May 21, 2015 Community Happenings
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- Category: News
- Created on Thursday, 21 May 2015 11:27
- Hits: 7285
HPR Area Shelter
Reservations Taken
Those wanting to use the shelters at Halibut Point Recreation Area are reminded they still must reserve them with the park ranger.
‘‘Currently there is a rumor going around that it is now on a first-come, first-served basis, which is not true,’’ Alaska State Parks said in a press release.
The park has a camp host and two Alaska Conservation Corp personnel who check the message machine twice a day – before 8:30 a.m. and at the end of the day. The number to call to reserve a spot is 747-6249.
‘‘They return the phone calls during the day as time allows but also try to make sure all calls are completed before close of business that day,’’ the park said. ‘‘ If you have not received a returned call, your message may have been garbled and could not understand the phone number, so please call back and leave another message. Hope this clears up any misunderstandings regarding the rec area.’’
Swan Lake Kids
Fishing Day Listed
The U.S. Forest Service, Alaska Department of Fish and Game and Sitka Rotary Club are hosting the annual Swan Lake Kids’ Fishing Day on Saturday, June 6.
Ages 2 to 12 are welcome. Registration opens at 8 a.m. and fishing begins at 9 a.m. Prizes will be awarded around 12:30 p.m. Kids may fish from shore or on a boat, but all participants must wear a personal flotation device. A limited number of PFDs will be available to borrow.
Local businesses donate prizes for a variety of categories. Activities include fishing, fish painting, and games. Hot dogs, chips, drinks and other snacks will be sold by the Sitka Rotary Club throughout the event.
For more information, contact Kyle Rosendale at 747-4205.
Marine Safety
Course for Trainers
The Alaska Marine Safety Education Association will conduct a six-day marine safety instructor training at the Public Safety Training Academy Sept. 22-27.
The intensive train-the-trainer course includes cold-water survival procedures, use of marine safety equipment, and vessel safety drills.
Taught by experienced mariners, the MSIT provides hands-on experience in survival equipment use and procedures. Topics covered during the course include preparation for emergencies, cold-water near drowning, hypothermia, cold-water survival, survival equipment, procedures and onboard drills, risk assessment, ergonomics, and methods of instruction.
AMSEA recommends the workshop to anyone who wants to provide cold-water survival, shore-side survival, or marine safety instruction, like the USCG-required drill conductor certification for commercial fishermen.
Those who complete the course will be prepared to teach AMSEA’s U.S. Coast Guard-approved Fishing Vessel Drill Conductor training, pending authorization from the Coast Guard. Participants may elect to co-teach a Fishing Vessel Drill Conductor training in Sitka on Sept. 28.
The cost for the course is $875 for AMSEA members and $995 for non-members. For more information or to register call AMSEA at 747-3287 or visit
Halibut Bycatch
Subject of Meet
Those who are concerned about halibut bycatch and want to learn what to do to stop it are invited to an informational meeting 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 26, at the NSRAA building on Sawmill Creek Road.
The event is open to the public. For more information call Linda at 738-3615.
Salmon Derby
Incentive Prize
Being Offered
To encourage Sitka Salmon Derby participants to enter all kings they catch each day, Samson Tug and Barge Co. is again offering five hidden weight incentive prizes of $500 each. Owner George Baggen says entering up to three fish each day increases the odds of winning.
Random target weights are computer drawn in advance, one for each day May 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31. Target weights are announced only after close of the respective days.
Entry forms and instructions will be available at ticket validation and at Crescent Harbor derby barge. After each day, contestants may submit an entry form for that day listing weights of one, two, or three fish to come close to the target weight by addition or subtraction.
Contestants may submit an entry for each of the five derby days. Weights submitted by contestants will be verified by the fish ladder recorder/statistician Marsha Lysons and derby Chairman John McCrehin. Winners for each day will be determined by the closest number to the target weight, either over or under.
Contact McCrehin for more information at 738-8636.
Ranger-Led Daily
Programs at Park
Get Under Way
Sitka National Historical Park offers daily guided programs teaching visitors about the park’s natural and cultural resources.
