe environments, and improvised equipment. Students will receive Wilderness Medical Associates International’s internationally recognized, WAFA and adult CPR certification, which is valid for three years.

The U.S. Coast Guard accepts the WAFA certificate as meeting the training requirements for commercial fishermen.

Instructor Eric Van Cise will cover physiological systems, systems-based critical thinking, and patient assessment. He will go into thermo regulation, adult CPR and basic life support, musculoskeletal injuries, spine management, lifts, moves and extrications, wounds, burns, bites and stings, infection control, allergies and anaphylaxis. In addition, Van Cise will cover backcountry medicine, patient assessment drills and simulations, and legal issues.

The cost for the workshop is $375. It will be held at Southeast Regional EMS, 100 Clothilde Bahovic Way. The workshop schedule is 6:30-9:30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays. Call AMSEA at 747-3287 for more information or to register.


Family Event at

3 to 5 Preschool

Sitkans are invited to take a break from winter at the 3 to 5 Preschool’s free family event 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, Feb. 21. The event is geared toward ages 2-6. 

Attendees are invited to take their favorite pair of sunglasses for island festivities, including lei-making, coconut Playdoh ornaments, textured sandy postcards, ocean sensory table, surfing photo booth, island music and the limbo.

The classroom at 110 College Drive will be open for kids to explore the blocks, dramatic play, puppet, puzzle, and library.


Heat Pump Rebates

Available at City

The City of Sitka Electric Department is offering homeowners a rebate of $750 toward purchasing a heat pump to more efficiently heat their home.

Homeowners fill out an application to lock in the rebate, and then have 90 days to submit proof of purchase and installation.

The city said that applications are going fast. It doesn’t matter what the home’s heat source has been, or if more than one heat source ultimately heats the house. 

The objective of the program is to encourage efficient home heating, and wise use of Sitka’s electric power resources. Heat pumps purchased before the program began on Dec. 29, 2014, are not eligible.

Heat Pump Rebate applications are in the lobby at City Hall, at Kettleson Memorial Library, and at the 105 Jarvis Street Electric Department office. Call Carole at 747-1897 to learn more.


Seafood Festival

Planning Feb. 18

The Sitka Seafood Festival will hold an open meeting 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 18, at Centennial Hall.

Anyone interested in being part of the festival, or having ideas or suggestions, is encouraged to attend.  For more information, contact Alicia or Carolyn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


SCH CEO Speaks

At Auxiliary Meet

Rob Allen, Sitka Community Hospital CEO, will speak at the hospital auxiliary meeting noon Feb. 10 in the lower level classroom.

In the position for about a month, Rob Allen will report his findings as CEO of the hospital Auxiliary at their upcoming meeting, the Auxiliary said.

Allen’s update will be heard directly following a short business meeting.

The public is invited to attend. Membership in the Auxiliary is open to all. Dues are $10 each. The group meets four times a year.


Spring Flyaway

Party Feb. 28

Youth Advocates of Sitka will hold a Spring Flyaway Party fundraiser 6-11 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28, at the Eagle’s Nest, 611 Airport Road, U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Sitka.

It will include a raffle, silent auction, light food, pool, darts and music.

The raffle prize is two Alaska airlines round-trip travel vouches. Tickets are $10 each. The drawing is at 9 p.m. Tickets are available at Old Harbor Books or Youth Advocates of Sitka’s offices, 805 Lincoln Street. Proceeds support the mental health of Alaska’s youths and their families.


Pistol Leagues

Set to Register

The Sitka Sportsman’s Association announces the start of winter pistol leagues next week. Shooters of all ability levels are welcome.

The rimfire league will start on Tuesday, Feb. 3, and the centerfire league will start Thursday, Feb. 5. Shooting starts at 7 p.m. for both leagues.

Registration and practice will be 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29.

The cost is $30, plus association membership and a range card, which covers range time and targets for 12 weeks. Membership and range cards are also required.


Families Sought

For AFS Exchange

AFS Sitka is seeking host families for the next school year.

This year four Sitka families are hosting high school students from Albania, Moldova, Bangladesh and Russia. Next year’s AFS high school exchange students arrive in August and stay through the school year.

Hosting families can be tradition or non-traditional, with or without children. AFS in Sitka has a long history, and provides advice and support to hosting families.

Call Connie Kreiss, 747-5387, or Julia Smith, 747-6333, for more information.


Quilters Meet

The Ocean Wave Quilt Guild will meet 7 p.m. Feb. 3 at Grace Harbor Church. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. A business meeting will be followed by show and tell and refreshments.

The program will include Sarah Jordan offering travel tips for visiting the Sister Quilt Show in Oregon. The guild meets the first Tuesday of every month, September to May, and is open to all.

Call Jan Lovett, president of Ocean Wave Quilters, at 747-3653, with questions.



Gunalchéesh Háw’aa

Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, SitkaSentinel.com is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the scheduled maintenance of GCI’s fiberoptic cable starting March, 13th. CCTHITA’s public-spirited response to the outage is inspiring.

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March 2005

The Sitka High School jazz band and vocal jazz choir both gave command performances to an audience of some 5,000 at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in Moscow, Idaho. ... The SHS band director is Brent Purvis. 


March 1975

Advertisment: Come See! Sharon will demonstrate cake decoration, technique & artistry at our booth at the Sitka Trade Fair! SITKA BAKERY Hot bread and rolls fresh out of the oven from noon on Sundays.


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