The Battle Walk returns to the battleground and former fort site of the Tlingit-Russian Battle of 1804, which was pivotal in determining the history of the Alaska region. This guided walk is approximately three-quarters of a mile, and lasts about 45 minutes to one hour.
The Totem Walk tells the stories and legends of the totem poles on the Totem Loop Trail, focusing on the common totem figures, the origins of the 1903 John Brady collection, carving methods, and the Native culture of Southeast Alaska. It is approximately one mile, and lasts about one hour.
The Sea Otter Discovery Talk teaches visitors about the ecological, cultural and historical importance of sea otters and how they adapted to their ocean environment. The talk lasts about 15 minutes.
The two-hour Spring Migration Bird Walk teaches visitors how to identify migrant and resident bird species that are found in Sitka National Historical Park.
Ranger-guided walks scheduled this week are: Sunday, May 24, 9 a.m. Battle Walk, 10 a.m. Totem Walk, 2:30 p.m. Sea Otter Discovery Talk; May 25, 10 a.m. Totem Walk, noon Totem Walk, 1 p.m. Sea Otter Discovery Talk; May 26, 9 a.m. Battle Walk, 10 a.m. Totem Walk, 1 p.m. Sea Otter Discovery Talk; May 27, 9 a.m. Battle Walk, 10 a.m. Totem Walk, 11 a.m. Sea Otter Discovery Talk, noon Totem Walk, 12:30 p.m. Sea Otter Discovery Talk; May 28, 10 a.m. Totem Walk, noon Totem Walk, 1 p.m. Sea Otter Discovery Talk, 3 p.m. Sea Otter Discovery Talk; May 29, 10 a.m. Totem Walk, 1 p.m. Totem Walk, 2 p.m. Sea Otter Discovery Talk; and May 30, 8 a.m. Bird Walk, 2 p.m. Totem Walk and 3 p.m. Sea Otter Discovery Talk.
All ranger-led tours meet at the Sitka NHP visitor center on Lincoln Street.
For more information call the visitor center at 747-0110.
Derby Special
Prizes Clarified
In observance of the 60th Sitka Salmon Derby, the Sitka Sportsman’s Association has contracted with an insurance company to provide the opportunity to win three large cash prizes.
Any fish eligible for the insurance prizes must be turned in to the Derby Barge in Crescent Harbor. The primary reason is that the insurance company’s “trusted agent” Ron Conklin will be there.
The first king turned in at Crescent Harbor which weighs between 50-50.99 pounds will be submitted to the insurance company for a chance to win $25,000. Likewise, the first king 44-44.99 pounds has a chance at $15,000, and the first king 21–21.99 pounds at $10,000 based on the insurance company’s pre-selected tenths and hundredths of the fish’s weight.
Anyone with questions can contact SSA President Steve Ramp at 738-7267 or Derby Chairman John McCrehin at 738-8636.
Class of 1985
Plans Reunion
The Sitka High class of 1985 is planning a reunion July 2-4.
The schedule will be: July 2, 1:30 p.m. tour of Sitka High, 3 p.m. tour of Fortress of the Bear, and 5 p.m. meeting reception at the Bayview Pub; July 3, 7 p.m. Allen Marine cruise and potluck; July 4, 12:30 p.m. parade lineup and 2 p.m. picnic, with the location pending.
Call 738-5496 or log on to the Facebook Class of ’85 Reunion.
Gunalchéesh Háw’aa
Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska broadband department, Tidal Network; Christopher Cropley, director of Tidal Network; and Luke Johnson, Tidal Network technician, is again being updated. Tidal Network has been working tirelessly to install Starlink satellite equipment for critical institutions, including the Sentinel, following the scheduled maintenance of GCI’s fiberoptic cable starting March, 13th. CCTHITA’s public-spirited response to the outage is inspiring.
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March 2005
The Sitka High School jazz band and vocal jazz choir both gave command performances to an audience of some 5,000 at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in Moscow, Idaho. ... The SHS band director is Brent Purvis.
March 1975
Advertisment: Come See! Sharon will demonstrate cake decoration, technique & artistry at our booth at the Sitka Trade Fair! SITKA BAKERY Hot bread and rolls fresh out of the oven from noon on Sundays.